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A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.



解析:本句意思:一盏灯悬挂在天花板上。suspend意为“悬挂”,与hang(悬挂,吊)意思相近。 hold握住;hook钩住;hide隐藏。
更多 “A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.A:held B:hooked C:hidden D:hung” 相关考题
考题 What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. The new tax will be beneficial in the long run.B. Low-income Americans are more likely to fall ill.C. Future generations will be hooked on smoking.D. Adults will depend more on their families.

考题 The doctrine of “divine rights of kings” held that sovereign divine his authority from God, not from his subjects.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 (ii) The shares held in Date Inc and the dividend income received from that company. (7 marks)

考题 What do we know about Milly from the story?A. She was seriously ill.B. She was hidden somewhere.C. She had met with an accident.D. She had caused a scandal.

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考题 It can be learned from the passage that parents should ________.A. encourage children to paintB. value friendship among childrenC. discover the hidden talent in childrenD. protect rather than destroy children’s dreams

考题 A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.A:held B:hooked C:hidden D:hung

考题 A patch has been applied to the operating system.  After rebooting, the system is hung.  Which of the following commands should have been performed to prevent the system from hanging?()A、 lppchk, bosboot B、 lslpp -l, oslevel C、 installp -C, lppchk D、 bosboot, synclvodm 

考题 If a restore from a NIM mksysb install hung on C54, which debug output would be best to investigate the problem?()A、export INST_DEBUG =yesB、bosboot -aID -d /dev/ipldevicC、nim - to check -a debug =yesD、 type 911 at -Welcome to BOS install- menu

考题 A system administrator was able to boot a system from the AIX installation CDROM. The migration install was selected, but the process hung at 92% complete. The system administrator then rebooted the system, which subsequently hung at LED 552. Which of the following options is the most probable cause?()A、The ODM is corrupted.B、There is a hardware failure.C、The bosboot command failed.D、Not enough space is available in the filesystems.

考题 You execute the following command to enable a session in resumable mode: SQL ALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE TIMEOUT 60; What is the impact of a timeout on the statements being suspended?()A、The statements remain suspended for at least 60 seconds.B、The statements are suspended for 60 seconds and then they are executed.C、The suspended statements error out if the problem is not rectified within 60 seconds.D、The statements are automatically suspended 60 seconds after an error is received, and then attempt to execute normally again.

考题 Which type of PL/SQL construct would you use to automatically correct the error resulting from a statement that was suspended due to a space/x7frelated problem? ()A、functionB、packageC、procedureD、database triggerE、anonymous PL/SQL block

考题 Which type of PL/SQL construct would you use to automatically correct the error resulting from a statement that was suspended due to a space-related problem?()A、 functionsB、 packageC、 procedureD、 database triggerE、 anonymous PL/SQL block

考题 which one of the following best describes the use of hidden column formula?()A、views can be hidden based on a formula B、hidden columns are not a supported feature C、table columns can be hidden based on a formula  D、view columns can be displayed or hidden based on a formula 

考题 单选题A system administrator was able to boot a system from the AIX installation CDROM. The migration install was selected, but the process hung at 92% complete. The system administrator then rebooted the system, which subsequently hung at LED 552. Which of the following options is the most probable cause?()A The ODM is corrupted.B There is a hardware failure.C The bosboot command failed.D Not enough space is available in the filesystems.

考题 单选题The center of gravity of a freely swinging load suspended from a pedestal crane acts as if it were located at the().A counterweightB pedestalC longitudinal centerlineD point of suspension

考题 单选题The origin of language is _____.A a legend handed down from the pastB a matter that is hidden secretlyC a question difficult to answerD a problem not yet solved

考题 问答题Which lamp is the brightest?  Lamp A is less brighter than Lamp B;  Lamp B is brighter than Lamp C;  Lamp C is as bright as Lamp D;  Lamp B is brighter than Lamp D;  Lamp D is brighter than Lamp A.

考题 单选题As she entered the room she could see big bright lights hung from the _____.A roofB topC ceilingD height

考题 单选题From the passage, we can know ______.A CES 2013 has not been held yetB TVs at CES 2013 were smaller than beforeC many companies attended CES 2013D no leaders from industries appeared at CES 2013

考题 单选题By“held back (Line l) the author means“_______.A made to remain in the same classB forced to study in the lower classC drawn to their studiesD prevented from advancing

考题 单选题Which type of PL/SQL construct would you use to automatically correct the error resulting from a statement that was suspended due to a space/x7frelated problem? ()A functionB packageC procedureD database triggerE anonymous PL/SQL block

考题 单选题Where are the adopted kids served by Hidden Valley from?A Russia.B India.C China.D America.

考题 单选题Bottom blow valves are installed on auxiliary water-tube boilers to ()A remove suspended and precipitated solids from the boiler waterB completely drain the boiler in an emergency situationC prevent hardened scale deposits in the water drumD remove floating impurities from the oily water surface

考题 单选题Which type of PL/SQL construct would you use to automatically correct the error resulting from a statement that was suspended due to a space-related problem?()A  functionsB  packageC  procedureD  database triggerE  anonymous PL/SQL block

考题 单选题A patch has been applied to the operating system.  After rebooting, the system is hung.  Which of the following commands should have been performed to prevent the system from hanging?()A  lppchk, bosboot B  lslpp -l, oslevel C  installp -C, lppchk D  bosboot, synclvodm 

考题 单选题If a restore from a NIM mksysb install hung on C54, which debug output would be best to investigate the problem?()A export INST_DEBUG =yesB bosboot -aID -d /dev/ipldevicC nim - to check -a debug =yesD type 911 at -Welcome to BOS install- menu