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脐带杂音(Umbilical Souffle)


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更多 “名词解释题脐带杂音(Umbilical Souffle)” 相关考题
考题 关于脐带,下列哪项错误A.妊娠足月,脐带长度平均50cm左右B.脐带有两根脐动脉和一根脐静脉C.脐带表面由羊膜包围D.脐带静脉之氧分压低于脐动脉E.脐带杂音之速率与胎心音率相同

考题 在孕妇腹壁上听诊,与胎心率一样的音响是A.腹主动脉音 B.脐带杂音 C.子宫杂音 D.胎动杂音 E.脐带血流杂音

考题 哪些声音频率与母体心率一致()A、子宫杂音B、脐带杂音C、腹主动脉杂音D、胎动音E、胎心音

考题 腹壁听诊,哪种声音与胎心音频率一致()A、胎盘血流杂音B、腹主动脉音C、脐带杂音D、胎动杂音E、子宫杂音

考题 巴菲的英文名称为()。A、parfaitB、puffaitC、creamD、souffle

考题 脐带缠绕的剖宫产指征有哪些()A、羊水多B、脐带绕颈圈数多C、缠绕紧D、胎头附近听到脐带杂音者E、出现晚期减速者

考题 与胎心率相一致的音响是()A、脐带杂音B、子宫杂音C、胎盘杂音D、胎动音E、肠蠕动音

考题 同胎心率相一致的是()A、子宫杂音B、胎盘杂音C、脐带杂音D、胎动音E、腹主动脉音

考题 多选题脐带缠绕的剖宫产指征有哪些()A羊水多B脐带绕颈圈数多C缠绕紧D胎头附近听到脐带杂音者E出现晚期减速者

考题 单选题The new recipe requires fewer exotic ingredients and takes less time than it, but produces just as tasty a souffle as the old recipe.A and takes less time than it, but produces just as tasty a souffle as the old recipeB that take less time than the old recipe, producing just as tasty a souffleC and takes less time than the old recipe, but produces just as tasty a souffleD also taking less time than the old recipe, but produces just as tasty a souffleE but produces just as tasty a souffle as the old recipe, but takes less time

考题 名词解释题脐带先露(presentation of umbilical cord)