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I will pass()Utopia.

north of


by north of


in north of


from north of


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更多 “单选题I will pass()Utopia.A north ofB by north ofC in north ofD from north of” 相关考题
考题 ---- _______ Mr. Wang. Can you pass the dictionary to me, please?----- Certainly.A. I’m sorry. B. Pardon. C. Thank you. D. Excuse me,

考题 – There is no way for me to pass the exam today! –() (A) Oh. It’s nothing.(B) It’s not your fault.(C) I’m sorry to hear that.(D) Come on! You can do it.

考题 I can ’t ________ my present salary. A. live onB. put onC. pass onD. turn on

考题 It is ______ that he has passed the examination, and I am _____ I will pass it too A.certain; certainlyB.certain; sureC.sure; certainlyD.certainly; surely

考题 阅读以下说明和java代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。[说明]本程序中预设了若干个用户名和口令。用户输入正确的用户名后,可以查找对应的口令,一旦输入结束标记“end”,程序结束。[Java代码]import java. io. *:public class User {public String user;public Siring pass;public User() { }public User( String u,String p) {user=u;pass=p;}public String (1) () { return this. user; }public String (2) () { return this. pass; }public static void main(String[] args) {User ua[]={new User("Li","123456"), new User("wang","654321"),new User("Song","666666")};while(true) {InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(System. in);BufferedReader inpul = new BnfferedReader(reader);System. out. print("Enter your name:");String name = null;try { name = input. readLine();}catch (IOException ex) {}if((3)) break;int i;for (i=0;i<3;i++) {if (name. equals(ua[i]. getUser())){System. out. println("密码:"+ua[i].getPass());(4);}}if ((5)) System. out. println("该用户不存在!");}}}

考题 --What did you do with your car?--I lost my key, so I had to _________it in the park.A. lockB. repairC. leaveD. pass

考题 If I had studies harder, I _______ the exam. A.will have passedB.would have passedC.passedD.would pass

考题 I feel it difficult () (动词 pass 的合适形式)(感觉很难通过) the exam.

考题 Not only he but also I ____to work hard and pass the exam. AwantBwantsCwantedDwanting

考题 阅读以下说明和C++程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。[说明]本程序中预设了若干个用户名和口令。用户输入正确的用户名后,可以查找对应的口令,一旦输入结束标记“end”,程序结束。[C++程序]include <iostream. h>include <string. h>class User{ protected:char user[10];char pass[7];public:User(char[ ],char[]);(1) {return user;}(2) {return pass;}};User::User(char u[],char p[]){ strcpy(user,u);strcpy(pass,p); }void main(){ User ua[]={User("Li","123456"),User("wang","654321"),User("Song","666666")char name[10];while(1)cout< < "输入用户名:";cin> >name;if((3)= =0) break;for(int i=0;i<3;i+ +)if(strcmp(name,ua[i].getuser()) = =0){cout< <"密码:" < < ua[i].getpass() < <endl;(4);if((5))cout< <"该用户不存在!" < <endl;}}

考题 – I hope I can pass the exam. -- _____________.A、I hope.B、I believe you will.C、No way.D、Excuse me?

考题 Take it easy. I’m sure you will pass the exam successfully. 学科网A. Keep it up. B. Do Take it easy. I’m sure you will pass the exam successfully.A. Keep it up. B. Don’t be sorry. C. Don’t worry.

考题 网络I/O虚拟化模型包括哪几种? A.全虚拟化网卡(emulation)B.半虚拟化网卡C.Pass-through直通方式D.SR-IOV方式

考题 I'm afraid that your daughter has failed to get through her mid-term exams.A:pass off B:pass away C:pass D:pass out

考题 I'm afraid that your daughter has failed to get through her mid-term exams.A:pass off B:pass away C:pass D:pass out

考题 This is the student()I know will pass the TOEFL test.AwhoBwhomCwhoseDwhat

考题 Could you pass me the salt and pepper?()ASorry, I didn't know what you mean.BOk, here you are.CNo, I won't.DI don't know.

考题 Could you pass me the salt and pepper?()A、Sorry, I didn't know what you mean.B、Ok, here you are.C、No, I won't.D、I don't know.

考题 网络I/O虚拟化模型包括哪几种?A、全虚拟化网卡(emulation)B、半虚拟化网卡C、Pass-through直通方式D、SR-IOV方式

考题 How do objects pass messages in Java?()   A、They pass messages by modifying each other’s member variablesB、They pass messages by modifying the static member variables of each other’s classesC、They pass messages by calling each other’s instance member methodsD、They pass messages by calling static member methods of each other’s classes.

考题 单选题They failed to pass the exam. last time, I regretted _____.A to be not able to helpB being unable to helpC being not able to helpD not be able to help

考题 单选题Si vous _____ par l’entrée principale, vous auriez rencontré le Ministre.A passezB avez passéC étiez passéD êtes passé

考题 单选题I recommend that you all are diligent if you want to pass the exam.A recommendB areC ifD the exam

考题 单选题Could you pass me the salt and pepper?()A Sorry, I didn't know what you mean.B Ok, here you are.C No, I won't.D I don't know.

考题 单选题How do objects pass messages in Java?()A They pass messages by modifying each other’s member variablesB They pass messages by modifying the static member variables of each other’s classesC They pass messages by calling each other’s instance member methodsD They pass messages by calling static member methods of each other’s classes.

考题 单选题This is the student()I know will pass the TOEFL test.A whoB whomC whoseD what

考题 单选题—Mum, do you still remember your promise that you will buy me an ipad?  —Of could I do, ______A and you will wait and seeB and I will do as I wishC but you must pass the entrance examinationD but you have to get it alone