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英译中:Drop and pull transport


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更多 “名词解释题英译中:Drop and pull transport” 相关考题
考题 The policeman signaled to him to _______ to get the traffic moving again. (A)pull in(B) pull out(C) pull over(D) pull up


考题 The police asked the driver to()the car to have an alcohol test.A. pull overB. pull outC. pull on

考题 The CO2 flooding system is actuated by a sequence of steps which are ______.A.break glass, pull valve, break glass, pull cylinder controlB.sound evacuation alarm, pull handleC.open bypass valve, break glass, pull handleD.open stop valve, open control valve, trip alarm

考题 ● A transport layer protocol usually has several responsibilities. One is to create a process-to-process communication; UDP uses (71) numbers to accomplish this. Another responsibility is to provide control mechanisms at the transport level. UDP does this task at a very minimal level. There is no flow control mechanism and there is no (72) for received packet. UDP,however, does provide error control to some extent. If UDP detects an error in the received packet, it will silently drop it.The transport layer also provides a connection mechanism for the processes. The (73) must be able to send streams of data to the transport layer. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at (74) station to make the connection with the receiver, chop the stream into transportable units,number them, and send them one by one. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at the receiving end to wait until all the different units belonging to the same process have arrived, check and pass those that are (75) free, and deliver them to the receiving process as a stream.(71)A.hop B.port C.route D.packet(72)A.connection B.window C.acknowledgement D.destination(73)A.jobs B.processes C.programs D.users(74)A.sending B.routing C.switching D.receiving(75)A.call B.state C.cost D.error

考题 要删除视图myview,可以使用()语句。A.DROP myviewB.DROP TABLE myviewC.DROP INDEX myviewD.DROP VIEW myview

考题 Which of the following statements in supported by the passage?A.The sun shines constantly and gives out the same amount of energy every year.B.The cause of the sun’S fluctuations is its loss of energy with each passing yearC.It is sure that the energy sent out by the sun will drop when more sun spots appear.D.Fluctuations in weather pattems are the results of the pull of gravity.

考题 What must be carried out in order to launch and inflate an inflatable liferaft?A.Pull on the hydrostatic release,pull on the sea painterB.Push on the hydrostatic release,pull on the sea painterC.Push on the hydrostatic release,push on the sea painterD.Pull on the hydrostatic release,push on the sea painter

考题 When does the next train depart?A:.pull upB:pull downC:pull outD:pull in


考题 英译中(Translate):transpirational pull()

考题 ()(拔出) nails.A、Pull outB、Pull upC、Push downD、Push up


考题 要删除视图myview,可以使用()语句。A、DROP myviewB、DROP TABLE myviewC、DROP INDEX myviewD、DROP VIEW myview

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考题 英译中:Global transport net(GTN)

考题 Which commands is necessary to permit SSH or Telnet access to a cisco switch that is otherwiseconfigured for these vty line protocols?()A、transport type allB、transport output allC、transport preferred allD、transport input all

考题 英译中:Drop and pull transport


考题 填空题英译中(Translate):transpirational pull()

考题 单选题The C02 flooding system is actuated by a sequence of steps which are().A break glass,pull valve,break glass,pull cylinder controlB sound evacuation alarm,pull handleC open bypass valve,break glass,pull handleD open stop valve,open control valve,trip alarm

考题 单选题Electric cargo winches have an overload safety device which normally cuts the current to the winch motor().A after torque causes line pull to exceed the rated capacity of the winchB before the line pull reaches the rated capacity of the winchC when the line pull reaches the breaking strength of the fallD before the safe working load of the fall is reached

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考题 单选题In selecting a tug for moving a vessel,consideration should be given to its().A indicated horsepower,bollard pull,and displacementB indicated horsepower,maneuverability,and displacementC indicated horsepower,bollard pull,and maneuverabilityD bollard pull,displacement,and maneuverability

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