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Those firms plan to raise capital locally to ___ the expansion.



解析:本题主要考查形近词词语辨析,空格处需要一个及物动词。A选项意为“归档、提交”,B选项意为“找到、发现”,C选项意为“组成、构成”,D选项意为“投资、资助”,题目意为“那些工厂计划在当地集资来资助扩张。”“fund the expansion”指为扩展提供资金支持。
更多 “Those firms plan to raise capital locally to ___ the expansion.A.file B.find C.form D.fund” 相关考题
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考题 ●Quality planning tools are often used to help plan effective quality management activities.(71) is one of such tools, which involves comparing actual or planned project practices to those of other projects to generate ideas for improvement and to provide a basis by which to measure performance.(71)A. BenchmarkingB. Quality metricC. Quality checklistD. Brainstorming

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考题 The European Commission's proposed tax on digital services is intended to make companies such as Google and Uber pay more.The idea is that such firms are gaming the rules at the expense of other taxpayers.The issue is real and needs to be addressed-but the answer under discussion breaks with both established international practice and plain common sense.Formal talks on the plan are due to start this week.The commission is calling for a 3 percent tax on the turnover of large digital enterprises-those with EU digital revenues over 50 million euros and total global revenues of over 750 million euros.About half the companies affected would be American,the EU estimates.The commission says it has been left with little choice.The value generated by digital companies doesn't require a physical presence,making them harder to rax.Digital businesses arrange their affairs to exploit this:They allocate income to low-tax jurisdictions and,according to officials,end up paying an effective tax of roughly 10 percent of profits,less than half of the burden carried by traditional businesses.Officials acknowledge that the right solution is a thorough overhaul of the corporate tax code,especially as it affects international firms selling digital services-and that this should be done not unilaterally but in cooperation with other countries,notably the U.S.Efforts are in fact underway,but progress has been slow,and EU officials have chosen to do something,anything,as soon as possible.Doing nothing would be better than this.For a start,the plan wouldn't raise much revenue-a meager 5 billion euros each year.And this supposedly fairer tax would bring abnormal results.For instance,companies such as Uber that don't make money will have a new cost to absorb;highly profitable firms with market power,such as Facebook,will be able to pass the tax on to their consumers.Small startups will be exempt from the new tax-unless they're acquired by larger companies.That will discourage consolidations.And the proposal as it stands may tax more activities than intended:Some financial services,for example,seem to be within its scope In its zeal to tax digital enterprises,the commission departs from many of its own stated principles.Its plan would probably require accessing individual,not just anonymized,user data.This runs counter to the EU's strict new rules on privacy,coming into force next month.Efforts to design a multinational solution need to be stepped up,not set aside.The goal should be a fair,multilateral framework that recognizes the complexity of the new digital economy while respecting the sovereignty of nations to set their own tax policy.That's an international challenge demanding an international solution. What is the ultimate goal that digital tax legislation should pursue?A.Efficient unilateral solution.s. B.Simplified corporate tax systems C.A global cooperative approach D.An anti-tax avoidance package

考题 The European Commission's proposed tax on digital services is intended to make companies such as Google and Uber pay more.The idea is that such firms are gaming the rules at the expense of other taxpayers.The issue is real and needs to be addressed-but the answer under discussion breaks with both established international practice and plain common sense.Formal talks on the plan are due to start this week.The commission is calling for a 3 percent tax on the turnover of large digital enterprises-those with EU digital revenues over 50 million euros and total global revenues of over 750 million euros.About half the companies affected would be American,the EU estimates.The commission says it has been left with little choice.The value generated by digital companies doesn't require a physical presence,making them harder to rax.Digital businesses arrange their affairs to exploit this:They allocate income to low-tax jurisdictions and,according to officials,end up paying an effective tax of roughly 10 percent of profits,less than half of the burden carried by traditional businesses.Officials acknowledge that the right solution is a thorough overhaul of the corporate tax code,especially as it affects international firms selling digital services-and that this should be done not unilaterally but in cooperation with other countries,notably the U.S.Efforts are in fact underway,but progress has been slow,and EU officials have chosen to do something,anything,as soon as possible.Doing nothing would be better than this.For a start,the plan wouldn't raise much revenue-a meager 5 billion euros each year.And this supposedly fairer tax would bring abnormal results.For instance,companies such as Uber that don't make money will have a new cost to absorb;highly profitable firms with market power,such as Facebook,will be able to pass the tax on to their consumers.Small startups will be exempt from the new tax-unless they're acquired by larger companies.That will discourage consolidations.And the proposal as it stands may tax more activities than intended:Some financial services,for example,seem to be within its scope In its zeal to tax digital enterprises,the commission departs from many of its own stated principles.Its plan would probably require accessing individual,not just anonymized,user data.This runs counter to the EU's strict new rules on privacy,coming into force next month.Efforts to design a multinational solution need to be stepped up,not set aside.The goal should be a fair,multilateral framework that recognizes the complexity of the new digital economy while respecting the sovereignty of nations to set their own tax policy.That's an international challenge demanding an international solution. The author's attiiude toward EU's new tax plan is one ofA.slight hesitation. B.strong disapproval. C.reserved consent. D.enthusiastic support.

考题 What is Leafman Capital's announced plan for the Hotel Jean-Claude?A.To build apartments on the property B.To update some of its facilities C.To operate it as an economy hotel D.To turn it into a historical museum

考题 Those firms plan to raise capital locally to ( ) the expansion.A. file B. find C. form D. fund

考题 Leafman Capital Purchases Josee Group Leafman Capital, a leading Canadian investment firm, announced today that it has completed its long-anticipated acquisition of Josee Group, a Paris-based hotel company. The deal has an esti-mated value of 350 million euros, according to Leafman Capital executives. The sale of the French-owned Josee Group to a Canadian firm has caused a great deal of con-troversy in France, the Josee Group owns 26 historic hotels in and around Paris, including the fa-mous Hotel Jean-Claude, which had hosted numerous prominent nineteenth-century French authors and political figures. Joseph Leafman, owner of Leafman Capital, announced that his firm would strive to retain the important historic heritage of the Hotel Jean-Claude but would make necessary renovations to modernize the heating and plumbing systems. In addition to the Hotel Jean-Claude, the Josee Group owns smaller hotels across France, including the Parisian Gateway and the Hotel Fanon, both considered among the finest examples of French architecture in the neoclassic style. Mr. Leafman said that his firm purchased the Josee Group as a means of diversifying its port-folio. He also plans to make additional purchase in Europe, which may include luxury hotels in Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland. Other assets recently purchased by Leafman Capital include high-rise apartment and office buildings in Thailand and the Philippines. What is Leafman Capital's announced plan for the Hotel Jean-Claude?A.To build apartments on the property B.To update some of its facilities C.To operate it as an economy hotel D.To turn it into a historical museum

考题 根据以下内容,回答233-236题。 The Hidden Price Tag For many small or recently established businesses, finding sources of capital can be difficult. Companies are often in need of funds before they can build a stable customer base, so they are forced to turn to investors. Many such businesses soon discover, however, that this borrowed money can come at a high price. If entrepreneurs are not careful about which investors they do business with, their companies can suffer the consequences. The most common problem, according to financial experts, are investment deals that allow the investor to take control of key operations away from the company's management. Struggling firms and new businesses facing mounting start-up costs can be easily tempted to take the offer that provides them with the most money, regardless of the deal's conditions. Unfortunately, the biggest investment usually comes with the most strings attached. For example, some deals give the venture capital finn seats on the board of the company it invests in. From this position, the investor has the ability to control all aspects of a company's operations,including decisions concerning mergers or sales. This situation may remain tolerable as long as the investor and the management share the same goals. Yet, the investor will inevitably choose to protect its own interests over those of the company, creating a conflict that the company is then helpless to prevent. The best advice analysts have for businesses seeking investment capital is to thoroughly analyze any deal before agreeing to it. Sometimes, the control that must be given up is worth much more than the money being offered. Who would be most interested in this article?A.An analyst working for an investment finn B.A member on the board of a successful company C.A representative of a large venture capital group D.An entrepreneur in need of funds for a new business

考题 资本(Capital)

考题 Your company has two main offices named Main1 and Main2.An Active Directory site exists for each office. Users connect locally to servers in both offices.  The offices connect to each other by using a high-speed WAN link. You plan to deploy Exchange Server 2010.  You need to plan the deployment of Mailbox servers to meet the following requirements: .Ensure that users can access their mailbox from a server in their site, if a single Mailbox server fails  .Ensure that users can access their mailboxes remotely if a site fails  .Minimize the number of servers How many Mailbox servers should you include in the plan?()A、2B、3C、4D、6

考题 问答题Passage 1  Britain is still home to some of the world’s best scientists—but when it comes to giving them the money to turn their ideas into world-beating companies we are third-rate. True?  “That’s gulf,” is the impatient response of Anne Glover, a leading venture capitalist.  She believes this is the best time since the short-lived dot corn bubble for anyone looking to get their idea funded: “It’s never been better, except during the boom for a short nine-month period.”  Not from the perspective of Noah Freedman, who has tried to get venture capital firms interested in Ionscope, a firm using world-leading science from Imperial College and Cambridge University. “I don’t think the situation has improved in the UK over the last decade,” he says.  But Anne Glover, whose venture capital firm Amadeus Capital has backed businesses such as lastminute, corn, Cambridge Silicon Radio and Plastic Logic, points to the figures.  Last year £lbn of venture capital money was invested in young firms in the UK—that’s more than a third of all the money invested across Europe.  “We get beaten up all the time,” says Ms Glover, “but which other sector has as big a share of the European market?”  And just as in other industries there are fashions in venture capital. What’s hot right now? Mobile technology, semi-conductors, and consumer internet firms, according to Amadeus—rather similar to what was getting funded during the last booming 2000.  That ended with a bust which sawn many start-ups disappear and “was followed by several years in which venture capitalists seemed to have gone into hiding. But Anne Glover says they’ve come through the experience stronger.  “The ones who have survived the boom and bust are experienced and well-funded and have similar global aspirations to the best entrepreneurs.”  But Noah Freedman, an entrepreneur who was previously involved in Brainspark, an incubator for technology start-ups, says there is still a funding gap.  Ionscope, which makes very high resolution microscopes, was not able to raise venture capital until it had sold its first products. “The bottom line is that in the UK, it may be easy to get venture capital money to fund growth of an established concept or business, but it is exceptionally difficult to get seed and start-up money for real innovation.”  Anne Glover says the real problem is a lack of ambition, from both investors and entrepreneurs.  “We maybe spread our money too thinly rather than concentrate on the best ideas. When we’ve got a world-leading company that’s the point where we need to finance it properly.”  She says she spends more time trying to raise the ambitions of start-up firms rather than lower them.  So what’s the lesson from those who have made it? Alex van Someren is one entrepreneur who did raise the money to create a successful global business.  His Cambridge-based internet security company Ncipher raised venture capital money between 1996 and 2000, and then floated just in the nick of time before the stock market crash.  He believes we are making progress: “Both investors and the people they invest in have become much more sophisticated.” He says the problem is not a lack of money or ideas. “There is plenty of both—but ideas are not the same as investable businesses.”  But he says young companies are now more likely to turn to business angels—often people who have built their own firms—rather than venture capitalists: “Angels have done it themselves, so they bring more added value—and they’re willing to invest in businesses too small for venture funds to look at.”  What Britain doesn’t have—despite attempts to brand Cambridge as Silicon Fen—is one area that can compete with Silicon Valley as a place which produces innovative businesses and the investors to fund them.  But Anne Glover says we shouldn’t get hung up on the comparison: “You would find the same inferiority complex in Indiana or Wisconsin—Silicon Valley is unique. It’s difficult to raise venture capital anywhere in the world. Entrepreneurship is hard and don’t expect it to be easy.”  The good news is that, when it comes to innovation, Britain has a growing number of entrepreneurs who have been there and done that.  Many are now starting new firms or investing in other start-ups. Their only fear is that the latest boom in technology investment could melt away like the last one.  1. Briefly describe the last boom.  2. What advantages have the companies which survived last boom got?  3. What is the difference on capital choice for young companies between the last boom and this latest one? Why?

考题 填空题The Capital Airport has been in use for 20 years.→ The Capital Airport was built ____

考题 单选题Your company has a single Active Directory directory service forest named contoso.com. A partner organization has a forest named fabrikam.com. Both forests are set to the Windows 2000 forest functional  level. Domains named contoso.com and fabrikam.com are set to Windows 2000 Native Mode. You plan to create a forest trust relationship between contoso.com and fabrikam.com. You need to be able to configure selective authentication for the trust relationship. What should you do?()A  Raise the forest functional level on contoso.com and fabrikam.com to Windows Server 2003.B  Raise the domain functional level on contoso.com and fabrikam.com to Windows Server 2003.C  Raise the domain functional level and the forest functional level on contoso.com to Windows Server 2003.D  Raise the domain functional level and the forest functional level on fabrikam.com to Windows Server 2003.

考题 问答题Practice 7  An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students’ career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical educational reform. Very few writers on the subject have explored this distinction, in deed, contradiction, which goes to the heart of what is wrong with the campaign to put computers in the classroom.  An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a technical education, justified for reasons radically different from why education is universally required by law. It is not simply to raise everyone’s job prospects that all children are legally required to attend school into their teens.

考题 单选题The figures from the respective hatches differ()those on the original plan.A inB byC withD from

考题 单选题Quality planning tools are often used to help plan effective quality management activities . ()is one of such tools, which involves company actual or planned project practices to those or other projects to generate ideas for improvement and to provide a basis by which to measure performance.A BenchmarkingB Quality metricC Quality checklistD Brainstornung

考题 单选题Quality planning tools are often used to help plan effective quality management activities.( ) is one of such tools,which involves company actual or planned project practices to those or other projects to generate ideas for improvementand to provide a basis by which to measure performance.A BenchmarkingB Quality metricC Quality checklistD Brainstorming

考题 单选题If verhofen’s arguments and statements are all correct, which of the following statements can accurately be inferred?A Biotechnology executives who aggressively raise investment capital for bioengineered products with no conceivable market should be held responsible if biotechnology stocks crash.B Investors should make financial decisions only with the advice of qualified financial advisors, such as investment bankers or fund managers.C If people lose money on investments that they inadequately researched, they have only themselves to blame.D If insurance companies provide home insurance for homes built in a hurricane zone and those homes are subsequently all destroyed by a major hurricane, the insurance company should be blamed for any investment losses suffered by its shareholders.E The collapse of Internet stocks would not have occurred if companies had not attempted to sell bulky items, like dog food, over the Internet.