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Support of ship side plating is provided primarily by transverse().









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更多 “单选题Support of ship side plating is provided primarily by transverse().A beamsB girdersC framesD bulkheads” 相关考题
考题 Owing to the greater girth of a ship amidships than at the ends, certain strakes are dropped as they approach the bow and stern to reduce the amount of plating at the ends. These strakes are called ______.A.drop strakesB.stealersC.throughsD.Voids

考题 Instructions on how to conduct search and rescue are given in the ______ which is primarily designed for use by merchant ship.A.MARPOLB.IRPCSC.SOLASD.MERSAR

考题 A term applied to the bottom shell plating in a double-bottom ship is ______.A.bottom floorB.outer bottomC.shear platingD.tank top

考题 Compared to internal structural plating,the exterior hull plating on a ship is usually ______.A.strongerB.thinnerC.more corrosion resistantD.a lower grade steel

考题 Lighter longitudinal stiffening frames on the vessel side plating are called ______.A.stringersB.side framesC.side stiffenersD.Intercostals

考题 Project success depends primarily on() 。A.The quality of the schedule and cost control analysis B.Customer satisfaction C.Customer compromise in defining its needs D.Exceeding customer requirements through gold-plating

考题 The ship may ()to one side seriously.A、pitchB、rollC、listD、upset

考题 单选题Forecastle deck is located in the ship’s().A bow stemB sternC portsideD starboard side

考题 单选题The deck plating on a ship is supported primarily by deck longitudinals and deck().A girdersB stanchionsC framesD beams

考题 单选题Lighter longitudinal stiffening frames on the vessel side plating are called().A stringersB side framesC side stiffenersD intercostals

考题 单选题The ship touched the bottom()the port side at 2000 hours.A onB atC inD to

考题 单选题A ship is side to be()when the whole ship moves bodily to port and then to starboard.A rollingB pitchingC heavingD swaying

考题 单选题Between the side frames on a vessel,support for the deck beams is provided by().A stanchionsB bracketsC web framesD deck stringers

考题 单选题The side of a ship which is farther from the winds is().A fairway sideB open sea sideC lee sideD roadstead side

考题 单选题() are two vertical supports,usually steel,one each side of the centerline of the ship used to support booms.A ShroudsB King postsC StaysD Turnbuckles

考题 单选题A term applied to the bottom shell plating in a double-bottom ship is().A bottom floorB outer bottomC shear platingD tank top

考题 单选题Owing to the greater girth of a ship amidships than at the ends,certain strakes are dropped as they approach the bow and stern to reduce the amount of plating at the ends. These strakes are called().A drop strakesB stealersC throughsD voids

考题 单选题The garboard strake is the().A raised flange at the main deck edgeB riveted crack arrester strap on all-welded shipsC riveting pattern most commonly used in ship constructionD row of plating nearest the keel

考题 单选题The heavier outboard strake of deck plating on a ship is called the deck().A stiffenerB beamC stringerD doubler

考题 单选题On a ship,how many ring buoys are required to have a buoyant line attached?()A One ring life buoyB One ring life buoy on each side of the shipC Three ring life buoysD Two ring life buoys on each side of the ship

考题 单选题The purpose of cant frames in steel vessel is().A To support the overhang of the sternB To strength the plating against the pounding of the seaC To add srength to the deck beams which support the weather deckD To support the plating of a cylindrical tank

考题 单选题What is the purpose of cant frames in steel vessels? ()A To support the overhang of the sternB To provide strength to shell plating at the sternC To add strength to the deck beams which support the weather decksD To support the plating of a cylindrical tank

考题 单选题()measured at the midship section and taken from outside of the ship’s side shell plating on one side to the outside of ship’side shell plating on the other side.A Length overallB After perpendicularC AmidshipsD Extreme breadth

考题 单选题()measured at midship section and taken from inside the ship’s shell on one side to inside the ship’s side shell on the other side.A Length overallB Molded breadthC AmidshipsD Extreme breadth

考题 单选题The margin plate is the().A outboard strake of plating on each side of an innerbottomB outer strake of plating on each side of the main deck of a vesselC plate which sits atop the center vertical keelD uppermost continuous strake of plating on the shell of a vessel

考题 单选题We shall change course to starboard and()with the coming ship.A pass starboard to starboardB pass port to portC pass side by sideD pass s de against side

考题 单选题Compared to internal structural plating,the exterior hull plating on a ship is usually().A strongerB thinnerC more corrosion resistantD a lower grade steel