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The average of a, b, c, and d is p. If the average of a and c is q, what is the average of b and d in terms of p and q?





2q +p






The average of a, b, c, and d is p, so (a + b + c + D./4 = p, or a+b+c+d = 4p. Similarly, since the average of a and c is q, then a+c = 2q, so b+d+2q = 4p. Since b+d = 4p - 2q, then (b +D./2 = 4p/2 - 2q/2 = 2pq.
更多 “单选题The average of a, b, c, and d is p. If the average of a and c is q, what is the average of b and d in terms of p and q?A 2p+qB 2p – qC 2q +pD 2q-pE (2p+q)/3” 相关考题
考题 在Excel2003中,C7单元格中有函数=AVERAGE($C$3:$C$6),把它复制到C8单元格后,再双击C8,则该单元格中显示()。 A.=AVERAGE(C3:C6)B.=AVERAGE(C4:C7)C.=AVERAGE($C$3:$C$6)D.=AVERAGE($C$4:$C$7)

考题 已知A1单元格中的公式为=AVERAGE(Bl:F6),将B列删除之后,A1单元格中的公式将调整为()。A、=AVERAGE(#REF!)B、=AVERAGE(C1:F6)C、=AVERAGE(B1:E6)D、=AVERAGE(B1:F6)

考题 要在某单元格求A1至C3九个数值单元区域的平均值时,应在该单元输入()。 A、=AVERAGE(A1,C3)B、=AVERAGE(A1:C3)C、AVERAGE(A1,C3)D、AVERAGE(Al:C3)

考题 以下关于AVERAGE函数使用正确的有() A.AVERAGE(B2,B5,4)B.AVERAGE(B2,B5)C.AVERAGE(B2:B5,4)D.AVERAGE(B2:B5,C2:C5)

考题 Studies have shown that the stature of an average Japanese has surpassed that of an average Chinese.A:weight B:height C:life span D:size

考题 在Excel中,C7单元格中有绝对引用=AVERAGE($C$3:$C$6),把它复制到C8单元格后,双击它单元格中显示()。A、=AVERAGE(C3、C6) B、=AVERAGE($C$3、$C$6) C、=AVERAGE($C$4、$C$7) D、=AVERAGE(C4、C7)

考题 以下关于AVERAGE函数使用正确的有()。A AVERAGE(B2,B5,4)B AVERAGE(B3,B5)C AVERAGE(a2∶a5,4)D AVERAGE(B2∶B5,a3∶a5)

考题 在Excel2003中,以下关于AVERAGE函数使用正确的有()A、AVERAGE(B2,B5,4)B、AVERAGE(B3,B5)C、AVERAGE(B2:B5,4)D、AVERAGE(B2:B5,A3:A5)

考题 在EXCEL中,下列公式表示正确的是()A、"=AVERAGE(C2:F2)"B、"=AVERAGE(C2F2)"C、"=AVERAGE(C2+F2)"D、"=AVERAGE(C2+D2+E2+F2)"

考题 翻译:With Average or With Particular Average(WA or WPA)()

考题 在Excel2010中,F1单元格的公式为“=Average($C$3:$C$6)”,把它复制到F2单元格中后,双击它显示:()A、=Average(C3:C6)B、=Average($C$3:$C$6)C、=Average($C$4:$C$7)D、=Average($C$3:C6)

考题 计算所有籍贯为河北或邯郸的学生的平均成绩,并将结果赋予变量score中,应使用命令()。A、AVERAGE 成绩 TO score FOR籍贯=“河北” AND 籍贯=“邯郸”B、AVERAGE 成绩 TO score FOR籍贯=“河北” OR 籍贯=“邯郸”C、AVERAGE 成绩 TO score FOR籍贯=“河北” AND “邯郸”D、AVERAGE 成绩 TO score FOR籍贯=“河北”OR “邯郸”

考题 在Excel中,要计算C5到E5之间所有单元格中数据的平均值,正确的选项是()。A、AVERAGE(C5:E5)B、=AVERAGE(C5:E5)C、AVERAGE(C5+E5)D、=AVERAGE(C5+E5)

考题 在Excel2003中,C7单元格中有函数=AVERAGE($C$3:$C$6),把它复制到C8单元格后,再双击C8,则该单元格中显示()。A、=AVERAGE(C3:C6)B、=AVERAGE($C$3:$C$6)C、=AVERAGE($C$4:$C$7)D、=AVERAGE(C4:C7)

考题 若单元格A5内公式为“=AVERAGE(B$2:B$5)”,则复制到B200单元格后公式变为()。A、=AVERAGE(B$2:B$5)B、=AVERAGE(C$2:C$5)C、=AVERAGE(B$197:B$200)D、=AVERAGE(C$197:C$200)

考题 单选题The average of a, b, c, and d is p. If the average of a and c is q, what is the average of b and d in terms of p and q?A 2p+qB 2p – qC 2q +pD 2q-pE (2p+q)/3

考题 单选题The average of a, b, c, d, and e is 28. If the average of a, c, and e is 24, what is the average of b and d?A 31B 32C 33D 34E 36

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考题 填空题翻译:With Average or With Particular Average(WA or WPA)()

考题 单选题已知Al单元格中的公式为=AVERAGE(B1:F6),将B列删除之后,A1单元格中的公式将调整为()。A =AVERAGE(#REF!)B =AVERAGE(C1:F6)C =AVERAGE(B1:E6)D =AVERAGE(B1:F6)

考题 问答题An aircraft flew from A to B at an average speed of 230 mph. It returned from B to A at an average speed of 300 mph. What was its average speed for the two journeys?

考题 单选题在Excel2010中,F1单元格的公式为“=Average($C$3:$C$6)”,把它复制到F2单元格中后,双击它显示:()A =Average(C3:C6)B =Average($C$3:$C$6)C =Average($C$4:$C$7)D =Average($C$3:C6)

考题 单选题若单元格A5内公式为“=AVERAGE(B$2:B$5)”,则复制到B200单元格后公式变为()。A =AVERAGE(B$2:B$5)B =AVERAGE(C$2:C$5)C =AVERAGE(B$197:B$200)D =AVERAGE(C$197:C$200)

考题 单选题已知A1单元格中的公式为=AVERAGE(Bl:F6),将B列删除之后,A1单元格中的公式将调整为()。A =AVERAGE(#REF!)B =AVERAGE(C1:F6)C =AVERAGE(B1:E6)D =AVERAGE(B1:F6)

考题 单选题设A1单元格中的公式为=AVERAGE(C1:E5),将C列删除后,A1单元格中的公式将调整为()。A =AVERAGE(C1:E5)B =AVERAGE(C1:D5)C =AVERAGE(D1:E5)D 出错

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