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As they are retired, Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer a house in the country to _____ their remaining years there.









更多 “单选题As they are retired, Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer a house in the country to _____ their remaining years there.A spendB spendingC spentD spends” 相关考题
考题 Mrs. Wilson, a Cree Indian in her sixties, was looking for a home to rent. She heard that one was available in an ideal location, close to the Calgary core.Mrs. Wilson and her daughters went to look at the house. Sure enough, there was a For Rent sign in the window. A woman next door told them that the owner was Antonio Pompei, who owned a bakery farther up the street.Mrs. Wilson has great difficulty walking for she is almost blind, so she waited in the car while her daughters went along to the bakery. The daughters met Mr. Pompei, who agreed to rent the house. However, the daughters wanted to see the inside of the house before they agreed to rent it. One of the bakery employees went with them to the house, where he met Mrs. Wilson.All three women liked the house and returned to the bakery to tell Mr. Pompei that they would rent it.When Mr. Pompei saw Mrs. Wilson, he quickly walked out of the bakery. He had not realized Mrs. Wilson was Indian. Her daughters look more like their father, who is of a different ethnic(种族) origin. The next day, Mrs. Wilson and her daughters returned to the bakery in an attempt to rent the house. Because of her blindness, Mr. Wilson was helped out of the car and guided into the bakery by one of her daughters. Mr. Pompei told the women that the house was already rented.The Wilsons suspected discrimination. As soon as they got home, Mrs. Wilson phoned Mr. Pompei, without identifying herself, Mr. Pompei lost his temper.Mrs. Wilson complained to the Human Rights Commission. Their examination discovered that the tenants who did rent the house had not even seen it at the time when Mrs. Wilson visited it. They applied to rent it a full week after Mrs. Wilson had applied.(1)According to the passage, Mrs. Wilson was _____________.A、to rent the house for her daughtersB、to rent the house for someone elseC、to rent the house for her familyD、to sublet (转租) the house(2)According to the passage, we are certain that Mr. Wilson was _____________.A、an IndianB、not an IndianC、an AsianD、from India(3)Mrs. Wilson found Mr. Pompei’s discrimination by _____________.A、complaining to the Human Rights CommissionB、making the bakery owner angryC、making an unidentifiable phone callD、pretending to be a woman of wealth(4)In the end Mrs. Wilson couldn’t rent the house simply because _____________.A、she was of Indian originB、she needed assistance while walkingC、the owner of the house asked for more moneyD、she was almost blind(5)Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?A、Mr. Wilson had at least two daughters.B、The house had been rented to someone else a week before.C、Mrs. Wilson was almost blind.D、Mr. Pompei was practicing racial discrimination.

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考题 In Pride and Prejudice,Mary is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

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考题 Mrs. Robson had lived in the house ______.A. since she had sold her flatB. for less than a decadeC . since she had been bornD. for more than ten years

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考题 I remember () valuable time daydreaming all day long. A、to spendB、I spendingC、spendingD、to have been spending

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考题 Almost everyone knows the meaning of "Mr.", "Mrs.", and "Miss&q Almost everyone knows the meaning of "Mr.", "Mrs.", and "Miss". "Mr." is used before the names of gentlemen. "Mrs." is for married women and "Miss" is for single women. But what is "Ms."?For some time, businessmen in the US have used "Ms." before a woman's name when they do not know whether or not the woman is marrieD.Today, however, many women prefer to use "Ms." rather than "Mrs." or "Miss". The word "Mr." does not tell us whether a man is married or not. Many women think this is an advantage for men. They want to be equal to men in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether or not they are marrieD.There are some problems with "Ms.", however. Not all women like it. Some like the older ways of doing things. Some find it difficult to pronounce. ("Ms." sounds like [miz].) Generally, young women like it better than older women do. It is difficult to know whether "Ms." will be used by more American women in the future or not. What do you think of this change?1. Many young women prefer to use "Ms." because ________.:A.they think themselves as good as menB.it doesn't tell whether they're married or notC.the word sounds more pleasant than "Mrs." doesD.the word has been used for a long time

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考题 单选题I prefer to live in the countryside. Country life has a lot of()over city life.A characterB qualitiesC advantagesD ways

考题 单选题As they are retired, Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer a house in the country to _____ their remaining years there.A spendB spendingC spentD spends

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考题 单选题Mrs. Green _____ in this university for more than 20 years when she retired from work last month.A has taughtB had been teachingC has been teachingD had been taught

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