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We are all very grateful______you for your help.









更多 “单选题We are all very grateful______you for your help.A onB fromC withD to” 相关考题
考题 ( ) the recommendation of Harvey Co., we have learnt with pleasure the name of your company A.OnB.WithC.ByD.As

考题 We note from your letter of November that the price offered by us ( ) the subject article is found to be high. A.onB.atC.toD.for

考题 Please insure the goods ( )breakage A.OnB.AgainstC.WithD.In

考题 I turned back after a while, but he () walking. A、kept onB、kept fromC、kept withD、kept to

考题 I __________ your house last night at about 12:00, so I didn ’t call you. A.passed onB.passed fromC.passed toD.passed by

考题 All the soldiers _______ their officer ’s order. A. acted onB. acted toC. acted withD. acted for

考题 Except____John, we all went to the park to watch the whale performance. When we returned, we told him what the show was like. A. onB. inC. asideD. for

考题 2. —How is your science teacher?— He is very strict __________us.A.toB.forC.withD./

考题 I’m expecting a letter____Jimmy. A.forB.fromC.withD.into

考题 It will ( ) your expectations and we offer a full guarantee for three years. A.satisfy withB.satisfyC.meet withD.meet

考题 Following your order()400 meters of rayon last year ,we are pleased to receive your order No. 876 () the same quantity .A. for , ofB. of ,ofC. of , withD. of ,for

考题 We will instruct our bank to issue an L/C( ) favor of your company.A. OnB. ForC. WithD. In

考题 As a boy Mark Twain used to play practical jokes _____ all friends and neighbors.A:onB:ofC:withD:at

考题 We have repeatedly requested payment of $800,()your overdue account.A、onB、forC、withD、in

考题 We insure the goods () RMB¥5 500 against All Risks () PICCA、for,onB、with,onC、with,toD、for,with

考题 Be _____ guard against pickpockets.A: onB: byC: withD: of

考题 Taking into consideration the transport condition ()your end, we have improed our packing so as to avoid damage to the goods. A、inB、onC、withD、at

考题 ()your information, we are also interested in other kinds of Chinese nuts in larger quantities. A、OfB、forC、withD、in

考题 If the product is satisfactory, we will place further orders _______ you.A、atB、apart fromC、withD、because of

考题 Thank you ______ advance for your help and we look forward to receiving your recommendations.A、atB、fromC、inD、to

考题 We will draw _____ you _____ 60 days _____ USD 42,000 _____ your last shipment.A、for; on; for; onB、on; at; for; whichC、for; for; for; forD、on; at; for; against

考题 What we think of as music depends______ where we live.A、onB、toC、withD、at

考题 ____ were all very tired, but none of ____ would stop to take a rest. A、We ; usB、Us ; weC、We ; ourD、We ; we

考题 We will instruct our bank to issue an L/C()favor of your company.A、onB、forC、withD、in

考题 We suggest that you()our representative in Beijing for your requirements.A、will contactB、contactingC、contact withD、contact

考题 单选题We very much appreciate your efforts().A ourproductioncostsmustbenomorethan15percentB hasdonedamagetoourreputationC tonegotiatewithyouD tomakethisproductpossible

考题 单选题We all gather facts and () conclusions, but we have very different styles of thinking.A pullB drawC takeD receive