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单选题If active measures are not taken, fossil fuel will be consumed soon in the world.A
used up B
bring up C
headed out D
handed down
单选题What can be inferred from the passage?A
A better way for online business is to do it on a small scale.B
Most of the investors are near-sighted in online business.C
It is a wise thing to do online business other than fashion clothes.D
Online business must link to a big successful enterprise.
单选题She told me that she has already gone to the United States four times before she attended that conference.A
had already beenB
has already beenC
already wentD
was already going
单选题For many adolescents, participation in sports is one way that they can feel true self-esteem.A
loyalty B
liberty C
selfishness D
单选题The advice the author missed giving in saving wild species is __________.A
having a thorough understanding of the requirements neededB
having enough human and financial resourcesC
outlawing the killing of the protected speciesD
different techniques for different animals
单选题Haburi’s business model __________.A
is famous for its own Internet webpageB
could reach $10 billion in sales annuallyC
wants to borrow the concept of out-of-town shopping mallsD
tends to make money by selling cheaper commercial goods.
单选题The auctioneer’s hammers were not the only thing falling as the spring auction season got underway in New York. So were prices for works by some of the major names in contemporary arts.A
enormity B
bidding C
prejudice D
单选题The pie had been in the oven for twenty minutes,with ten another pies to go,and Kasia was reading to Jim,when a knock sounded on the apartment door.A
other B
ten other C
another tenD
more ten
单选题Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a tamadn family?A
A tamarin family consists of Father, Mother and their children.B
The family life is organized like humans.C
All the family members share the responsibility in the upbringing.D
Tamarin brains are big for their size.
问答题Research published in May 1998 by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) showed that reducing coastal and river pollution and ensuring a reliable water supply were among the top environmental priorities for the public. All discharges to water in the UK require the consent of the appropriate regulatory authority. In England and Wales the Environment Agency’s principal method of controlling water pollution is through the regulation of all effluent discharges, including sewage, into groundwater, and inland and coastal waters. The Agency maintains public registers containing information about water quality, discharge consents, authorizations and monitoring. Applicants for consents to discharge have the right of appeal if they are dissatisfied with the Agency’s decision; most of these appeals are dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate, an executive agency of the DETR. In Scotland control is the responsibility of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), and most appeals are dealt with by the Scottish Office. In Northern Ireland the Environment and Heritage Service is responsible for controlling water pollution. In 1997, there were 4,717 cases in England and Wales of discharges exceeding their consented limits, including a number of offences by water companies discharging insufficiently treated sewage. The majority of these breaches did not cause any significant environmental damage. However, the Environment Agency did bring 65 cases to court, of which 61 were successful, resulting in fines ranging from £ 440 to £ 12,000 and one prison sentence of two months. In Scotland, there were 2,734 pollution incidents in 1997; SEPA seeks prosecution in all significant cases. In 1997 and 1998, the Government introduced statutory Environmental Quality Standards (EQSs) for 33 substances in water. The new regulations give legal force for the first time to standards for some of the most dangerous pollutants found in the aquatic environment. In the UK, 96 percent of the population live in properties connected to a sewer, and sewage treatment works serve over 80 percent of the population. In England and Wales, the water industry is committed to an investment programme of some £ 11,000 million over ten years for improvements to water quality. Progressively higher treatment standards for industrial waste effluents and new measures to combat pollution from agriculture are expected to bring further improvements in water quality. In Scotland, responsibility for the provision of all water and sewerage services lies with three Water and Sewerage Authorities, covering the north, east and west of the country.
单选题In the near future, starvation will be prevented by __________.A
Chinese agricultureB
use of new fertilizersC
control of the diseases and the heredity of plants and animalsD
vitamin pills
问答题胡锦涛与南非总统姆贝基会谈 2007年2月6日,国家主席胡锦涛在比勒陀利亚(Pretoria)同南非总统姆贝基(Thabo Mbeki)举行会谈。双方回顾了建交近10年来中南关系特别是两国务实合作的成功经验和丰硕成果,就中南关系的未来发展达成广泛共识。双方都表示,继续从战略和全局高度看待和发展中南关系,进一步拓展两国各领域合作,加强在非洲和国际事务中的协调和配合,积极推进建立在平等互利、共同发展基础上的中南战略伙伴关系,造福两国人民,推动中南世代友好。 胡锦涛指出,中南两国人民有着深厚的传统友谊。在南非人民反对种族隔离制度的长期斗争中,中国人民始终坚定地同南非人民站在一起。建交近10年来,中南关系呈现高速度、多领域、全方位的发展态势。经贸、科技、教育、文化、旅游、司法等领域的交流合作成果丰富,人民往来密切。双方在国际事务中保持着密切沟通和配合。中方对两国关系发展的良好势头感到高兴。中方赞赏南方奉行一个中国政策、支持中国统一大业。
单选题AMD’s K6 chip includes graphics technology equivalent to Intel’s MMX and costs much less than Intel equivalents.A
singular B
counterpart C
inductive D
单选题A statement made or implied in the passage is that __________.A
attitudes can be based on the learning of falsehoodsB
a child can develop in the classroom an attitude about the importance of brushing his teethC
attitudes cannot easily be changed by rewards and lecturesD
the attitudes of elementary school-aged children are influenced primarily by their teachers
单选题The poet compressed many thoughts and emotions into a few well-chosen words.A
deserved B
compacted C
问答题中国旅游业 新中国成立后特别是改革开放以来,中国政府高度重视旅游工作,旅游业持续快速发展,已经成为一个富有蓬勃活力和巨大潜力的新兴产业。目前,中国入境旅游人数和旅游外汇收入跃居世界前列,出境旅游人数迅速增加,已经成为旅游大国。 中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,也是一个充满时代生机的东方大国,拥有许多得天独厚的旅游资源。自然风光旖旎秀美,历史文化博大精深,56个民族风情浓郁,目前已被列入世界文化遗产地和世界自然遗产地(World Cultural and Natural Heritages sites)达29处。在改革开放的推动下,现代化建设突飞猛进,城乡面貌日新月异。古代中国的风采神韵与现代中国的蓬勃英姿交相辉映。这些都为发展国内外旅游创造了优越的条件。
单选题There are actually too many opportunities to learn more, to see more, and to understand more, and they all require us to change, at least a little bit, in order to make progress.A
very manyB
too muchC
so manyD
extremely many
单选题Which of the following can be concluded from the author’s statement “Any beneficial substances from the turtles could also be synthesized chemically, so as to prevent the killing of turtles” in Paragraph 3 ?A
The author feels sorry for killing turtles massively.B
Turtles can be used to substitute many other medicines.C
Many other kinds of herbs can be as useful as turtles.D
International market feels happy for Chinese businessmen to buy.
单选题The experience of foreign countries is worth learning from and taking for reference.A
learning and referenceB
our learning and our referenceC
our learning from and taking for referenceD
our learning and make reference to