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英译中:International freight forwarding agent


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更多 “名词解释题英译中:International freight forwarding agent” 相关考题
考题 – Good morning. Far East Logistics Company.(). – Good morning. This is Maggie Bonner. I would like to know more about your freight forwarding business. A、Who is that calling?B、What do you want?C、What can I do for you

考题 Hello, this is Steven Smith. Nice to hear your voice again.Hi, Mr. Smith.()the coverage of your freight forwarding business?A、Do you knowB、 Please tell meC、 I would like to know about .

考题 The liability ______ freight reserved in the bill of lading is primarily on the shipper of the goods,unless he was merely acting as agent and made this clear at the time.A.for payingB.to payC.payingD.for being paid

考题 The master cannot sue ______ freight where he signs bill of lading merely as the Shipowner's agent.A.toB.forC.asD.on

考题 “国际货运代理”的英文是()A、international transport agencyB、international mechandise agencyC、international freight tallyD、international freight forwarding agency

考题 当贸易术语采用CIF时,海运提单对运费的表示应为:()A、Freight PrepaidB、Freight CollectC、Freight PrepayableD、Freight Unpaid

考题 A freight forwarder plays an important role in international transport only.

考题 Forwarding agent services are valuable in foreign trade because of the complicated()that have to be made.A、arrangementsB、formalitiesC、proceduresD、process

考题 英译中:Air freight

考题 英译中:International transportation cargo insurance

考题 英译中:International freight forwarding agent

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考题 英译中:International multimodal transport

考题 英译中:Container freight station



考题 单选题The master cannot sue()freight where he signs bill of lading merely as the Shipowner’s agent.A toB forC asD on

考题 单选题“国际货运代理”的英文是()A international transport agencyB international mechandise agencyC international freight tallyD international freight forwarding agency

考题 名词解释题英译中:International transportation cargo insurance

考题 单选题Delivery of the goods to the buyer’s agent for the purpose of forwarding()an end to the transit if further destination has not been notified to the seller.A takesB makesC doesD puts

考题 名词解释题英译中:Container freight station

考题 名词解释题英译中:Air freight

考题 判断题A freight forwarder plays an important role in international transport only.A 对B 错

考题 单选题一 Hello, this is Steven Smith. Nice to hear your voice again.Hi, Mr. Smith. the coverage of your freight forwarding business? -().A Do you knowB Please tell meC I would like to know about

考题 名词解释题英译中:International multimodal transport

考题 名词解释题英译中:International logistics

考题 单选题The liability()freight reserved in the bill of lading is primarily on the shipper of the goods,unless he was merely acting as agent and made this clear at the time.A for payingB to payC payingD for being paid