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漂砾(drift boulder)


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更多 “名词解释题漂砾(drift boulder)” 相关考题
考题 When one upbound vessel is overtaking another vessel and both are pushing a tow ahead,what reaction may you expect ________.A.Both towheads will tend to drift apart,and the overtaking vessel will be slowed downB.Both towheads will tend to drift together,and the overtaking vessel will be slowed downC.Both towheads will tend to drift apart,and the overtaken vessel will be slowed downD.Both towheads will tend to drift together,and the overtaken vessel will be slowed down

考题 Which statement concerning current is TRUE ________.A.Current can be determined by measuring the direction and distance between simultaneous EP and DR positionsB.The drift of the current should be averaged out on a one hour basisC.After the current is determined,it should not be used for further plotting because it is an unknown variableD.The distance between a simultaneous DR position and fix is equal to the drift of the current

考题 During the period of March and April each year salmon fishery is carried on ______ drift nets within 10 miles of the coast of Gotland.A.withB.byC.underD.Use

考题 异地灰岩又分为漂砾灰岩和碎块灰岩两大类,当岩石中大于2mm的颗粒占10%以上,并且是碎屑支撑时,称为漂砾灰岩;如果岩石是基质支撑则成为碎块灰岩。()

考题 串珠状分布的冰蚀盆地(冰蚀湖)、羊背石、漂砾链等冰川遗迹,均可作为判断古冰川流动方向的依据。

考题 漂砾

考题 漂砾(drift boulder)

考题 大陆漂移(continental drift)

考题 美国科罗拉多州的波尔德市(Boulder),从2008年开始建设全美第一个“智能电网”城市。

考题 火焰特效中,适合用来动画的参数是()。A、DensityB、SampleC、PhaseD、Drift

考题 ()refers to the height from the waterline to the bottom of the ship.A、DraftB、FreeboardC、DerrickD、Drift

考题 冰川表面因差别消融致使冰川舌下部形成高数米至数十米的(),大小漂砾保护其下部冰体不受消融则形成()。

考题 冰川漂砾

考题 单选题The purpose of the tripping line on a sea anchor is to().A Aid in casting offB Direct the drift of the vesselC Aid in its recoveryD Maintain maximum resistance to broaching

考题 名词解释题冰川漂砾

考题 名词解释题大陆漂移(continental drift)

考题 单选题A tug is approaching a broken down steamer in moderately heavy weather preparing to take it in tow. In most cases the().A steamer will drift stern downwindB tug will drift faster than the steamerC tug should approach stern toD tug should approach from downwind

考题 判断题美国科罗拉多州的波尔德市(Boulder),从2008年开始建设全美第一个“智能电网”城市。A 对B 错

考题 单选题When one upbound vessel is overtaking another vessel and both are pushing a tow ahead,what reaction may you expect().A Both towheads will tend to drift apart,and the overtaking vessel will be slowed downB Both towheads will tend to drift together,and the overtaking vessel will be slowed downC Both towheads will tend to drift apart,and the overtaken vessel will be slowed downD Both towheads will tend to drift together,and the overtaken vessel will be slowed down

考题 名词解释题漂砾

考题 单选题抗原性漂移(Antigenic drift)是指(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题You intend to overtake a vessel in a narrow channel.As you approach the other vessel’s stern()A you will gain speedB both vessels will gain speedC the vessels will drift togetherD the vessels will drift apart

考题 判断题串珠状分布的冰蚀盆地(冰蚀湖)、羊背石、漂砾链等冰川遗迹,均可作为判断古冰川流动方向的依据。A 对B 错

考题 单选题The winds with the greatest effect on the set,drift,and depth of the equatorial currents are the().A doldrumsB horse latitudesC trade windsD prevailing westerlies

考题 判断题异地灰岩又分为漂砾灰岩和碎块灰岩两大类,当岩石中大于2mm的颗粒占10%以上,并且是碎屑支撑时,称为漂砾灰岩;如果岩石是基质支撑则成为碎块灰岩。()A 对B 错

考题 单选题A drift lead indicates that the vessel is dragging anchor when the line is().A taut and leading forwardB slackC leading out perpendicular to the centerlineD leading under the hull

考题 单选题Which statement concerning current is TRUE().A Current can be determined by measuring the direction and distance between simultaneous EP and DR positionsB The drift of the current should be averaged out on a one hour basisC After the current is determined,it should not be used for further plotting because it is an unknown variableD The distance between a simultaneous DR position and fix is equal to the drift of the current