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Elworth’s barn burnt down,but they saved what cattle which were in the barn.









解析: what此处作关系形容词,在从句中作定语,修饰其后的名词,意为“全部,任何的”,这里意思为“ 爱沃斯家的牛棚被烧毁了,但是他们救出了牛棚里所有的牛”。
更多 “单选题Elworth’s barn burnt down,but they saved what cattle which were in the barn.A thereB thatC theyD where” 相关考题
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考题 B The cowboy is the hero of many movies.He is,even today,a symbol of courage and adventure.But what was the life of the cowboy really like The cowboy‘s job is clear from the word“cowboy”。Cowboys were men who took care of cows and other cattle.The cattle were in the West and in Texas.People in the cities of the East wanted beef from these cattle.Trains could take the cattle east.But first the cattle had to get to the trains.Part of the cowboy’s job was to take the cattle hundreds of miles to the railroad towns. The trips were called cattle drives.A cattle drive usually took several months.Cowboys rode for sixteen hours a day.Because they rode so much,each cowboy brought along about eight horses.A cowboy changed horses several times each day. The cowboys had to make sure that the cattle arrived safely.Before starting on a drive,the cowboys branded the cattle.They burned a make on the cattle to show who they belonged to.But these marks didn‘t stop rustlers,or cattle thieves.Cowboys had to protect the cattle from rustlers.Rustlers made the dangerous trip even more dangerous. Even though their work was very difficult and dangerous,cowboys did not earn much money.They were paid bally.Yet cowboys liked their way of life.They lived in a wild and open country.They lived a life of adventure and freedom. The cowboy‘s job was________.A.to be a hero B.to take care of cattle C.to be a rustler D.to be a driver

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考题 单选题What did U.S. Secretary of Agriculture do last week?A He banned McDonald from using meat from unhealthy cattle.B He stopped the selling of meat from unhealthy cattle.C He lost the trust from the public.D He issued a recall of the meat from unhealthy cattle sold last month.

考题 单选题Elworth’s barn burnt down,but they saved what cattle which were in the barn.A thereB thatC theyD where

考题 单选题Which of the following livestock has the biggest number in the UK?()A Beef cattle.B Dairy cattleC Chicken.D Sheep.

考题 单选题It’s a configuration that experts are calling a "firewall sandwich," with the second firewall providinga second level of load balancing after traffic down. What is meant by the term "firewall sandwich"?()A  single layer of firewallingB  multiple layers of firewallingC  firewall connections in either an active or standby stateD  an architecture in which all traffic between firewalls goes through application-specific servers

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考题 单选题健康计划的总体目标中的三个"W"指()A who,what,whenB what,when,whyC who,what,whichD what,when,whereE when,where,which

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