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On a bulk chemical carrier,water should NOT be used as an extinguishing agent to fight a fire if the water may come into contact with the chemical called().

acrylic acid






vinyl toluene


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更多 “单选题On a bulk chemical carrier,water should NOT be used as an extinguishing agent to fight a fire if the water may come into contact with the chemical called().A acrylic acidB benzeneC oleumD vinyl toluene” 相关考题
考题 What type of extinguisher should be used for an electric fire? ________A.CO2B.FormC.WaterD.Water and Form

考题 29. The writer thinks that people in large cities should __________ .A. stop the used water from getting into undergroundB. only use the water from the riversC. make their used water clean againD. use as much sea water as possible

考题 When we meet a(军舰)_____, we should lower national flagA.warshipB.boatC.container shipD.bulk carrier

考题 The cooling water of the diesel engine should be treated with chemical, because it contains .A.alkaliB.acidityC.salinityD.impurity

考题 Chemical Tankers are generally referred to the cargo ships constructed or adapted and used for the carriage of ________ .A.liquid chemicals in bulkB.solid chemicals in bulkC.chemicals in bulkD.cargoes in bulk

考题 The port State control officer may ensure that ______ are exhibited in conspicuous places throughout the ship.A.survey planning documentB.muster listsC.bulk carrier bookletD.bulk carrier loading triangle

考题 Which statement about entry into a space that has been sealed for a long time is TRUE ________.A.A tank that has been used to carry hazardous liquids should be tested for oxygen content,toxicity,and explosive gasesB.You can safely enter the space without a breathing apparatus if the oxygen content exceeds 14%C.The natural ventilation through the installed vents is sufficient to provide the proper oxygen contentD.The heat of the sun on upper ballast tanks,such as in a bulk carrier,may generate carbon monoxide

考题 Which vessel is most likely to be loaded full but not down ________.A.A bulk carrier loaded with heavy oreB.A bulk carrier loaded with steelC.A break bulk vessel loaded with palletized cargoD.A tanker loaded with heavy grain

考题 The type of carrier required to file a copy of freight tariffs would be the ______.A.Common carrierB.TrampC.Public vesselD.Bulk carrier

考题 ______, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire.A.dry chemical or foamB.foam or soda acidC.carbon dioxide or foamD.carbon dioxide or dry chemical

考题 When we meet a(军舰)(), we should lower national flag.A、warshipB、boatC、container shipD、bulk carrier

考题 Chemicals are carried in bulk in ().A、chemical carriersB、bulk carriersC、general cargo shipsD、LNG carriers

考题 bulk carrier()A、散货船B、锚C、舱D、矿物船

考题 ()(散货) is carried on the bulk carrier.A、Dangerous cargoB、Dry cargoC、Dry bulk cargoD、Bulk cargo

考题 It’s a/an ()(木材船).A、bargeB、oil shipC、lumber shipD、bulk cargo carrier

考题 英译中:Bulk carrier

考题 单选题When collecting condensation for drinking water,().A a sponge used to mop up and store condensation must be kept salt freeB only condensation on the bottom of the canopy should be collectedC it should be strained through a finely woven clothD chlorine tablets should be used to make it drinkable

考题 名词解释题英译中:Bulk carrier

考题 单选题Chemical Tankers are generally referred to the cargo ships constructed or adapted and used for the carriage of().A liquid chemicals in bulkB solid chemicals in bulkC chemicals in bulkD cargoes in bulk

考题 单选题()(散货) is carried on the bulk carrier.A Dangerous cargoB Dry cargoC Dry bulk cargoD Bulk cargo

考题 单选题On a bulk chemical carrier,water should NOT be used as an extinguishing agent to fight a fire if the water may come into contact with the chemical called().A acrylic acidB benzeneC oleumD vinyl toluene

考题 单选题While loading bulk oil, you notice oil on the water near the bargeWhich of the following actions should you carry out FIRST?()A Search the vessel for leaksB Notify terminal superintendentC Stop loadingD Notify the Coast Guard

考题 单选题()as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for a an electric fire.A Dry chemical or foamB Foam or soda acidC carbon dioxide or foamD carbon dioxide or dry chemical

考题 单选题Expansion tank should be used to remove () from cooling water.A scaleB sludgeC chemicalsD air

考题 单选题The type of extinguisher which should be used for an electricity fire is().A foam or soda acidB dry chemical or foamC carbon dioxide or dry chemicalD carbon dioxide or foam

考题 单选题The bulk carrier, general cargo ship, reefer ship and lumber carrier are all ().A liquid cargo shipsB multi-purpose shipsC dry cargo shipsD container ships

考题 单选题If an operating auxiliary boiler has a water pH reading of 7, you should ().A bottom blow the boilerB treat the water with caustic sodaC treat the water with chemical scavengersD reduce the water alkalinity to recommended readings

考题 单选题When oil is accidentally discharged into the water,what should you do after reporting the discharge().A Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the waterB Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oilC Throw sand on the water to sink the oilD Obtain your permit from the Corps of Engineers