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语境搭配题。参考第94题的解析,这里表达的是目的是灌溉或水力发电,hydroelectric power为常用搭配,意为“水力发电”,所以应选D。
更多 “单选题______A strength B force C tension D power” 相关考题
考题 问答题Cambridge University  When we say that Cambridge is a university town, we do not mean just that it is a town with a university in it. Manchester and Milan have universities, but we do not call them university towns. A university town—like Uppsala, Salamanca or Heidelberg—is one where there is no clear separation between the university buildings and the rest of the city. The university is not just one part of the town; it is all over the town. The heart of Cambridge has its shops, pubs, marketplace and so on, but most of it is university—-colleges, faculties, libraries, clubs and other places for university staff and students. Students fill the shops, cafés, banks, and churches, making these as well part, of the university.  The town was there first. Two Roman roads crossed there, and there are signs of building before Roman times (earlier than A.D.43). Trouble in Oxford I 1209 caused some students and their teachers to move. Cambridge became a centre of learning, and the authority of the head of the university, the chancellor, was recognized by the king in 1226.  At that time many of the students were very young (about fifteen), and many of the teachers were not more than twenty-one. At first they found lodgings where they could, but this led to trouble between town and gown and many students were too poor to afford lodgings. Colleges were opened so that students could live cheaply. This was the beginning of the college system which has continued at Cambridge up to the present day.  The colleges were built with money from king, queens, religious houses, or other sources. One example is Clare College. It was first founded in 1326 as University Hall. After the Black Death ( a disease which killed nearly half the population of England between 1349 and 1350) it was founded with money from the Countess of Clare. In providing it, the Countess stated that the college was to be for the education of priests and scholars. Today there are nearly thirty Colleges. The answer are University College, founded in 1965, and Clare Hall, founded in 1966, both for graduates. Very few students can now live in college for the whole of their course; the numbers are too great.  Many of them live in lodgings—digs—at first and move into college for their final year. But every student is a member of his college from the beginning. While he is in digs he must eat a number of meals in the college hall each week. His social and sports life centers on the college, although he will also join various university societies and clubs. To make this clearer, take the imaginary case of John Smith.  He is an undergraduate at Queen’s College. His room is on E staircase, not far from his tutor’s rooms on C staircase. He has dinner in the fine old college hall four times a week. He plays rugger for Queen’s and hopes to be chosen to play for the university this year. His other favorite sport is boxing, and he is a member of the university club. He is reading history, and goes once a week to Emmanuel College to see his supervisor to discuss his work and his lecturers. He belongs to several university societies—the Union, the Historical Society, a photographic club, and so on—and to a member of college societies. With about 8,250 undergraduates like John Smith and over 2,000 postgraduates, the city is a busy place in full term. Undergraduates are not allowed to keep cars in Cambridge, so nearly all of them use bicycles. Don’t try to drive through Cambridge during the five minutes between lectures. On Monday John Smith has a lecture in Downing College ending at 9:55 and another in Trinity at 10. His bicycle must get him there through a boiling sea of other bicycles hurrying in all directions.

考题 单选题______A number B amount C quantity D numbers

考题 单选题______A businessB ventureC propertyD face

考题 单选题The phrase “call-outs” in the passage is used to____________.A cancelled NHSB emergent visits to his patients at any timeC night visits to the home of his patientsD night walks out of his home

考题 单选题This volume comprises samples from the works of one hundred authors in the past fifty years.A contains B sprays C splits D spear

考题 问答题中国的旅游业  中国是一个地域辽阔,有着数千年悠久历史的多民族国家,有着秀丽的自然风光、众多的名胜古迹和丰富多彩的灿烂文化,旅游资源十分丰富。改革开放以来,中国经济以年平均近10%的速度持续增长,各项事业蓬勃发展,人民生活水平显著提高,为旅游业的兴旺奠定了坚实的基础。中国政治稳定,经济发展,市场繁荣,中国政府坚持对外开放积极发展与世界各国的关系,也为旅游业的发展创造了极为有利的条件。中国政府十分重视旅游业的发展,将旅游业作为第三产业的重点,不断开发旅游资源,改善旅游设施,提高服务质量,促进了国际国内旅游业的快速发展。随着中国人民生活水平的提高,我国到国外旅行的人数也逐年增多,为国际旅游业的发展增添了新的活力。

考题 单选题______A On the contraryB On the averageC On the wholeD On the other hand

考题 问答题The History of the Olympic Games  The first Olympic games at Olympia were held in 776 B.C. Scholars have speculated that the games in 776 B.C. were not the first games, but rather the first games held after they were organized into festivals held every four years as a result of a peace agreement between the city-states of Elis and Pisa.  The games were held every four years from 776 B.C. to 393 A.D. when they were abolished by the Christian Byzantine Emperor Theodosius I. The ancient Olympic Games lasted for 1,170 years. If the Modern Olympic games last that long, they will still be held in 3066 A.D.  The ancient Greeks were highly competitive and believed strongly in the concept of competition or contest. The ultimate Greek goal was to be the best. All aspects of life, especially athletics, were centered around this concept. It was therefore considered one of the greatest honors to win a victory at Olympia. The fact that the only prize given at Olympia was an olive wreath illustrated this point. The athletes competed for honour, not for material goods.  In ancient Greece, games were closely connected to the worship of the gods and heroes. Games were held as part of religious ceremonies in honour of deceased heroes. Games were also held in the context of many ancient fertility festivals. Later, the Olympic games began to be usurped by the prominent cult of Zeus, and eventually lost much of their religious character.  The Greek calendar was based on the conception of the four-year Olympiad. When Greek historians referred to dates, they most often referred to a year within the Olympiad that the event occurred. The winner of the state race in a given year had the Olympiad named in honour of him. The first Oympiad is therefore known as that of Koromikos of ELis, the winner of the state in 776 B.C.  Every four years for over 1,100 years, from 776 B.C. to 393 A.D., thousands of people ceased all warfare and flocked to a small sanctuary in north-western Greece for five days in the late summer for a single reason—to witness the Olympic Games. During that time, competitors from all over the Greek world competed in a number of athletic events and worshipped the gods at the sanctuary of Olympia. However, unlike modern Olympics, only free men who spoke Greek could compete and the games were always held at Olympia instead of moving around to different sites every time.  From the beginning, the games at Olympia served to strengthen the Greek sense of national unity. During the Hellenisitic period, Greeks who came to live in foreign surroundings such as Syria, Asia, and Egypt, strove to hold on to their own culture. One of the ways they did was to build athletic facilities and continue their athletic traditions. They organized competitions, and sent competitors from their towns to compete in the Panhellenic games. In the 2nd century A.D., Roman citizenship was extended to everyone within the Roman empire. After this point there were many competitors from outside of Greece, and the Olympic games became more internationalized. When the Greek government reinstated the games in 1896, this internationalized character of the competitions was preserved by Baron de Coubertin. Now, the Olympic games attract competitors from countries all over the world.

考题 单选题The central idea of the above passage is that __________.A attitudes affect our actionsB teachers are important in developing or changing pupils’ attitudesC attitudes can be changed by some classroom experiencesD by their attitudes, teachers inadvertently affect pupils’ attitudes

考题 单选题That play has puzzled authorities for generations, but to my father has the clarity and the simplicity of a medieval moral play.A perplexed B disordered C anguished D seduced

考题 单选题______A positive B negative C satisfactory D gratifying