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57 A that            B which           C who                 D those









更多 “单选题57 A that B which C who D thoseA AB BC CD D” 相关考题
考题 37. I hate people _______ talk much but do little.A. whomB. whose C. which D. who

考题 Whenever I met her, _________ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile.A. who B. which C. when D. that

考题 ____________A. Which B. What C. Who

考题 Which of the following information is NoTmedtioned?A.Who wrote the stories. B.Which story is the longest.C.When we added the stories. D.Who added the stories.

考题 Sorry, we don’t have the coat _____ you need.A. what B. who C. whom D. which

考题 Which group of children have a bias when choosing musical instruments?A.Children with private music tutors.B.Children who are between 5 and 7.C.Children who are well-educated.D.Children who are 8 or older.

考题 His ideas are linked to the theory________markets are efficient, which means market actors taking all available information to create the correct price for things at any given time. A which ;B who ;C that

考题 “i have many friends, _______ some are businessmen.“ A. who ofB. of themC. of whomD. from which

考题 —______ skirt is that on the chair?—Let me see. Oh, no, it's not mine. A WhoseB WhatC Who'sD Which

考题 The author doesn't mention those participants ______ in the London International Financial Futures Exchange( LIFFE ).A.who want to hedge against interest rate fluctuationsB.who wish to hedge against exchange rate fluctuationsC.who bet on which way interest rate will moveD.both A and B

考题 I wonder______. A、who of them should I electB、who of them I should electC、which of them should I electD、which of them I should elect

考题 Examine the structure of the STUDENTS table:You need to create a report of the 10 students who achieved the highest ranking in the course INT SQL and who completed the course in the year 1999.Which SQL statement accomplishes this task?()A.B.C.D.

考题 [A] who [B] when [C] where [D] which

考题 Which of the following is correct in its use of punctuation标点? A. The teacher asked, “Who said, Give me liberty or give me death” B. The teacher asked, “Who said, Give me liberty or give me death” C. The teacher asked, “Who said Give me liberty or give me death” D. The teacher asked, “Who said Give me liberty or give me death”

考题 第57题答案是__________A.Why B.What C.How D.Which

考题 I cannot think of anything ________happened that day which I would have wished otherwise. A. which B. who C. that D. what

考题 共用题干 In every cultivated languages there are two great classes of words which taken together,comprise the whole vocabulary.First,there are those words_________(51)which we become acquainted in daily conversation,which we learn,that is to say,from the_________(52)of our own family and from our familiar associates,and which we should know and use_________(53)we could not read or write.They__________(54)the common things of life,and are the stock in trade of all who use the language.Such words may be called"popular",since they belong to the people___________ (55)and are not the exclusive_______(56)of a limited class. On the other hand,our language ___________(57)a multitude of words which are comparatively_________(58)used in ordinary conversation.Their meanings are known to every educated person,but there is little_________(59)to use them at home or in the market-place. Our________ (60) acquaintance with them comes not from our mother's________(61)or from the talk of our schoolmates,________(62)from books that we read,lectures that we_________(63),or the more formal conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic in a style appropriately elevated above the habitual ________(64)of everyday life.Such words are called "learned" ,and the________(65)between them and the "popular" words is of great importance to a right understanding of linguistic process._________(57)A:consists B:comprisesC:constitutes D:composes

考题 ______ we shall bend this material intoa ring is not yet decided.A.Which B.Where C.Why D.Who

考题 通信的基本信息6W1H是以下哪组单词的首字母?()A、Why,Who,What,When,Where,Which,HolloB、Why,Who,What,When,Where,Which,HowC、Way,Well,Want,When,Where,Which,HowD、Way,Well,Want,When,Where,Which,Hollo

考题 什么是5W1H?()A、What,Where,When,Who,Which,HowB、What,Where,When,Who,Why,HowC、What,Where,When,Which,Why,HowD、以上全部


考题 健康计划的总体目标中的三个"W"指()A、who,what,whenB、what,when,whyC、who,what,whichD、what,when,whereE、when,where,which

考题 Why did the early settlers come to America? Who were the Pilgrims? Who were the Puritans? What were the features in the colonial period which had influence on later American development?

考题 A system administrator is unable to unmount a file system. Which is the appropriate command to determine who or what is accessing the file system?()A、who /filesystemB、lsfs /filesystemC、fuser /filesystemD、umount -f /filesystem

考题 单选题According to the passage which of the following would produce the LEAST amount of heat?A A fat female who studies hard.B A thin female who does not study.C A fat male who does not study.D A thin male who studies hard.

考题 问答题Why did the early settlers come to America? Who were the Pilgrims? Who were the Puritans? What were the features in the colonial period which had influence on later American development?

考题 单选题64 A that B which C who D whatA AB BC CD D