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根据上文的clubs可推断,此处应该填一表示群体的词,排除individual。因为本文是关于青少年的,所以排除personnel和corporation。因此是group dynamics集体动态。成功的集体动力的实践也能够起到同样的效果。
更多 “单选题______A groupB individualC personnelD corporation” 相关考题
考题 单选题Ten o’clock is a very late hour for a boy of his age to stay up.A too late an hourB a too late hour C very much late an hourD a so late hour

考题 单选题Young people are vulnerable to the influences of radio and television.A persuaded by B appeased by C programmed to D susceptible to

考题 单选题______A differentB distinctiveC instinctiveD common

考题 问答题Guitar  Today we tell about a very popular musical instrument. Listen and see if you can guess what it is.  If you guess it was a guitar, you are correct. The Museum of Fine Arts in the eastern city of Boston, Massachusetts, recently began showing a collection of guitars. The exhibit is called Dangerous Curves: The Art of the Guitar. It shows how the instrument developed during the past four centuries.  Probably no other musical instrument is as poplar around the world as guitar. Musicians use the guitar for almost every kind of music. Country and western music would not be the same without a guitar. The traditional Spanish folk music called Flamenco could not exist without a guitar. The second of American blues music would not be the same without the sad cry of the guitar. And rock and roll music would almost be impossible without this instrument.  Music exports do not agree about where the guitar first was played. Most agree it is ancient. Some experts say an instrument very much like a guitar was played in Egypt more than a thousand years ago. Some other experts say that the ancestor of the modern guitar was brought to Spain from Persia sometime in the twelfth century. The guitar continued to develop in Spain. In the seventeen hundreds it became similar to the instrument we know today.  Many famous musicians played the instrument. The famous Italian violinist Niccolo Paganinni played and wrote music for the guitar in the early eighteen hundreds. Franz Schubert used the guitar to write some of his famous works.  In modem times Spanish guitarist Andres Segovia helped make the instrument extremely popular. One kind of music for the guitar developed in the southern area of Spain called Adalusia. It will always be strongly linked with the Spanish guitar. It is called Flamenco.  One guitar in the Boston Fine Arts display was played by Les Paul. It is a very old electric guitar. Mister Paul began experimenting with ways to make an electric guitar in the nineteen thirties. The Gibson Guitar Company began producing its famous Les Paul Guitar in 1952. The instrument has the same shape and the same six strings as the traditional guitar, but it sounds very different. Listen to a Les Paul recording. It was the fifth most popular song in the United States in 1952.  The guitar has always been important to blues music. The electric guitar Mister Paul helped develop made modem blues music possible: There have been many great blues guitarists. Yet, music experts say all blues guitar players are measured against one man and his famous guitar. That man is B-B King. Every blues fan knows that years ago B-B King named his guitar Lucille. Here B-B King plays Lucille on his famous recording of The Thrill Is Gone B-B King’s guitar, Lucille, is so important to American music that the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC has asked for it. They want to display the large, beautiful black guitar in one of the museums because it is a part of American culture.  Another famous guitar in American music also has a name. It belongs to country music star Willie Nelson. His guitar is as famous in country music as Lucille is in blues music. Its name is Trigger. Trigger is really a very ugly guitar. It looks like an old, broken instrument someone threw away. Several famous people have written their names on it. A huge hole was tom in the front of it a long time ago. It looks severely damaged. But the huge hole, the names and other marks seem to add to its sound. Listen while Willie Nelson and Trigger play of, Angel Flying Too Close To the Ground.

考题 问答题中国与白俄罗斯经贸合作委员会第八次会议  1月18日,商务部副部长于广洲和白俄罗斯(Belarus)国家监察委员会主席洛马奇共同主持了中白经贸合作委员会第八次会议。双方就扩大贸易和经济技术合作,加强地方合作,推动信息化交流,增进企业了解等问题深入交换了意见。  于广洲指出,中自双边经贸关系平稳增长,成果显著。他建议双方进一步挖掘经贸合作潜力,着力发展长期稳定、互利互惠的双边贸易,继续深化在汽车制造、能源、机械、电信、医药、纺织等领域的经济技术合作,加强企业交流,发展地方合作,开展在中国西部开发和振兴东北地区合作等。  洛马奇表示,白方视中国为其对外政策的重要方向和亚太地区的重要伙伴,对发展中自经贸关系给予厚望。中白经济稳步发展为扩大经贸合作提供了良好空间,目前,中白贸易快速发展,投资项目不断涌现,双方应在此基础上进一步推动企业间交流,开展地区及贸易促进组织间的合作,全力推动经济技术合作项目进展。

考题 单选题The breakup of the habitats resulted in the following except __________.A a lack of food for tamarins to live onB potential threats to tamarins coming nearbyC tamarins’ hardly coming down trees to avoid predatorsD a good fortune for many other threatened animals

考题 问答题Debt Financing  The most common source of debt financing for start-ups often isn’t a commercial lending institution, but family and friends. It makes sense. People with whom you have close relationships know you are reliable and competent, so there should be no problem in asking for a loan, right? Keep in mind, however, that asking for financial help isn’t the same as borrowing the car. While borrowing money from family and friends may seem an easy alternative to dealing with bankers, it can actually be a much more delicate situation and it’s important to be as disciplined as you would be in dealing with a professional investor. Here are some basic rules:  Treat them as if they were strangers. Forget for the moment that your investor is a friend or family member. Make it an arm’s length transaction, and insist on the same sort of legal documentation you would prepare if your investor was a total stranger. Why? Because too many entrepreneurs borrow money from family and friends on an informal basis. The terms of the loan have been verbalized but not written down in a contract.  Lending money can be tricky for people who can’t view the transaction at arm’s length; if they don’t feel you are running your business correctly, they might step in and interfere with your operations. In some cases, you can’t prevent this, even with a written contract, because many state laws guarantee voting fights to an individual who has invested money in a business. This can, and has, created a lot of hard feelings. Make sure to check with your attorney before accepting any loans from friends or family. So if it’s a loan, have your lawyer prepare an I.O.U. (called a promissory note) for the friend or family member, and don’t offer less than a commercial interest rate.  Debt may actually be better than equity. If someone lends you money, you only have to pay it back, with interest. They can’t tell you how to run your company. If someone buys stock in your business, they are legally your business partner. When in doubt, make it a loan, and pay it back as soon as you can.  Tie all payments to your cash flow. Try to avoid obligations with fixed repayment schedules. Consider instead cash flow obligations, in which your investor will receive a percentage of your operating cash flow (if any) until they either have been repaid in full with interest, or have achieved a specified percentage return on their investment.  Consider nonvoting stock. If your friend or family member insists on buying stock in your company, try to make it nonvoting stock, so they don’t have the right to second-guess your every management decision.

考题 单选题According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?A Connections with businesses overseas.B Ability to speak the client’s language.C Technical know-how.D Business experience.

考题 单选题Leaving the market-place, the fat man looked pleased with himself in having discovered a bargain.A at…forB at…atC with…forD with...at

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a tamadn family?A A tamarin family consists of Father, Mother and their children.B The family life is organized like humans.C All the family members share the responsibility in the upbringing.D Tamarin brains are big for their size.

考题 单选题Our plan didn’t get up the ground because no one could come.A get overB get onC get offD get through

考题 单选题The author believes before long, machines will __________.A actually replace unskilled workersB have learned to think for usC be shaped like robotsD no longer be needed

考题 单选题William failed all his exams. He should’t miss so many classes.A mustn’t miss. B couldn’t have missedC might have missedD shouldn’t have missed

考题 问答题Globalization for Change in Higher Education  What is globalization and how does it affect higher education policy and academic institutions? The answer is deceivingly simple and the implications are surprisingly complex. For higher education, globalization implies the social, economic, and technological forces that shape the realities of the 21st century. These elements include advanced information technology, new ways of thinking about financing higher education and a concomitant acceptance of market forces and commercialization, unprecedented mobility for students and professors, and other developments. Significantly, the idea of mass access to higher education has meant unprecedented expansion of higher education everywhere—there are about 134 million students in postsecondary education worldwide, and many countries have seen unprecedented and sustained expansion in the past several decades. These global trends are for the most part inevitable. Nations, and academic institutions, must constructively cope with the implications.  MassificationMassification is without question the most ubiquitous global influence of the past half century or more. The United States had the first mass higher education system, beginning as early as the1920s. Europe followed in the 1960s, and parts of Asia a decade or so later. The developing countries were the last to expand. Most of the growth of the 21st century is taking place in developing and middle-income countries. North America, Europe, and a number of Pacific Rim nations now enroll 60 percent or more of the relevant age group6 in higher education. What has massification brought?  Public good vs. private good.Stimulated in part by the financial pressures of massification and also by broader changes in economic thinking, including the neoliberal agenda, higher education is increasingly considered in economic terms a private good—a benefit accruing mainly to individuals who should pay for it rather than a public good that contributes benefits to society and thus should be financially supported by the state.Varied funding patterns.For most countries, the state has traditionally been the main funder of higher education. Massification has placed great strains on state funding, and in all cases governments no longer believe they can adequately fund mass higher education. Other sources of funding need to be found—including student tuition and fees (typically the largest source), a variety of government-sponsored and private loan programs, university income generating programs (such as industry collaboration or consulting), and philanthropic support.Decline in quality vs. conditions of study. On average in most countries, the quality of higher education has declined. In a mass system, top quality cannot be provided to all students. 11 It is not affordable, and the ability levels of both students and professors necessarily become more diverse. University study and teaching are no longer a preserve for the elite—both in terms of ability and wealth. While the top of a diversified academic system may maintain its quality12 (although in some countries the top sector has also suffered), the system as a whole declines.  Globalization of the Academic MarketplaceMore than 2 million students are studying abroad, and it is estimated that this number will increase to 8 million in a few years. Many others are enrolled in branch campuses and twinning programs, There are many thousands of visiting scholars and postdocs studying internationally. Most significantly, there is a global circulation of academics. Ease of transportation, IT, the use of English, and the globalization of the curriculum have tremendously increased the international circulation of academic talent. Flows of students and scholars move largely from South to North—from the developing countries to North America and Europe. And while the “brain drain” of the past has become more of a “brain exchange”, with flows of both people and knowledge back and forth across borders and among societies, the great advantage still accrues to the traditional academic centers at the expense of the peripheries. Even China, and to some extent India, with both large and increasingly sophisticated academic systems, find themselves at a significant disadvantage in the global academic marketplace. For much of Africa, the traditional brain drain remains largely a reality.

考题 单选题For one thing, compulsory service would be vulnerable to legal attack as involuntary servitude.A obligatory B inflammatory C satisfactory D consolatory

考题 单选题She told me that she has already gone to the United States four times before she attended that conference.A had already beenB has already beenC already wentD was already going

考题 单选题______A powerfulB hugeC dangerousD disastrous

考题 单选题______A yearlyB dailyC weeklyD total

考题 问答题Public Schools  However good the state schools may be, it is still true that if an English parent has enough money to pay the fees to send his children to an independent school he will most probably do so.  In independent schools boys and girls above the age of eight are usually educated separately. The terms “primary” and “secondary” are not usually applied to independent schools at the different levels because the age of transfer from a lower to a higher school is normally thirteen or fourteen instead of eleven. The principal schools for boys of over thirteen are called “public schools” and those for younger boys are usually called “preparatory” (or colloquially “prep”) schools.  For girls there are some preparatory schools and public schools which are female imitations of the boys’ institutions.  A typical “preparatory school’“—or private primary school—is very small, with between fifty and a hundred boys, either all boarders or all dayboys, or some of each. Many of these schools are in adapted houses in the country or in small towns, houses built in the nineteenth century and too big to be inhabited by families in the conditions of the modern world. If there are fifty boys, aged between eight-plus and thirteen-plus, they will probably be taught in five or six grades (or “forms”); the headmaster will himself work as an ordinary teacher, and he will have four or five assistants working for him. The preparatory schools prepare boys for the public schools’ common entrance examination and for public school life. The, schools in the state system do not prepare boys for the public schools’ common entrance examination, so a boy who tried to change from the states system to the independent school system at the age of thirteen would find difficulty in entering a public school at all.  With a few exceptions public schools are all boarding schools, providing residential accommodation for their pupils, though many of them take some day-boys also. Most are in the southern half of England. Some of them are several hundred years old, but many others, including some of the most prominent thirty, were founded during the past 140 years. Most public schools, particularly the most eminent ones, are called by the name of the town or village in which they are situated; some are called “College” and some are not. The four most famous of all are Eton College, Harrow School, Winchester College and Rugby School.  Public schools are inspected by the inspectors of the Department of Education, but otherwise they are quite independent. Each has a board of governors. They control the finances and appoint the headmaster, who in his turn appoints the other teachers. To send a boy to .a leading public school costs about 900 to 1,100 pounds a year, though some of the less prominent schools may cost as little as 600 pounds. All the schools award “scholarships” to some of their boys who do very good work in an examination on entering or during their first year, and the boys who win scholarships pay reduced fees or in a few cases no fees at all.

考题 单选题What is the best title for the passage?A Ups and Downs of Online BusinessB Online Business vs Traditional BusinessC Apparel Online StoresD The Future of Online Stores

考题 单选题We tried moving the piano,but it looked better while it was originally.A whereB when C asD than

考题 单选题A land ethic of course cannot prevent the conversion, management, and use of the resources of soil, waters, plants and animals.A altercation B alternation C alteration D allocation

考题 问答题全球变暖  科学家与环保人士担心全球变暖的问题。使用化石燃料(如石油、煤)或大面积砍伐森林,是地球大气“温室气体”不断增加的两大因素。这些气体所吸收的热能越来越多,最终将改变天气型态、造成海平面与海洋温度的上升,以及形成有害于植物、野生动物和人类栖息地的气候反常。  虽然科学界对全球变暖的影响程度尚有歧见,但若人类对温室效应造成的危险置之不理,无异于玩火自焚。为避免温室效应加剧,从个人角度来看我们可以做的就是降低对化石燃料的依赖、减少用电,并采取最不耗损自然资源的生活方式。在政府这个层面,世界大部份的工业化国家,已在1997年所签定的京都议定书中,宣誓将做到气体排放减量。

考题 单选题The combined evidence of history and ecology seems to support one general deduction : the less violent the man made changes, the greater the probability of successful readjustment in the biotic pyramid.A inference B induction C hypothesis D speculation

考题 单选题______A themselvesB friendsC strangersD others

考题 单选题______A in effectB as a resultC for exampleD in a sense

考题 单选题After months of fighting the rebels were subdued in that country.A surrendered B attacked C conquered D elevated

考题 单选题______A Oil B Exhaust C Smoke D Gas