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For a sacrifice or expenditure to be the subject of general average contribution,there must be a danger common to().

the cargo owners


the shipowners


the whole adventure


the whole voyage


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更多 “单选题For a sacrifice or expenditure to be the subject of general average contribution,there must be a danger common to().A the cargo ownersB the shipownersC the whole adventureD the whole voyage” 相关考题
考题 1)All Risks2) Free from Particular Average3) insurable interest4) subject matter insured5) Institute Cargo Clause6) general average7) inherent vice8) the insured

考题 13 Which of the following correctly describes the imprest system for operating petty cash?AA All expenditure out of petty cash must be supported by a properly authorised voucher.B A regular equal amount of cash is transferred into petty cash.C The exact amount of expenditure out of petty cash is reimbursed at intervals.D A budget is fixed for a period which petty cash expenditure must not exceed.

考题 Expenditure increased on all the following consumption EXCEPT ______.A) foodB) automobilesC) educationD) entertainment

考题 It is true that until very recently the general view was that social security “represented a type of luxury and was essentially anti-economic.” It was seen as merely government expenditure for the needy.

考题 ___________A. offer B. sacrifice C. promise D. difference

考题 Effects which are dutiable or subject to prohibitions or restrictions should be declared in ______.A.CREW LISTB.PERSONAL EFFECTS LISTC.PASSENGER LISTD.GENERAL DECLARATION

考题 Expenditure incurred by the parties to the adventure on account of salvage,whether under contract or otherwise,shall be allowed in general average to the extent ______ the salvage operations were undertaken for the purpose of preserving from peril the property involved in the common maritime adventure.A.whereB.whichC.whetherD.that

考题 For a sacrifice or expenditure to be the subject of general average contribution,there must be a danger common to ______.A.the cargo ownersB.the shipownersC.the whole adventureD.the whole voyage

考题 If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ______ any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen's enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.A.byB.toC.atD.for

考题 Measures taken by the Assured or the Underwriters with the object of saving,protecting or recovering the subject-matter insured shall not be considered as _______.A.sue and laborB.a waiver or acceptance of abandonment or otherwise prejudice the rights of either partyC.general average actsD.acts reasonable for the purpose of averting or minimizing a loss

考题 The Shipowner cannot claim contribution from ______ if,after general average expenditure has been incurred,the ship and cargo are lost before the conclusion of the voyage.A.the CharterersB.the carriersC.the cargo ownersD.the persons of the property damaged

考题 The danger,the sacrifice or expenditure to which is the subject of general average,must be in fact ______.A.a real oneB.an imagined oneC.a reasonable fearD.a rational one

考题 There is a ______ act when,and only when,any extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure is intentionally and reasonably made or incurred for the common safety for the purpose of preserving from peril the property involved in a common maritime adventure.A.general averageB.particular averageC.total lossD.partial loss

考题 Where temporary repairs are effected to a ship at a port of loading,call or refuge,for the common safety,or of damage caused by general average sacrifice,the cost of such repairs shall be ______ as general average.A.fittedB.omittedC.committedD.admitted

考题 Which statement about general average is TRUE ________.A.Damage to a ship must have been incurred while the ship and/or its machinery was being used for its intended purposeB.Property must have been sacrificed or an expenditure of money incurredC.The loss or damage to deck cargo due to heavy weather constitutes general averageD.Of the ship,the freight,and the cargo interests,only one need be involved

考题 Which statement concerning sweat damage in containers is TRUE ________.A.Sweat damage in containers is unusual due to the small enclosed volume of airB.In general,containerized hygroscopic cargoes are the only ones subject to sweat damageC.Containers should be ventilated,dehumidified,or the contents physically protected against sweat damageD.Sweat damage is not a problem except in insulated and refrigerated containers

考题 材料:Following a general average incident,ship agents and surveyors play a significant role.A ship agent,in addition to the normal duties of port and husbandry agency,will assist the master in the aftermath of a general average incident to make a declaration which complies with the local law and custom of the port.Once the average adjuster has confirmed that security has been obtained from all the interested parties,the agent is instructed by the ship owner to permit delivery of the cargo.If cargo has been discharged to lighten the vessel,or cargo has been transshipped to a final destination,the agent will be responsible for keeping full and complete records of all movements and expenditure attributable to the general average.After any incident,a large number of surveyors representing various interests will descend on the vessel.Some of these surveyors will not be involved directly in the general average process.However,if it has become necessary to sacrifice or discharge a part of the cargo before arrival at the final destination stated on the bill of lading,the ship owner will appoint surveyors to report on the condition and quantity of cargo.Such surveyors,usually called general average surveyors,will act in the interests of all the parties involved(and may also represent hull and machinery interests).If possible,the account representing expenditure incurred should be examined and approved by the general average surveyor before settlement.问题:Which of the following is NOT correct as to the general average surveyors ___________.A.They may sometimes be involved into the examination and approval of general average expendituresB.They may sometimes be involved into the examination and approval of general average sacrificesC.They will act in the interests of all the parties involvedD.They will look at particularly the general average mattersWhat does this passage imply for the shipmasters when a general average incident occurred onboard ___________.A.He can rely on greatly the general average surveyorsB.He can rely on greatly the ship agentC.He can rely on greatly the interested partiesD.He can rely on greatly other surveyorsThe ship agent mentioned in the passage behaves ______.A.for the benefit of the cargo ownerB.for the benefit of the shipownerC.for the benefit of the salvorsD.for the benefit of the interested parties other than the aboveThe security required by the owner of ship and provided by relevant interested parties in general average cases is for the purpose of _______.① contributing to the losses and damages of general average nature;② securing all the general average contributions;③ Securing all the payment of Sue and Labour;④ contributing to the losses and damages of particular average nature.A.①③④B.①②③C.①②D.②③④请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 材料:This insurance also covers the insured vessels proportion of general average,salvage or salvage charges,but in case of general average sacrifice of the vessel,the Insured may recover fully for such loss without obtaining contributions from other parties.General average shall be adjusted in accordance with the relative contract and governing law and practice.However,where the contract of affreightment or carriage does not so provide,the adjustment shall be made according to the Beijing Adjustment Rules or similar provisions of other rules. Where all the contributing interests are owned by the Insured,or when the insured vessel sails in ballast and there are no other contributing interests the provisions of the Beijing Adjustment Rules(excluding Article 5),or similar provisions of other rules if expressly agreed,shall apply as if the interests were owned by different persons.The voyage for this purpose shall be deemed to continue from the port or place of departure until the arrival of the vessel at the first port or place of call thereafter other than a port or place of refuge or a port or place of call for bunkering only.If at any such intermediate port or place there is an abandonment of the adventure originally contemplated the voyage shall thereupon be deemed to be terminated.问题:In the event of general average sacrifice of the insured vessel,the insured ______.A.can only recover the insured vessel’s proportion from the InsurerB.should recover fully for such loss by obtaining contributions from the other partiesC.may recover fully for such loss from the Insurer prior to his obtaining the contributions from other partiesD.shall own all the contributing interestsGeneral average adjustment shall be made according to the Beijing Adjustment Rules or similar provisions of other rules if _____.A.the relative contract does not provide according to which law and practice the adjustment shall be madeB.the contributing interests are owned by different personsC.the contract of affreightment or carriage requires that some other governing law be followedD.there is a sacrifice of the insured vesselIf the insured vessel sails in ballast and there are no other contributing interests,______.A.the general average adjustment shall be made according to the relative contract of carriageB.all the provisions of Beijing Adjustment Rules shall be applied in case of any general averageC.no general average adjustment is neededD.the general average shall be adjusted as if there were different contributing interests according to the provisions of Beijing Adjustment RulesThe word“contemplated”in the last paragraph of this passage means _____.A.“looked at”B.“intended”C.“contended”D.“meditated”请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 To establish the evaluation index system of evaluation of students' all-round development must include__________ .A.subject learning goals B.general development goals C.subject learning goals and general development goals D.emotional goals

考题 边际支出曲线(Manginal expenditure curve)

考题 单选题According to the passage, why is the happiness of the general public a difficult subject for the government?A It can not be adequately explained by statistical data.B It is not related to a culture of short-termism.C People need to cope with inflation and unemployment first.D People place too much value on happiness and well-being.

考题 单选题The Shipowner cannot claim contribution from()if,after general average expenditure has been incurred,the ship and cargo are lost before the conclusion of the voyage.A the CharterersB the carriersC the cargo ownersD the persons of the property damaged

考题 单选题Sacrifices to meet the particular emergency,such as loss of the ship’s tackle through using it for unusual purposes in order to secure her safety in specially difficult circumstances,()the subject of a general average contribution.A isB beC will beD to be

考题 单选题A Her subject’s home.B Her subject’s social status.C Her subject’s personality.D Her subject’s appearance.

考题 单选题Which statement concerning sweat damage in containers is TRUE?().A Sweat damage in containers is unusual due to the small enclosed volume of airB In general,containerized hygroscopic cargoes are the only ones subject to sweat damageC Containers should be ventilated,dehumidified,or the contents physically protected against sweat damageD Sweat damage is not a problem except in insulated and refrigerated containers

考题 单选题If a university is to be of any use, it should prepare the students for an intellectual career by ______.A imparting knowledge and developing skillsB developing students’ independence in thinkingC disciplining the students in their subject fieldsD promoting the imagination in connecting details with general principles

考题 问答题The effect of governmental expenditures on the total economy varies with both the level of utilization of labor and capital in the economy at the time of the expenditure, and the segment of the economy which receives the expenditure. If the economy as a whole or the segment of the economy which is the focus of the expenditure is operating at capacity or close to capacity, then the expenditure’s major effects will tend to be inflationary, and will not generate much employment of capital and labor. If the economy or sector is operating at much less than full employment, the expenditure will produce a genuine (non-inflationary) rise in the GNP.

考题 单选题If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.A byB toC atD for