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此题考查五个特征中的第三个特征。录音中提到,如果没有沟通能力,拥有专业知识也毫无意义。由此可知答案应为Communication ability或Ability to communicate。
更多 “填空题____” 相关考题
考题 单选题The author proposes that in teaching science history, educators should not neglect contributions made by______.A people who applied scientists’ ideas.B scientists as individuals.C scientists as a group.D “giants” who stand on one another’s shoulders.

考题 填空题____

考题 问答题The second most important constituent of the biosphere is liquid water.This can only exist in a very narrow range of temperatures, since water freezesat 0℃ and boils at 100℃ This is only a tiny range compared with the low tem-peratures of some other planets and the hot interior of the earth, let the tem-   1._______perature of the sun. As we know, life would only be possible on the face of a     2._______planet had temperatures somewhere within this range.                 3._______  The earth’s supply of water probably remains quite fairly constant in      4._______quantity. A certain number of hydrogen atoms, which are one of the mainconstituents of water, are lost by escaping from the atmosphere to out space,    5._______but they are probably just about replaced by new water rising away from the     6._______depths of the earth during volcanic action. The total quantity of water is notknown, and it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe to a depth of    7._______about two and three-quarter kms. Most of it—97%—is in the form of the saltwaters of the oceans. The rest is fresh, but three quarter of this is in the form of 8._______ice at the Poles and on mountains, and cannot be used by living systems when     9._______melted. Of the remaining fraction, which is somewhat fewer than 1% of the      10._______whole, there is 10-20 times as much stored as underground water as is actual-ly on the surface. There is also a minor, but extremely important, fraction ofthe water supply which is present as water vapour in the atmosphere.欢迎使用ueditor!

考题 单选题According to Para. 3, all the followings are the cultural or technological innovation EXCEPT______.A the transformation of these valleys and plains.B the use of these valleys’ soil and water.C the timing of flood seasons.D the calendar.

考题 问答题我们每天丢弃的垃圾都被送到哪里去了?我国的垃圾处理方法主要以填埋为主;而垃圾在土地中自然降解的时间非常漫长,而且有毒害的物质还有可能渗透到我们的饮用水中。如果我们把垃圾分类回收再利用,将大大缓解垃圾对环境的危害。  让我们都做具有环保意识的消费者,身体力行“三个再”:即再节约、再利用、再循环。环境保护要从我做起,从小事做起。

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题In this passage the author argues that______.A more and more evidence shows college education may not be the best thing for high school graduatesB college education is not enough if one wants to be successfulC college education benefits only the intelligent, ambitious, and quick-learning peopleD intelligent people may learn quicker if they don’ t go to college

考题 问答题Now many university teachers are troubled by students' cheating on exams. No matter how hard they try to persuade students and to prevent it from happening, this phenomenon seems to be on the increase. In the past, only students poor at study would try to cheat, but now those good students are joining this team. What's more, students who are caught seldom regret their behavior; they only complain about their bad luck. This is really hard to understand for teachers and administrators. The website of a university has started an online discussion about .why students cheat on exams, and you are expected to write an article of about 400 words to join this discussion. You can decide the title for your article.  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

考题 问答题Why is the decline of good manners more worrying according to the passage?

考题 问答题Now many university teachers are troubled by students' cheating on exams. No matter how hard they try to persuade students and to prevent it from happening, this phenomenon seems to be on the increase. In the past, only students poor at study would try to cheat, but now those good students are joining this team. What's more, students who are caught seldom regret their behavior; they only complain about their bad luck. This is really hard to understand for teachers and administrators. The website of a university has started an online discussion about .why students cheat on exams, and you are expected to write an article of about 400 words to join this discussion. You can decide the title for your article.  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

考题 问答题For a clearer picture of what the student knows, most of teachers use another   1._______kind of examination in addition to objective tests. They use “essay” tests, whichrequire students to write long answers of broad, general questions. One advantage  2._______of the essay test is that it reduces the element of lucky. The students cannot    3._______get high score just by making a lucky guess. Other advantage is that it shows the  4._______examiner more about the student’s ability to put facts together into a meaningfulwhole. It should show what deeply he has thought of the subject. Sometimes,      5._______though, essay tests have disadvantages, either. Some students are able to write   6._______good answers without really knowing much about the subject, as other students     7._______who actually know the material have trouble to express their ideas in essay     8._______form.  Besides, on an essay test the student’s score may depend on theexaminer’s feelings at the time of reading the answer. If he is feeling tired orbored, the student may receive a lower score than he should. Another examinerreading the same answer might give it much high mark. From this standpoint      9._______the objective test gives each student a fairer chance.  Whether an objective test or an essay test are used, problems arise. When    10._______some objective questions are used along with some essay questions, however, afairly clear picture of the student’s knowledge can usually be obtained.

考题 单选题Apart from achieving his desired results, a child should also learn to______.A behave properlyB attain his goal as soon as possibleC show his affection for his parentsD talk quietly

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题A 3/4 percent American workers are potential applicants.B 1.3 million jobs were created last year.C 40 percent of companies will take on part-time staff.D The service sector does not contribute to job creation.

考题 问答题The overuse of modern technologies in recreational activities makes human beings less creative. Do you agree or disagree? Write a composition of about 400 words on this topic.

考题 单选题The relationship between the second and third paragraph is that______.A the third is the further development of the second.B the second generalizes and the third gives examples.C each presents one side of the background information of the dead.D both present the author’s disagreements with the inscription.

考题 单选题Roger has cited the following advantages of buying a sailing-boat EXCEPTA he can spend time along the nearest river or sea.B he can have fun with their children.C he can give something he’d never had to the kids.D he can remain as young as before.

考题 填空题____

考题 问答题Demographic indicators show that Americans in the postwar period were moreeager than ever to establish families. They quickly brought down the age at marriagefor both men and women and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century height   1._______after more than a hundred years of a steady decline, producing the” baby boom.”  2._______These young adults established a trend of early marriage and relatively largefamilies that went for more than two decades and caused a major but temporary   3._______reversal of longterm demographic patterns. From the 1940s through the early1960s, Americans married at a high rate and at a younger age than their      4._______Europe counterparts.                                  5._______  Less noted but equally more significant, the men and women who formed       6._______families between 1940 and 1960 nevertheless reduced the divorce rate after a    7._______postwar peak; their marriages remained intact to a greater extent than did that of  8._______couples who married in earlier as well as later decades. Since the United States   9._______maintained its dubious distinction of having the highest divorce rate in the world,the temporary decline in divorce did not occur in the same extent in Europe.    10._______Contrary to fears of the experts, the role of breadwinner and homemaker was notabandoned.

考题 问答题长大一点的时候,我开始确定:她的眼睛,就像一场正在发生的车祸;她的鼻子,是黑暗发出的一道命令,是黑暗里笔直的梯子;她的嘴角,是灾难的旋涡;这女人几乎没有骨头,除了她的眉骨,她光秃秃的眉骨,是无所不在的嘲讽;她的衣服,是一个能把我拐走的大伞,还有她的腮,她的手指,毫无疑问像腐烂的尸体的一部分。

考题 问答题在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会是广交朋友的好机会。在这种场合陌生人相识,如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先毕恭毕敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方,这好像是不可缺少的礼节。然而,法国人一般不大主动递送名片,双方见面寒喧几句,甚至海阔天空地聊一番也就各自走开,只有当双方谈话投机,希望继续交往时,才会掏出名片。二话不说先递名片反倒有些勉强。

考题 问答题Culture refers to the social heritage of a people—the learnedpatterns for thinking, feeling and acting that characterize apopulation or society, include the expression of these patterns        (1) ______in material things. Culture is compose of nonmaterial culture         (2) _______—abstract creations like values, beliefs, customs and institutionalarrangements—and material culture—physical object like            (3) _______cooking pots, computers and bathtubs. In sum, culture reflectsboth the ideas we share or everything we make. In ordinary           (4) _______speech, a person of culture is the individual can speak another         (5) _______language—the person who is unfamiliar with the arts, music,          (6) _______literature, philosophy, or history. But to sociologists, to behuman is to be cultured, because of culture is the common           (7) _______world of experience we share with other members of our group.  Culture is essentially to our humanness. It provides a kind of map     (8) _______for relating to others. Consider how you find your way about sociallife. How do you know how to act in a classroom, or a departmentstore, or toward a person who smiles or laugh at you? Your culture       (9) _______supplies you by broad, standardized, ready-made answers for          (10) _______dealing with each of these situations. Therefore, if we know aperson’s culture, we can understand and even predict a gooddeal of his behavior.

考题 单选题A The scrutiny of the local authority.B The readers’ protest against high prices.C Efficient staff in The Journal.D The low price of The Times.

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考题 单选题During the conversation, Julia indicates thatA Roger doesn’t enjoy the nature very much.B Roger doesn’t do well in golfC Roger has been drinking too much beer.D Roger loves getting up early.

考题 填空题____