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词语搭配题。此处所填是个动词;参考上题解析,此处应为“满足……的需要”,所以meet…the needs符合题意。
更多 “单选题______A getB giveC meetD notice” 相关考题
考题 单选题______A characteristicallyB particularly C mainly D exactly

考题 单选题______A struck B touched C moved D hit

考题 单选题Why does the author say that the important part of this research began when two Harvard researchers were brought in?A Until then the research had been poorly conducted.B They took a multifaceted approach.C The results of the original research did not make sense.D Harvard had a good reputation in conducting research.

考题 单选题What does the author mean by the statement “children’s literature began to bloom” underlined in Paragraph 2?A Quality illustrations and attractive formats made books more appealing.B Illustrations often included flowers.C It became more varied and attractive.D It became more numerous and popular.

考题 单选题______A gratefulB readyC pleasedD obligated

考题 问答题发展教育  我们要优先发展教育。要大力推进素质教育,加强学校思想政治工作,促进学生德智体美全面发展。加强基础教育,特别是加快贫困地区和少数民族地区普及九年义务教育步伐。推进农村义务教育以县为主的管理体制改革,保证教师工资按时足额发放。  积极发展高中阶段教育。稳步发展普通高等教育,适应新形势,调整学科结构。大力发展中等和高等职业教育。改革课程教材,更新教学内容,提高教育质量。继续推进高校内部管理体制改革和后勤社会化。全面提高教师思想和业务素质。加快教育信息化建设,积极发展现代远程教育。加大政府对教育的投入。鼓励、支持和规范社会力量办学、中外合作办学。

考题 问答题中国与白俄罗斯经贸合作委员会第八次会议  1月18日,商务部副部长于广洲和白俄罗斯(Belarus)国家监察委员会主席洛马奇共同主持了中白经贸合作委员会第八次会议。双方就扩大贸易和经济技术合作,加强地方合作,推动信息化交流,增进企业了解等问题深入交换了意见。  于广洲指出,中自双边经贸关系平稳增长,成果显著。他建议双方进一步挖掘经贸合作潜力,着力发展长期稳定、互利互惠的双边贸易,继续深化在汽车制造、能源、机械、电信、医药、纺织等领域的经济技术合作,加强企业交流,发展地方合作,开展在中国西部开发和振兴东北地区合作等。  洛马奇表示,白方视中国为其对外政策的重要方向和亚太地区的重要伙伴,对发展中自经贸关系给予厚望。中白经济稳步发展为扩大经贸合作提供了良好空间,目前,中白贸易快速发展,投资项目不断涌现,双方应在此基础上进一步推动企业间交流,开展地区及贸易促进组织间的合作,全力推动经济技术合作项目进展。

考题 问答题Power and Cooperation: An American Foreign Policy for the Age of Global Politics  The age of geopolitics in American foreign policy is over; the age of global politics has begun. Throughout the twentieth century, traditional geopolitics drove U. S. thinking on foreign affairs: American security depended on preventing any one country from achieving dominion over the Eurasian landmass. That objective was achieved with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now the United States finds itself confronting a new international environment, one without a peer competitor but that nonetheless presents serious threats to American security. The terrorists who struck the World Trade Center and the Pentagon neither represented a traditional state-based threat nor were tied to a specific geographical location. Nevertheless, nineteen people with just a few hundred thousand dollars succeeded in harming the most powerful nation on earth.  For more than three centuries, the dynamics of world politics was determined by the interplay among states, especially the great powers. Today, world politics is shaped by two unprecedented phenomena that are in some tension with each other. One is the sheer predominance of the United States. Today, as never before, what matters most in international politics is how—and whether—Washington acts on any given issue. The other is globalization, which has unleashed economic, political, and social forces that are beyond the capacity of any one country, including the United States, to control.  American primacy and globalization bring the United States great rewards as well as great dangers. Primacy gives Washington an unsurpassed ability to get its way in international affairs, while globalization enriches the American economy and spreads American values. But America’s great power and the penetration of its culture, products, and influence deep into other societies breed intense resentment and grievances. Great power and great wealth do not necessarily produce greater respect or greater security. American leaders and the American people are now grappling with the double-edged sword that is the age of global politics.

考题 单选题We are beginning to learn that we __________.A can control our physical environmentB can never control our biological environmentC have no control over our physical environmentD can control both our biological and physical environments

考题 单选题______A takes B makes C does D holds

考题 单选题The best title of the passage can be____________.A A Dishonest PersonB The Guilty Practice for a Noble ProfessionC The Illegal NHS of a GP in LondonD The Fortune-making Activities of a Doctor

考题 问答题每天平均睡觉七小时最佳  成年人每天至少需要8小时睡眠才可以保持身体健康,这条真理不再适用,因为越来越多的证据表明少于8小时的睡眠可能更好。  三次大规模的研究发现,每晚睡7小时左右的人寿命最长。日本研究者的最新研究报告中提到,他们在大约10年时间内跟踪调查了104,010位成年人。一开始,参与者回答了有关睡眠方式、健康状况、精神状况和生活习惯的问卷调查,这些因素都可能影响寿命。  分析了上述因素后,发现平均每天睡7小时的成年人的死亡率最低。令人惊讶的是,更少的睡眠时间,甚至少到每晚4小时,都不会显著提高男性的死亡率。而如果女性的平均睡眠小于4小时,她们的寿命则会缩短。但是睡眠时间超过7小时的成年人,特别是女性,很可能在10年内去世。  加州大学圣迭戈(San Diego)分校医学院的睡眠研究者、精神病医生丹尼尔.克里普卡(Daniel Kripke)在《睡眠》杂志上发表评论说,“医生不应该要求所有病人都至少睡8小时。”因为黑暗或其他由长时间睡眠引起的未知生理反应会导致荷尔蒙发生变化,这会影响寿命。

考题 单选题______A thatB whichC whatD how

考题 单选题______A fragileB solidC looseD liable

考题 单选题Mary's daughter, although only six years old, showed ingenuity in making a dress for her doll.A thoughtfulnessB cleverness C sincerity D truthfulness

考题 单选题The artist captured the girl’s personality in his photograph.A distortedB caughtC maskedD flattered

考题 单选题______A obtainedB calledC deservedD earned

考题 单选题______A production B storage C provide D supply

考题 单选题Tarzan, a character in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ books, has many breathtaking adventures in the jungle.A exciting B mysterious C diversified D humorous

考题 单选题______A thoughtB ideaC opinionD advice

考题 单选题______A activelyB peacefullyC warmlyD positively

考题 单选题According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?A Connections with businesses overseas.B Ability to speak the client’s language.C Technical know-how.D Business experience.

考题 单选题In the Chinese household, grandparents play indispensable roles in raising children.A dominant B exemplary C essential D demanding

考题 单选题The phrase “call-outs” in the passage is used to____________.A cancelled NHSB emergent visits to his patients at any timeC night visits to the home of his patientsD night walks out of his home

考题 单选题The suggestion that the mayor will present the prizes was accepted by everyone.A presentB presentsC would presentD ought to present

考题 单选题A statement made or implied in the passage is that __________.A attitudes can be based on the learning of falsehoodsB a child can develop in the classroom an attitude about the importance of brushing his teethC attitudes cannot easily be changed by rewards and lecturesD the attitudes of elementary school-aged children are influenced primarily by their teachers

考题 单选题We tried moving the piano,but it looked better while it was originally.A whereB when C asD than

考题 单选题Diplomatic misunderstandings can often be traced back to blunders in translation.A mistakes B feats C evaluations D duplicates