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术语翻译:Particular average()


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更多 “问答题术语翻译:Particular average()” 相关考题
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考题 The invariable result of ______ average is that the loss falls on the owner of the particular property which has suffered the damage,whether that damage was due to deliberate sacrifice or to an accident.A.specialB.particularC.generalD.total

考题 术语翻译:Particular average()

考题 术语翻译:general average()

考题 翻译:General Average(GA)()

考题 翻译:Free from Particular Average(FPA)()

考题 翻译:With Average or With Particular Average(WA or WPA)()

考题 翻译:Particular Average(PA)()

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考题 填空题翻译:With Average or With Particular Average(WA or WPA)()

考题 问答题术语翻译:general average()

考题 填空题翻译:Particular Average(PA)()

考题 填空题翻译:General Average(GA)()

考题 填空题翻译:Free from Particular Average(FPA)()

考题 单选题Particular average is().A the average distance steamed per day over the duration of the voyageB charges against all parties in a marine venture to pay for damagesC loss sustained by only one partyD claimed after all liens against the vessel are settled

考题 单选题If 70% of the bananas in a particular harvest had an average (arithmetic mean) length of 7 inches and 30% of the bananas in that harvest had an average (arithmetic mean) length of 5 inches, what was the average (arithmetic mean) length, in inches, of all of the bananas in the harvest?A 6.0B 6.2C 6.4D 6.6E 6.8