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以下哪个OSPF版本适用于IPv6?( )



更多 “以下哪个OSPF版本适用于IPv6?( )A.OSPFv1 B.OSPFv2 C.OSPFv3 D.OSPFv4 ” 相关考题
考题 下面哪个OSPF版本适用于IPv6()。A.OSPFv1B.OSPFv2C.OSPFv3D.OSPFv4

考题 以下路由协议哪个属于链路状态算法() A.RIPB.BGPC.IS-ISD.OSPF

考题 IPv6报文格式为IPv6报头、_____、上层协议数据单元,IPv6报文基本头部大小为_____字节,报文头部字段种版本号取值为_____。

考题 Which command enables OSPF for IPv6?() A. router ospf ipv6 process - idB. ipv6 ospf process - idC. router ospf process - idD. ipv6 router ospf process - id

考题 Refer to the output. What IOS command produces this output?() A. show i p ospfB. show ip ospf interfaceC. show ipv6 ospf interfaceD. show ipv6 ospf

考题 以下哪个OSPF版本适用于IPv6?( )A.OSPFv1 B.OSPFv2 C.OSPFv3 D.OSPFv4

考题 IPv6协议簇不包含下面的哪种协议?()A、ICMPB、ARPC、DHCPD、OSPF

考题 查看7750SROSPF邻居关系是否建立使用以下哪个命令()A、show ospfB、show ospf neighborC、show router ospfD、show router ospf neighbor

考题 通过命令检查ospf邻居状态时,以下哪个状态表示已经形成ospf邻居()A、Loading stateB、Two-way stateC、Exstart stateD、Full state

考题 Which command enables OSPF for IPv6?()A、router ospf ipv6 process - idB、ipv6 ospf process - idC、router ospf process - idD、ipv6 router ospf process - id

考题 以下哪个协议是IPX的路由协议()A、RIPB、SAPC、BGPD、OSPF

考题 What does the command clear ipv6 ospf process accomplish?()A、The shortest path first (SPF) algorithm is performed on the LSA database.B、The OSPF adjacencies are cleared and initiated again.C、The OSPF database is repopulated. Then the shortest path first (SPF) algorithm is performed.D、The route table is cleared. Then the OSPF neighbors are reformed.

考题 The command "clear ipv6 ospf process" was issued on a router. What does this commandaccomplish?()A、The route table is cleared. Then the OSPF neighbors are reformedB、The OSPF adjacencies are cleared and initiated againC、The OSPF database is repopulated and then the shortest path first (SPF) algorithm isperformed.D、The shortest path first (SPF) algorithm is performed on the LSA databaseE、None of the other alternatives apply

考题 OSPF协议的哪个版本可以用于Ipv6网络()。A、OSPFv1B、OSPFv2C、OSPFv3D、OSPFv4

考题 下面哪个命令可以查看OSPFV3路由接口信息()A、show ipov6 ospf neighborB、show ipv6 ospf interfaceC、show ipv6 ospf catabase

考题 下面那个OSPF版本适用于IPv6()A、OSPFv1B、OSPFv2C、OSPFv3D、OSPFv4

考题 下面哪个OSPF版本适用于IPv6?()A、OSPFv1B、OSPFv2C、OSPFv3D、OSPFv4

考题 IPv6包头中版本字段为()。

考题 下面列出的路由协议中,支持IPV6的是()A、RIP(v2)B、RIPC、OSPF(v2)D、OSPF(v3)

考题 填空题IPv6包头中版本字段为()。

考题 单选题Internet协议版本6(IPv6)不支持以下哪个组件?()A 服务控制台B vCenterServerC VMkernelD vSphereClient

考题 单选题In IPv6, the interfaces running OSPF can be configured with multiple ad dress prefixes. Which statement is true about the IPv6 addresses that can be included into the OSPF process?" ()A Specific addresses can be selected using a prefix list.B Specific addresses can be selected using a route map.C Specific addresses cann ot be selected for importation into the OSPF process.D Specific addresses can be selected using an ACL.

考题 单选题Which command enables OSPF for IPv6?()A router ospf ipv6 process - idB ipv6 ospf process - idC router ospf process - idD ipv6 router ospf process - id

考题 多选题Which two of these steps are minimum requirements to configure OSPFv3 under IPv6?()AConfigure a routing process using the command ipv6 router ospf [process-id].BAdd the network statement for the interfaces on which OSPF will run.CConfigure OSPF on the interface that it will run on.DUse the passive-interface command on the interfaces on which OSPF should not run.EEnable routing.

考题 单选题下面那个OSPF版本适用于IPv6()A OSPFv1B OSPFv2C OSPFv3D OSPFv4

考题 单选题OSPF协议的哪个版本可以用于Ipv6网络()。A OSPFv1B OSPFv2C OSPFv3D OSPFv4

考题 单选题下面哪个命令可以查看OSPFV3路由接口信息()A show ipov6 ospf neighborB show ipv6 ospf interfaceC show ipv6 ospf catabase

考题 单选题下面哪个OSPF版本适用于IPv6?()A OSPFv1B OSPFv2C OSPFv3D OSPFv4