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真实收益(Real benefits)


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考题 主动收益的计算公式为( )。A.主动收益=证券组合的真实收益+基准组合的收益B.主动收益=证券组合的真实收益-基准组合的收益C.主动收益=证券组合的真实收益×基准组合的收益D.主动收益=证券组合的真实收益÷基准组合的收益

考题 货币收益(Pecuniary benefits)

考题 真实收益(Real benefits)

考题 跟踪偏离度=()。A.证券组合的真实收益率+基准组合的收益率B.证券组合的真实收益率-基准组合的收益率C.证券组合的真实收益率基准组合的收益率D.证券组合的真实收益率基准组合的收益率

考题 证券的风险性是指实际收益与( )的相背离。 A.预期收益 B.账面收益 C.真实收益 D.市场收益

考题 decide whether the following translations are true or false. gxc teams, made up of hundreds and sometimes thousands of players, play on behalf of real dormitories or schools --- even presidential candidates --- by jostling for hegemony on maps of their campus or locale and conducting their campaigns as much in the real world as online. 译文:成百有时甚至是上千人加入gxc游戏。游戏者各自代表真实的寝室或学校,甚至是总统候选人。 ()

考题 Internet Protocol videoconferencing (IP/VC) provides which two business benefits? () A.Reduced travel time for instructors responsible for different geographic sitesB.Real-time discussions of patient information among remote medical teamsC.Improved morale and reduced turnover among employees who receive timely business updatesD.Increased sales and customer satisfaction due to current product information disseminated simultaneously to a global sales force by headquarters

考题 下列关于真实无风险收益率描述错误的是( )A.真实无风险收益率即基础利率B.货币的纯时间价值C.经济中的真实增长率和真实无风险利率之间存在着一种正向关系D.真实无风险收益率和名义无风险收益率没有什么本质区别

考题 跟踪偏离度的计算公式是( )。A.跟踪偏离度=证券组合的真实收益率+基准组合的收益率B.跟踪偏离度=证券组合的真实收益率-基准组合的收益率C.跟踪偏离度=证券组合的真实收益率÷基准组合的收益率D.跟踪偏离度=证券组合的真实收益率×基准组合的收益率

考题 (2016年)主动收益的计算公式为()。A.主动收益=证券组合的真实收益+基准组合的收益 B.主动收益=证券组合的真实收益-基准组合的收益 C.主动收益=证券组合的真实收益×基准组合的收益 D.主动收益=证券组合的真实收益÷基准组合的收益.

考题 主动收益的计算公式为( )。 A、主动收益=证券组合的真实收益+基准组合的收益 B、主动收益=证券组合的真实收益-基准组合的收益 C、主动收益=证券组合的真实收益基准组合的收益 D、主动收益=证券组合的真实收益基准组合的收益

考题 跟踪偏离度的计算公式是( )。 A、跟踪偏离度=证券组合的真实收益率+基准组合的收益率 B、跟踪偏离度=证券组合的真实收益率-基准组合的收益率 C、跟踪偏离度=证券组合的真实收益率基准组合的收益率 D、跟踪偏离度=证券组合的真实收益率基准组合的收益率

考题 资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises. We might resolve to tackle a task, but find endless reasons to defer it. We might prioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list- answering emails, say- while leaving the big, complex stuff untouched for another day. We can look and feel busy. while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter. And when we look at those rolling, long untouched items at the bottom of our to-do list, we can't help but feel a little disappointed in ourselves. The problem is our brains are programmed to procrastinate. In general, we all tend to struggle with task that promise future upside in return for efforts we take now. That's because it's easier for our brains to process concrete rather than abstract things, and the immediate hassle is very tangible compared with those unknowable, uncertain future benefits. So the short-term effort easily dominates the long-term upside in our minds--an example of something that behavioral scientists call present bias. How can you become less myopic about your elusive tasks? It's all about rebalancing the cost benefit analysis: make the benefits of action feel bigger, and the costs of action feel smaller. The reward for doing a pestering task needs to feel larger than the immediate pain of tacking it. To make the benefits of action feel bigger and more real: Visualize how great it will be to get it done. Researchers have discovered that people are more likely to save for their future retirement if they're shown digitally aged photographs of themselves. Why? Because it makes their future self feel more real-making the future benefits of saving also feel more weighty. The next paragraph is probably about____.A.The natural function of our brain B.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel bigger and real C.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel smaller and unreal D.The perils of procrastination

考题 证券的风险性是指实际收益与()的相背离。A、预期收益B、账面收益C、真实收益D、市场收益

考题 债券等价收益率高于真实年收益率,但低于银行贴现收益率。

考题 Real-business-cycle theory 真实商业周期理论

考题 主动收益=()。A、证券组合的真实收益+基准组合的收益B、证券组合的真实收益-基准组合的收益C、证券组合的真实收益×基准组合的收益D、证券组合的真实收益÷基准组合的收益

考题 跟踪偏离度=()。A、证券组合的真实收益率+基准组合的收益率B、证券组合的真实收益率-基准组合的收益率C、证券组合的真实收益率×基准组合的收益率D、证券组合的真实收益率÷基准组合的收益率

考题 在下行标准差的计算公式中,期数n代表()。A、真实基金收益率小于目标收益率的期数B、真实基金收益率小于无风险利率的期数C、投资期限D、真实基金收益率大于投资者预期收益率的期数

考题 Internet Protocol videoconferencing (IP/VC) provides which two business benefits? ()A、Real-time discussions of patient information among remote medical teamsB、Reduced travel time for instructors responsible for different geographic sitesC、Improved morale and reduced turnover among employees who receive timely business UpdatesD、Increased sales and customer satisfaction due to current product information disseminated simultaneously to a global sales force by headquarters

考题 判断题债券等价收益率高于真实年收益率,但低于银行贴现收益率。A 对B 错

考题 名词解释题货币收益(Pecuniary benefits)

考题 单选题在下行标准差的计算公式中,期数n代表()。A 真实基金收益率小于目标收益率的期数B 真实基金收益率小于无风险利率的期数C 投资期限D 真实基金收益率大于投资者预期收益率的期数

考题 单选题Many executives regard benefits as a cost becauseA benefits are on the rise but reward is little.B they don’t realize the importance of benefits.C they don’t care the benefits of development.D they must meet the cost goal for benefits.

考题 单选题主动收益=()。A 证券组合的真实收益+基准组合的收益B 证券组合的真实收益-基准组合的收益C 证券组合的真实收益×基准组合的收益D 证券组合的真实收益÷基准组合的收益

考题 单选题在下行风险标准差的计算公式中,期数T代表( )。A 投资期限B 真实基金收益率小于投资者预期收益率的期数C 真实基金收益率大于投资者预期收益率的期数D 真实基金收益率小于无风险利率的期数

考题 单选题主动收益即相对于基准的超额收益,它的计算方法是( )。A 主动收益=证券组合的真实收益+基准组合的收益B 主动收益=证券组合的真实收益-基准组合的收益C 主动收益=证券组合的真实收益÷基准组合的收益D 主动收益=证券组合的真实收益×基准组合的收益