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The WHO says there is currently no evidence of human-to-human ______ of the virus.



更多 “The WHO says there is currently no evidence of human-to-human ______ of the virus.A.translation B.transition C.transmission D.transaction” 相关考题
考题 It is difficult to ______ a conversation with someone who only says “Yes” or “No”. A、hold upB、keep upC、stir upD、come up

考题 Bitterness comes from __________.A. our health problems like heart diseaseB. the anger that lives deep inside our mindC. the person who says something that hurts usD. our relationships with friends and family members

考题 David ( ) on a new database at the moment.A. currently workB. is currently workingC. currently working

考题 He says he will tell ________ wants to know.A、whateverB、whoeverC、whicheverD、who

考题 Evaluate the following command and its output:Which two statements correctly interpret the output?() A. FREE_SPACE indicates only the space that is currently unallocated.B. ALLOCATED_SPACE indicates only the space currently allocated and in use.C. FREE_SPACE indicates only the space that is currently allocated and available for reuse.D. ALLOCATED_SPACE indicates both the space currently allocated and used, and the space that is available for reuse.E. FREE_SPACE indicates both the space that is currently allocated and available for reuse, and the space that is currently unallocated.

考题 共用题干 Many Women Who Beat Cancer Don't Change HabitsMany women who battle breast cancer will tell you it's a life-changing experience. However,a new study shows that for many___1___ ,the changes aren't always positive or permanent.Beth Snoke has watched her mother and both grandmothers battle and survive breast ___2___.So when she was diagnosed,there was no doubt in her mind ___3___ she had to do.“I do exactly what the doctors say as far as the medicine that I'm on,as ___4___ as the vitamins,the diet,and the fitness. And I can't stress enough___5___ important that is,”saysBeth Snoke. But a surprising new study shows that___ 6___ every woman who beats breast cancer is getting that message. In fact,nearly 40% of them say even___7___ surviving breast cancer,they haven't made significant changes in the 8 they eat or how much they exer- cise.“Not all survivors are taking advantage of this teachable moment and making positive health changes in___9___life,”says Electra Paskett,PhD,at Ohio State University's Cornprehensive Cancer Center. Paskett says diet and exercise have been proven to not only help women feel better during and after treatment,they may___10___play a role in preventing some cancers from coming back.___ 11___ growing evidence,some women just aren't listening.“Colon cancer survivors ___12___ exercise have actually been shown to have improved survival rates.So,yes,it is true that perhaps by making some of these healthy choices we can actually increase their health,”says Paskett.As a breast cancer survivor ___13___ ,Paskett knows first hand how much difference diet and exercise can___14___.The challenge,she says,is to get more survivors to be more like Beth,during and after treatment.Experts-say exercising more and eating a healthier diet can also cut___15___on stress and help women overcome depression. There are more than 2 million breast cancer survivors liv-ing in the U. S. of those,nearly a million have yet to change their diet or exercise routines.3._________A: whichB: thatC: whatD: those

考题 Who talks more,women or men?The seemingly contradictory evidence is( )by the difference what I call public and private speaking.More men feel comfortable doing“public speaking,”while more women feel comfortable doing“private”speaking.Another way of capturing these differences is by using the terms report-talk and rapport-talk.A.compromised B.reckoned C.reinforced D.reconciled

考题 共用题干 第三篇Iron DeficienciesExperts have observed for years that endurance athletes,particularly females,frequently have iron deficiencies.Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women."We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss,"says Roseanne M.Lyle,associate professor at Purdue.Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise."Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back,"she notes."But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a significant decrease in iron levels."Iron deficiency is very common among women in general,affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45,respectively.But the ratio is even greater among active women,affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes.This means,Lyle says,that"too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in."Women of childbearing age are at greatest risk,since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.Plus,many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat,which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,they may not consume enough iron-rich food,and are liable to experience a deficiency."The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance of iron," notes another expert."For a woman who already has a poor iron status,any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,"notes the expert. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms.Some iron is lost in sweat,and,for unknown reasons,intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system.The best sources of iron,and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body,are meat,chicken,and fish.Good sources of other forms of iron include dates,beans,and some leafy green vegetables.Who will have a significant decrease in iron levels?A:All the women.B:All the inactive women.C:Women who start to do moderate exercise and follow their normal diet.D:Women who start to do moderate exercise and consume additional meat or take iron supplements.

考题 共用题干 第三篇Iron DeficienciesExperts have observed for years that endurance athletes,particularly females,frequently have iron deficiencies.Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women."We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss,"says Roseanne M.Lyle,associate professor at Purdue.Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise."Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back,"she notes."But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a significant decrease in iron levels."Iron deficiency is very common among women in general,affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45,respectively.But the ratio is even greater among active women,affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes.This means,Lyle says,that"too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in."Women of childbearing age are at greatest risk,since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.Plus,many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat,which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,they may not consume enough iron-rich food,and are liable to experience a deficiency."The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance of iron," notes another expert."For a woman who already has a poor iron status,any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,"notes the expert. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms.Some iron is lost in sweat,and,for unknown reasons,intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system.The best sources of iron,and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body,are meat,chicken,and fish.Good sources of other forms of iron include dates,beans,and some leafy green vegetables.Who will show evidence of iron loss?A:Inactive women.B:Active women.C:Women who do a program of moderate exercises regularly.D:Women who are inactive and start to do moderate exercises.

考题 共用题干 第三篇Iron DeficienciesExperts have observed for years that endurance athletes,particularly females,frequently have iron deficiencies.Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women."We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss,"says Roseanne M.Lyle,associate professor at Purdue.Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise."Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back,"she notes."But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a significant decrease in iron levels."Iron deficiency is very common among women in general,affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45,respectively.But the ratio is even greater among active women,affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes.This means,Lyle says,that"too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in."Women of childbearing age are at greatest risk,since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.Plus,many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat,which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,they may not consume enough iron-rich food,and are liable to experience a deficiency."The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance of iron," notes another expert."For a woman who already has a poor iron status,any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,"notes the expert. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms.Some iron is lost in sweat,and,for unknown reasons,intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system.The best sources of iron,and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body,are meat,chicken,and fish.Good sources of other forms of iron include dates,beans,and some leafy green vegetables.Who will have the least risk of having iron loss?A:Women of childbearing age.B:Women who reject red meat.C:Women who take dates and beans often.D:Women who control their weight by taking less meat and vegetables.

考题 Text 2 An article in Scientific America has pointed out that empirical research says that,actually,you think you’re more beautiful than you are.We have a deepseated need to feel good about ourselves and we naturally employ a number of selfenhancing strategies to research into what they call the“above average effect”,or“illusory superiority”,and shown that,for example,70%of us rate ourselves as above average in leadership,93%in driving and 85%at getting on well with others—all obviously statistical impossibilities.We rose tint our memories and put ourselves into selfaffirming situations.We become defensive when criticized,and apply negative stereotypes to others to boost our own esteem,we stalk around thinking we’re hot stuff.Psychologist and behavioral scientist Nicholas Epley oversaw a key studying into selfenhancement and attractiveness.Rather that have people simply rate their beauty compress with others,he asked them to identify an original photograph of themselves’from a lineup including versions that had been altered to appear more and less attractive.Visual recognition,reads the study,is“an automatic psychological process occurring rapidly and intuitively with little or no apparent conscious deliberation”.If the subjects quickly chose a falsely flattering image—which must did—they genuinely believed it was really how they looked.Epley found no significant gender difference in responses.Nor was there any evidence that,those who selfenhance the must(that is,the participants who thought the most positively doctored picture were real)were doing so to make up for profound insecurities.In fact those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other makers for having higher selfesteem.“I don't think the findings that we having have are any evidence of personal delusion”,says Epley.“It's a reflection simply of people generally thinking well of themselves’.If you are depressed,you won't be selfenhancing.Knowing the results of Epley's study,it makes sense that why people heat photographs of themselves viscerally—on one level,they don't even recognize the person in the picture as themselves.Facebook therefore,is a selfenhancer's paradise,where people can share only the most flattering photos,the cream of their wit,style,beauty,intellect and lifestyles.“It's not that people's profiles are dishonest”,says Catalina Toma of Wiscon—Madison university,”but they portray an idealized version of themselves. Visual recognition is believed to be people's_____A.rapid watching B.conscious choice C.intuitive response D.automatic selfdefence

考题 共用题干 第二篇Don't Count on DungConservationists(自然保护主义者)may be miscalculating the numbers of the threatened animals such as elephants,say African and American researchers.The error occurs because of a flaw in the way they estimate animal numbers from the piles of dung (粪)the creatures leave behind.The mistake could lead researchers to think that there are twice as many elephants as there really are in some regions,according to Andrew Plumptre of the Wildlife Conservation Society(WCS)in New York.Biologist Katy Payne of Cornell University in Ithaca,New York,agrees.“We really need to know elephant numbers and the evidence that we have is quite indirect,"says Payne,who electronically tracks elephants.Counting elephants from planes is impossible in the vast rainforests of Central Africa.So researchers often estimate elephant numbers by counting dung piles in a given area.They also need to know the rate at which dung decays.Because it's extremely difficult to determine these rates,however,researchers counting elephants in one region tend to rely on standard decay rates established elsewhere.But researchers at the WCS have found that this decay rate varies from region to region depending on the climate and environment.Using the wrong values can lead the censusastray(离开正道),says Plumptre.He and his colleague Anthony Chifu Nchanji studied decaying elephant dung in the forests of Cameroon.They found that the dung decayed between 55 and 65 per cent more slowly than the dung in the rainforests of neighbouring Gabon.If researchers use decay rates from Gabon to count elephants in Cameroon,they would probably find more elephants than are actually around.This could mean estimates in Cameroon are at least twice as high as those derived from decay rates calculated locally,says Plumptre."However accurate your dung densityestimate might be,the decay rate can severely affect the result.''Plumptre also says that the dung-pile census should be carried out over a region similar in size to an elephant's natural range.The usual technique of monitoring only small, protected areas distorts numbers because elephants move in and out of these regions,he says."If the elephant population increases within the protected area,you can not determine whether it is a real increase or whether it is due to elephants moving in because they are being poached(入侵偷猎)outside."Plumptre says that similar problems may also affect other animal census studies that rely on indirect evidence such as nests,tracks or burrows(地洞).The word "threatened" in the first sentence of the first paragraph could be best replaced byA:"endangered".B:"frightened".C:"killed".D:"angered".

考题 美国社会语言学家()用“Who says what to whom,when and how”来概括社会语言学的范围A、克里斯特尔B、布莱特C、NessaWolfsonD、乔姆斯基

考题 Sea waybill is an import file.It is ().A、Evidence of receipt for the goodsB、Shipment contactC、Evidence of the contract of carriageD、Document of title

考题 您正在加载到应用程序中的一个新的程序集。您需要重写默认的程序集证据。您需要公共语言运行库(CLR)授予程序集的权限集,因为如果从本地intranet区域的程序集被加载。您需要建立证据的收集。您应该使用哪个代码段?()A、Evidence evidence = new Evidence(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Evidence);B、Evidence evidence = new Evidence(); evdence.AddAssembly(new Zone(SecurityZone.Intranet));C、Evidence evidence = new Evidence(); evidence.AddHost(new Zone(SecurityZone.Intranet));D、Evidence evidence = new Evidence(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence);

考题 单选题MV SUDAN/MEAN AT 0200UTC IN POSITION 40.44N 141.52E PASSED A DERELICT ABOUT 40 TONS HALF SUBMERGED AND IS DRIFTING. This cable says that she met with possibly().A a floating wreckB a survivor at seaC a man who had fallen overboardD a drilling rig

考题 单选题请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题 。Passage 2An article in Scientific America haspointed out that empirical research says that, actually, you think you 're morebeautiful than you are. We have a deep-seated need to feel good about ourselvesand we naturally employ a number of self-enhancing strategies to achieve this.Social psychologists have amassed oceans of research into what they callthe above average effect ,or illusory superiority,and shown that, for example, 70% of us rate ourselves as above average inleadership, 93% in driving and 85% at getting on well with others-all obviouslystatistical impossibilities.We rose-tint our memories and put ourselvesinto self-affirming situations. We become defensive when criticized, and applynegative stereotypes to others to boost our own esteem. We stalk aroundthinking we're hot stuff. Psychologistand behavioral scientist Nicholas Epley oversaw a key study into self-enhancementand attractiveness. Rather than have people simply rate their beauty comparedwith others, he asked them to identify an original photograph of themselvesfrom a lineup including versions that had been altered to appear more and lessattractive. Visual recognition, reads the study, is an automatic psychological process,occurring rapidly and intuitively with little or no apparent consciousdeliberation. If the subjects quickly chose a falsely flatteringimage-which most did they genuinely believed it was really how they looked.Epley found no significant genderdifference in responses. Nor was there any evidence that those who self-enhancedthe, most (that is, the participants who thought the most positively doctored pictureswere real) were doing so to make up for profound insecurities. In fact, thosewho thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directlycorresponded with those who showed othermarkers for having higher self-esteem. I don't think the findings that wehave are any evidence of personal delusion, says Epley.It's a reflection simply ofpeople generally thinking well of themselves. If you are depressed, youwon ' t be self-enhancing.Knowingthe results of Epley's study, it makes sense that many people hate photographsof themselves viscerally -on one level, they don't even recognize theperson in the picture as themselves. Facebook, therefore, is a self-enhancer 's paradise, where people can share only the most flattering photos, the cream of their wit, style, beauty, intellect and lifestyles. It's not that people's profiles are dishonest,says Catalina Toma of Wisconsin-Madison University, but they portray an idealized versionof themselves.Visual recognition is believed to be people ' s_______A rapid matchingB intuitive responseC automatic self-defenceD conscious choice

考题 单选题您正在加载到应用程序中的一个新的程序集。您需要重写默认的程序集证据。您需要公共语言运行库(CLR)授予程序集的权限集,因为如果从本地intranet区域的程序集被加载。您需要建立证据的收集。您应该使用哪个代码段?()A Evidence evidence = new Evidence(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Evidence);B Evidence evidence = new Evidence(); evdence.AddAssembly(new Zone(SecurityZone.Intranet));C Evidence evidence = new Evidence(); evidence.AddHost(new Zone(SecurityZone.Intranet));D Evidence evidence = new Evidence(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence);

考题 多选题Evaluate the following command and its output: Which two statements correctly interpret the output?()AFREE_SPACE indicates only the space that is currently unallocated.BALLOCATED_SPACE indicates only the space currently allocated and in use.CFREE_SPACE indicates only the space that is currently allocated and available for reuse.DALLOCATED_SPACE indicates both the space currently allocated and used, and the space that is available for reuse.EFREE_SPACE indicates both the space that is currently allocated and available for reuse, and the space that is currently unallocated.

考题 单选题When the teacher says Who wants to have a try?, he/she wants to________.A control disciplineB prompt class activityC evaluate students' workD draw students' attention to the lesson

考题 单选题美国社会语言学家()用“Who says what to whom,when and how”来概括社会语言学的范围A 克里斯特尔B 布莱特C NessaWolfsonD 乔姆斯基

考题 单选题A Statistics about major diseases.B Symptoms of influenza infection.C A. major epidemic of influenza.D Different strains of the flu virus.

考题 单选题Passage2An article in Scientific America has pointed out that empirical research says that,actually,you think you're more beautiful than you are.We have a deep-seated need to feel good about ourselves and we naturally employ a number of self-enhancing strategies to achieve this.Social psychologists have amassed oceans of research into what they call theabove average effect”or“illusory superiority, and shown that, for example,70% of us rate ourselves as above average in leadership,93% in driving and 85% at getting on well with others-all obviously statistical impossibilities.We rose-tint our memories and put ourselves into self-affirming situations. We become defensive when criticized, and apply negative stereotypes to others to boost our own esteem. We stalk around thinking we' re hot stuf.Psychologist and behavioral scientist Nicholas Epley oversaw a key study into self-enhancement and attractiveness. Rather than have people simply rate their beauty compared with others, he asked them to identify an original photograph of themselves from a lineup including versions that had been altered to appear more and less attractive. Visual recognition, reads the study, isan automatic psychological process, occurring rapidly and intuitively with little or no apparent conscious deliberation.If the subjects quickly chose a falsely flattering image-which most did-they genuinely believed it was really how they looked.Epley found no significant gender difference in responses. Nor was there any evidence that those who self-enhanced the most(that is, the participants who thought the most positively doctored pictures were real) were doing so to make up for profound insecurities. In fact, those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other markers for having higher self-esteem.I don't think the findings that we have are any evidence of personal delusion,says Epley.It's a reflection simply of people generally thinking well of themselves.If you are depressed, you won't be self-enhancing.Knowing the results of Epley's study, it makes sense that many people hate photographs of themselves yiscerally-on one level, they don't even recognize the person in the picture as themselves. Facebook, therefore, is a self-enhancer's paradise, where people can share only the most flattering photos, the cream of their wit, style, beauty, intellect and lifestyles.It's not that people's profiles are dishonest,says Catalina Toma of Wisconsin-Madison University,but they portray an idealized version of themselves.Visual recognition is believed to be people's_______.A rapid matchingB intuitive responseC automatic self-defenceD conscious choice

考题 单选题Evidence, reference, and footnotes by the thousand testify to a scrupulous researcher who does considerable justice to a full range of different theoretical and political positions.A trustworthyB intelligentC diligentD meticulous

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A "Lindow Man" was named after the person who first found him.B Historians usually use paper evidence, while archaeologists use hard evidence.C "Lindow Man" was found by two archaeologists in the south of England.D ”Lindow Man” was good at manual work.