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词义辨析题。warm的反义词是cool;hot的反义词是cold;warm color暖色调;cool shades冷色调。故选C项。
更多 “单选题_____A ColdB ChillyC CoolD Crisp” 相关考题
考题 单选题_____A are birthB are bornC birthD born

考题 单选题I _____ writing the article by the time you get back.A shall finishB must have finishedC have finishedD shall have finished

考题 单选题_____A quickB wiseC wildD wide

考题 单选题One of the men held the view _____ the book said was right.A what thatB that whatC that whichD which that

考题 单选题It was from the earliest time _____ men began to study the natural phenomena and heavenly bodies.A whenB whereC thatD how

考题 单选题The building suffered _____ damage as a result of the big fire.A moderateB considerableC considerateD concrete

考题 单选题If I _____ you, I _____ more attention to English idioms and phrases.A was; shall payB am; will payC would be; would payD were; would pay

考题 单选题—Is there anything wrong?—No, so far I _____ no trouble.A have hadB hadC haveD had had

考题 问答题练习13  (1) Advertisement can be thought of “as the making known in order to buy or sell goods or services.” Advertisement aims to increase people’s awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and to persuade. (2) There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century.

考题 单选题_____A self-evidentB apparentC declaredD clear-cut

考题 单选题Something must have happened on their way. Or they _____ by now.A should have arrivedB should arriveC would have arrivedD would arrive

考题 问答题Practice 7  (1) Today’s wealthy parents perhaps realize their riches can be more of a heavy load than a happiness to their children. (2) So the first thing for them to consider is to ensure that their families are as rich in love as they are in money.

考题 单选题_____A justB onlyC readyD very

考题 单选题—_____ twenty dollars a big sum to her?—I suppose so.A Will beB IsC AreD Were

考题 单选题It was the color of the material _____ he was surprised at.A whoB whomC whichD what

考题 单选题Please _____ me whether I should accept the offer.A adviseB suggestC proposeD direct

考题 单选题We are said to be living in _____ Information Age, _____ time of new discoveries and great changes.A an; theB 不填; theC 不填; aD the; a

考题 单选题The noise has to be broken down into its _____ parts for analysis.A elementB componentC opponentD region

考题 单选题_____A reformedB echoedC repeatedD respected

考题 问答题Practice 15  (1) The development of jazz can be seen as part of the development of American popular music, especially dance music. In the twentieth, jazz became the hottest new thing in dance music, much as ragtime had at turn of the century, and as would rhythm and blues in the forties, rock in the fifties, and disco in the seventies. (2) But two characteristics distinguish jazz from other dance music.

考题 单选题As children enter adolescents, they begin to do the following EXCEPT _____.A demanding greater freedom to go wherever they pleaseB making decisions without parental interferenceC getting married whenever they pleaseD doing what they please

考题 单选题If you don’t go to his birthday party next Friday, _____.A so do IB so will IC nor do ID nor will I

考题 单选题_____A recordedB rememberedC regrettedD recommended

考题 单选题Which of the following is TRUE?A We use all the words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare’s writings.B Shakespeare’s writings have become the property of those who are learning to speak English.C It is likely to be true that people often do not know the origin of the words they use.D All the words people use are taken from Shakespeare’s writings.

考题 单选题The teacher told the children that the Chinese culture _____ one of the oldest cultures in the world.A isB wasC had beenD has been

考题 问答题既然他已经道歉了,我们就应该原谅他。

考题 单选题_____ today, he would get there by Friday.A Was he leavingB If he is leavingC Were he to leaveD If he leaves

考题 单选题Tom used to get up late, _____ he?A usedB shouldn’tC didD didn’t