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The writer gives several reasons why the boys on the Churchill team behaved as they did. Which of the following was not one of them?

They did not like the fact that the boys from Burbank spoke Spanish.


They felt that they needed to put the Burbank boys in their place.


They needed to reaffirm the power they felt the Burbank team threatened.


The Burbank team did not respond to the Churchill team’s insult.


倒数第二段作者回顾了当时Churchill team队员之所以会那样对待自己所在队队员的原因“…these young men needed to put us ‘in our place’, to reaffirm the power they felt we had threatened”和“our failure to respond to their insult underscored our worth-lessness in their eyes”,只有A项内容未曾提及。
更多 “单选题The writer gives several reasons why the boys on the Churchill team behaved as they did. Which of the following was not one of them?A They did not like the fact that the boys from Burbank spoke Spanish.B They felt that they needed to put the Burbank boys in their place.C They needed to reaffirm the power they felt the Burbank team threatened.D The Burbank team did not respond to the Churchill team’s insult.” 相关考题
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