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Select a key benefit of DSL.()

TCP packet sizes can be optimized by the router so there is no IPSec or AAL5 padding.


The local loop is a dedicated connection for a single subscriber to the DSLAM. 


Access to the WAN media uses a poll/response mechanism so no two subscribers transmit at the same time. 


There are no distance requirements from the Central Office (CO). 


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更多 “单选题Select a key benefit of DSL.()A TCP packet sizes can be optimized by the router so there is no IPSec or AAL5 padding.B The local loop is a dedicated connection for a single subscriber to the DSLAM. C Access to the WAN media uses a poll/response mechanism so no two subscribers transmit at the same time. D There are no distance requirements from the Central Office (CO). ” 相关考题
考题 ()is the process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables. The key benefit of this process is that it brings objectivity to the acceptance process and increases the probability of final product, service,or result acceptance by validating each deliverable。A、Validate scopeB、Define scopeC、Control scopeD、Collect requirement

考题 What is true about joining tables through an equijoin? () A. You can join a maximum of two tables through an equijoin.B. You can join a maximum of two columns through an equijoin.C. You specify an equijoin condition in the SELECT or FROM clauses of a SELECT statement.D. To join two tables through an equijoin, the columns in the join condition must be primary key and foreign key columns.E. You can join n tables (all having single column primary keys) in a SQL statement by specifying a minimum of n-1 join conditions.

考题 Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables: EMPLOYEESColumn name Data type RemarksEMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary KeyEMP_NAME VARCHAR2 (30)JOB_ID VARCHAR2 (20)SALARY NUMBERMGR_ID NUMBER References EMPLOYEE_ID COLUMNDEPARTMENT ID NUMBER Foreign key to DEPARTMENT ID column of the DEPARTMENTS tableDEPARTMENTSColumn name Data type RemarksDEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key DEPARTMENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30)MGR_ID NUMBER References MGR_ID column of the EMPLOYEES tableEvaluate this SQL statement:SELECT employee_id, e.department_id, department_name, salaryFROM employees e, departments dWHERE e. department_id = d.department_id;Which SQL statement is equivalent to the above SQL statement? ()A. SELECT employee_id, department_id, department_name, salary FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (SELECT department_id FROM departments);B. SELECT employee_id, department_id, department_name, salary FROM employees NATURAL JOIN departments;C. SELECT employee_id, d.department_id, department_name, salary FROM employees e JOIN departments d ON e.department _ id = d. department_id;D. SELECT employee_id, department_id, department_name, Salary FROM employees JOIN departments USING (e.department_id, d.department_id);

考题 You administer a network with Windows-based endpoints that have custom software images. You want to use Host Checker to require that endpoints are running the custom software image.Which two Host Checker policy rules would be used to enforce this requirement?()A. Isolate a file name unique to the custom image and create a custom rule-type of File which matches on the file. Select the Required option under the custom rule.B. Identify the MAC address unique to network cards installed in PCs with the custom image and create a custom rule-type of MAC Address which matches on the appropriate MAC address.Select the Required option under the custom rule C. Identify the IP address unique to the network cards installed in PCs with the custom image and create a custom rule-type of IP Address which matches on the appropriate IP address. Select the Required option under the custom rule.D. Isolate or create a unique Windows registry key for the custom image and create a custom rule- type of Registry Setting which matches on the name of the registry key.

考题 The key benefit of ( )is that it provides guidance and direction on how the project costs will be managed throughout the project.A.Plan Cost ManagementB.Control CostC.Estimate CostD.Determine Budget

考题 What is a key benefit of using a GRE tunnel to provide connectivity bet ween branch offices and headquarters?() A. authentication, integrity checking, and confidentialityB. less overheadC. dynamic routing over the tunnelD. granular QoS supportE. open standardF. scalability

考题 The key benefit of( )is that it provides guidance and direction on how the project costs will be managed throughout the project.A.Plan Cost Management B.Control Cost C. Estimate Cost D. Determine Budget

考题 键盘事件的执行顺序是()。AKey Press、Key Down、Key UpBKey Down、Key Press、Key UpCKey Up、Key Down、Key PressDKey Up、Key Press、Key Down

考题 你要操纵Oracle数据,下列哪个不是SQL命令?()A、select*from dual;B、set defineC、update emp set ename=6543where ename=‘SMITHERS’;D、create table employees(empid varchar2(10)primary key);

考题 在GameCanvas中定义了静态常量表示哪个按键是否被按下,其中表示select按键的是()。A、KEY_STARB、FIRE_PRESSEDC、GAME_STAR_PRESSEDD、FIRE

考题 Select a key benefit of DSL.()A、TCP packet sizes can be optimized by the router so there is no IPSec or AAL5 padding.B、The local loop is a dedicated connection for a single subscriber to the DSLAM. C、Access to the WAN media uses a poll/response mechanism so no two subscribers transmit at the same time. D、There are no distance requirements from the Central Office (CO). 

考题 How is the Disk Defragmentation utility in Windows XP accessed?()A、open a command prompt and type DEFRAGB、at Startup, press the F8 key and select Defrag DiskC、right-click My Computer, Manage, Disk DefragmenterD、right-click Drive icon, Tools, Defragment Now

考题 Which statement is true regarding a session key in the Diffie-Hellman key-exchange process?()A、A session key value is exchanged across the network.B、A session key never passes across the network.C、A session key is used as the key for asymmetric data encryption.D、A session key is used as the key for symmetric data encryption.

考题 键盘事件的执行顺序是()。A、Key Press、Key Down、Key UpB、Key Down、Key Press、Key UpC、Key Up、Key Down、Key PressD、Key Up、Key Press、Key Down

考题 What is a key benefit of using a GRE tunnel to provide connectivity bet ween branch offices and headquarters?()A、authentication, integrity checking, and confidentialityB、less overheadC、dynamic routing over the tunnelD、granular QoS supportE、open standardF、scalability

考题 The CUSTOMERS table has these columns: CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL CUSTOMER_NAME VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL STREET_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(150) CITY_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) STATE_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) PROVINCE_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) COUNTRY_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2(12) CUSTOMER_PHONE VARCHAR2(20) The CUSTOMER_ID column is the primary key for the table. Which two statements find the number of customers? () A、SELECT TOTAL(*) FROM customer;B、SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customer;C、SELECT TOTAL(customer_id) FROM customer;D、SELECT COUNT(customer_id) FROM customer;E、SELECT COUNT(customers) FROM customer;F、SELECT TOTAL(customer_name) FROM customer;

考题 You are an enterprise administrator for Cer-tech .com. The company runs Windows Server 2008 on all theservers on the network. One of the servers, Server01 has the Web Server (IIS) role installed on it. Which of the following options would you choose to activate SSL for the default Web site on the server? ()A、Select the Generate Key option in the Machine Key dialog box for the default Web Site.B、Create an HTTPS binding on the default Web site.C、Install the Digest Authentication component for the Web server.D、Obtain an appropriate server certificate.

考题 You need to select a class that is optimized for key-based item retrieval from both small and large collections. Which class should you choose?()A、OrderedDictionary classB、HybridDictionary classC、ListDictionary classD、Hashtable class

考题 单选题PKI是()。A Private Key lnfrastructureB Public Key lnstituteC Public Key lnfrastructureD Private Key lnstitute

考题 单选题How is the Disk Defragmentation utility in Windows XP accessed?()A open a command prompt and type DEFRAGB at Startup, press the F8 key and select Defrag DiskC right-click My Computer, Manage, Disk DefragmenterD right-click Drive icon, Tools, Defragment Now

考题 多选题Safe Mode is an essential Startup tool for troubleshooting Windows 98. Which two methods cause the system to start up in Safe Mode?()Astart the system in DOS Mode and run the WIN /S commandBpress the  key while restarting system - select Safe ModeCstart the system in DOS Mode and run the safe.EXE fileDhold  key while restarting the system; select Safe Mode

考题 单选题PBM的全称是()A Public Benefit ManagementB Pharmacy Benefit ManagementC Pharmacy Business ManagementD Public Benefit Manager

考题 单选题What is true about joining tables through an equijoin?()A You can join a maximum of two tables through an equijoin.B You can join a maximum of two columns through an equijoin.C You specify an equijoin condition in the SELECT or FROM clauses of a SELECT statement.D To join two tables through an equijoin, the columns in the join condition must be primary key and foreign key columns.E You can join n tables (all having single column primary keys) in a SQL statement by specifying a minimum of n-1 join conditions.

考题 单选题键盘事件的执行顺序是()。A Key Press、Key Down、Key UpB Key Down、Key Press、Key UpC Key Up、Key Down、Key PressD Key Up、Key Press、Key Down

考题 单选题Which of the following options is NOT one of the Key Objectives of NSN Smart Labs?()A Should benefit all involved companies.B Attract public interest.C Invite Competition.D Open for all developers and all operators.

考题 单选题What is one key objective of the operations readiness assessment performed in the plan phase?Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A align business requirements with technical requirementsB create a plan to recycle used equipmentC evaluate the readiness of a customers current operations and network management infrastructure to support a new technologyD install and test system components in a non-production environment

考题 单选题Select a key benefit of DSL.()A TCP packet sizes can be optimized by the router so there is no IPSec or AAL5 padding.B The local loop is a dedicated connection for a single subscriber to the DSLAM. C Access to the WAN media uses a poll/response mechanism so no two subscribers transmit at the same time. D There are no distance requirements from the Central Office (CO). 

考题 单选题What is a key benefit of using a GRE tunnel to provide connectivity bet ween branch offices and headquarters?()A authentication, integrity checking, and confidentialityB less overheadC dynamic routing over the tunnelD granular QoS supportE open standardF scalability