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China launched its second()space flight in October 2005.









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更多 “单选题China launched its second()space flight in October 2005.A manB manedC manningD manned” 相关考题
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考题 –When is the National Day of China –____________________. A.It’s January 1stB.It’s October 1stC.It’s May 1stD. It’s August 1st

考题 You are attending a meeting on Microsoft Windows Meeting Space. At the same time, you attempt to join a second meeting also hosted on Windows Meeting space. The dialog box that allows you to join the second meeting fails to open. You need to join the second meeting.What should you do?()A.AB.BC.CD.D

考题 共用题干 第二篇The Mir Space StationThe Russian Mir Space Station,which came down in 2001 at last after 15 years of pioneering the concept of long-term human space flight,is remembered for its accomplishments in the human space flight history.It can be credited with many firsts in space.During Mir's lifetime,Russia spent about US $4.2 billion to build and maintain the station.The Soviet Union launched Mir,which was designed to last from three to five years,on February 20, 1986,and housed 104 astronauts over 12 years and seven months,most of whom were not Russian.In fact, it became the first international space station by playing host to 162 people from 1 1 countries.From 1995 through 1998,seven astronauts from the United States took turns living on Mir for up to six months each.They were among the 37 Americans who visited the station during nine stopovers by space shuttles.The more than 400 million the United States provided Russian for the visits not only kept Mir operating,but also gave the Americans and their partners in the international station project valuable experience in long-term flight and multinational operations.A debate continues over Mir's contributions to science.During its existence,Mir was the laboratory for 23,000 experiments and carried scientific equipment,estimated to be worth $80 million,from many nations.Experiments on Mir are credited with a range of findings,from the first solid measurement of the ration of heavy helium(氦)atoms in space to how to grow wheat in space.But for those favouring human space exploration,Mir showed that people could live and work in space long enough for a trip to Mars.The longest single stay in space is the 437.7 days that Russian astronaut Valery Polyakov spent on Mir from 1994 to 1995.And Sergie Avdeyev accumulated 747.6 days in space in three trips to the space station.The longest American stay was that of Shannon Lucid,who spent 188 days aboard Mir in 1996.Despite the many firsts Mir accomplished,1997 was a bad year out of 15 for Mir.In 1997,an oxygen generator caught fire.Later,the main computer system broke down,causing the station to drift several times and there were power failures.Most of these problems were repaired,with American help and suppliers,but Mir's reputation as a space station was ruined.Mir's setbacks are nothing,though,when we compare them with its accomplishments.Mir was a tremendous success,which will be remembered as a milestone in space exploration and the space station that showed long-term human habitation in space was possible.But it's time to move on to the next generation.The International Space Station being built will be better,but it owes a great debt to Mir.What happened to Mir in 1997?A:It ran out of its fund.B:Its main computer system broke down.C:It was completely damaged by fire.D:Its reputation was ruined due to power failures.

考题 共用题干 第二篇The Mir Space StationThe Russian Mir Space Station,which came down in 2001 at last after 15 years of pioneering the concept of long-term human space flight,is remembered for its accomplishments in the human space flight history.It can be credited with many firsts in space.During Mir's lifetime,Russia spent about US $4.2 billion to build and maintain the station.The Soviet Union launched Mir,which was designed to last from three to five years,on February 20, 1986,and housed 104 astronauts over 12 years and seven months,most of whom were not Russian.In fact, it became the first international space station by playing host to 162 people from 1 1 countries.From 1995 through 1998,seven astronauts from the United States took turns living on Mir for up to six months each.They were among the 37 Americans who visited the station during nine stopovers by space shuttles.The more than 400 million the United States provided Russian for the visits not only kept Mir operating,but also gave the Americans and their partners in the international station project valuable experience in long-term flight and multinational operations.A debate continues over Mir's contributions to science.During its existence,Mir was the laboratory for 23,000 experiments and carried scientific equipment,estimated to be worth $80 million,from many nations.Experiments on Mir are credited with a range of findings,from the first solid measurement of the ration of heavy helium(氦)atoms in space to how to grow wheat in space.But for those favouring human space exploration,Mir showed that people could live and work in space long enough for a trip to Mars.The longest single stay in space is the 437.7 days that Russian astronaut Valery Polyakov spent on Mir from 1994 to 1995.And Sergie Avdeyev accumulated 747.6 days in space in three trips to the space station.The longest American stay was that of Shannon Lucid,who spent 188 days aboard Mir in 1996.Despite the many firsts Mir accomplished,1997 was a bad year out of 15 for Mir.In 1997,an oxygen generator caught fire.Later,the main computer system broke down,causing the station to drift several times and there were power failures.Most of these problems were repaired,with American help and suppliers,but Mir's reputation as a space station was ruined.Mir's setbacks are nothing,though,when we compare them with its accomplishments.Mir was a tremendous success,which will be remembered as a milestone in space exploration and the space station that showed long-term human habitation in space was possible.But it's time to move on to the next generation.The International Space Station being built will be better,but it owes a great debt to Mir.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that______.A:space exploration will not experience setbacksB:it is difficult for other space stations to exceed Mir's successC:Mir is the best long-term human habitation in space in historyD:multinational space operations are getting more accomplishments

考题 共用题干 第二篇The Mir Space StationThe Russian Mir Space Station,which came down in 2001 at last after 15 years of pioneering the concept of long-term human space flight,is remembered for its accomplishments in the human space flight history.It can be credited with many firsts in space.During Mir's lifetime,Russia spent about US $4.2 billion to build and maintain the station.The Soviet Union launched Mir,which was designed to last from three to five years,on February 20, 1986,and housed 104 astronauts over 12 years and seven months,most of whom were not Russian.In fact, it became the first international space station by playing host to 162 people from 1 1 countries.From 1995 through 1998,seven astronauts from the United States took turns living on Mir for up to six months each.They were among the 37 Americans who visited the station during nine stopovers by space shuttles.The more than 400 million the United States provided Russian for the visits not only kept Mir operating,but also gave the Americans and their partners in the international station project valuable experience in long-term flight and multinational operations.A debate continues over Mir's contributions to science.During its existence,Mir was the laboratory for 23,000 experiments and carried scientific equipment,estimated to be worth $80 million,from many nations.Experiments on Mir are credited with a range of findings,from the first solid measurement of the ration of heavy helium(氦)atoms in space to how to grow wheat in space.But for those favouring human space exploration,Mir showed that people could live and work in space long enough for a trip to Mars.The longest single stay in space is the 437.7 days that Russian astronaut Valery Polyakov spent on Mir from 1994 to 1995.And Sergie Avdeyev accumulated 747.6 days in space in three trips to the space station.The longest American stay was that of Shannon Lucid,who spent 188 days aboard Mir in 1996.Despite the many firsts Mir accomplished,1997 was a bad year out of 15 for Mir.In 1997,an oxygen generator caught fire.Later,the main computer system broke down,causing the station to drift several times and there were power failures.Most of these problems were repaired,with American help and suppliers,but Mir's reputation as a space station was ruined.Mir's setbacks are nothing,though,when we compare them with its accomplishments.Mir was a tremendous success,which will be remembered as a milestone in space exploration and the space station that showed long-term human habitation in space was possible.But it's time to move on to the next generation.The International Space Station being built will be better,but it owes a great debt to Mir.We can learn from the passage that the Mir Space Station______.A:was designed to last over 5 yearsB:played host to 7 astronauts from different countriesC:was visited only by AmericansD:was built by Russians

考题 共用题干 第二篇The Mir Space StationThe Russian Mir Space Station,which came down in 2001 at last after 15 years of pioneering the concept of long-term human space flight,is remembered for its accomplishments in the human space flight history.It can be credited with many firsts in space.During Mir's lifetime,Russia spent about US $4.2 billion to build and maintain the station.The Soviet Union launched Mir,which was designed to last from three to five years,on February 20, 1986,and housed 104 astronauts over 12 years and seven months,most of whom were not Russian.In fact, it became the first international space station by playing host to 162 people from 1 1 countries.From 1995 through 1998,seven astronauts from the United States took turns living on Mir for up to six months each.They were among the 37 Americans who visited the station during nine stopovers by space shuttles.The more than 400 million the United States provided Russian for the visits not only kept Mir operating,but also gave the Americans and their partners in the international station project valuable experience in long-term flight and multinational operations.A debate continues over Mir's contributions to science.During its existence,Mir was the laboratory for 23,000 experiments and carried scientific equipment,estimated to be worth $80 million,from many nations.Experiments on Mir are credited with a range of findings,from the first solid measurement of the ration of heavy helium(氦)atoms in space to how to grow wheat in space.But for those favouring human space exploration,Mir showed that people could live and work in space long enough for a trip to Mars.The longest single stay in space is the 437.7 days that Russian astronaut Valery Polyakov spent on Mir from 1994 to 1995.And Sergie Avdeyev accumulated 747.6 days in space in three trips to the space station.The longest American stay was that of Shannon Lucid,who spent 188 days aboard Mir in 1996.Despite the many firsts Mir accomplished,1997 was a bad year out of 15 for Mir.In 1997,an oxygen generator caught fire.Later,the main computer system broke down,causing the station to drift several times and there were power failures.Most of these problems were repaired,with American help and suppliers,but Mir's reputation as a space station was ruined.Mir's setbacks are nothing,though,when we compare them with its accomplishments.Mir was a tremendous success,which will be remembered as a milestone in space exploration and the space station that showed long-term human habitation in space was possible.But it's time to move on to the next generation.The International Space Station being built will be better,but it owes a great debt to Mir.What is the author's attitude toward Mir?A:Indifferent.B:Favorable.C:Ironic.D:Negative.

考题 PART Ⅰ: INCOMPLETE SENTENCES Directions: This part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), (D), are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. 1. It is on October 1,2009 that the People's Republic of China ______ its 60th birthday.A. congratulated B. kept C. remained D. celebrated

考题 共用题干 The Race Into SpaceAmerican millionaire Dennis Tito will always be famous.He was the first tourist in space."I spent sixty years on Earth and eight days in space and from my viewpoint,it was two separate lives,"Tito explained.He loxed his time in space."Being in space and looking back at the earth is one of the most rewarding experi-ences a human being can have."This kind of experience isn't cheap.It cost$20 million.However,Tito achieved his dream,so he was happy."For me it was a life dream.It was a dream that began when I didn't have any money,"he told reporters.On 24th,April 2002,Mark Shuttleworth became the world's second space tourist.Shuttleworth is a South African businessman.At the age of twenty-eight,he also paid $20 million for the eight-day trip.Both Tito and Shuttleworth bought their tickets from a company called Space Adventures.The company has around 100 people already on their waiting list for flights into space.The spaceship to take them doesn't exist yet.Many of the customers are people who like adventure.They are the kind of people who also want to climb Mount Qomolangma.Other customers are people who love space.However,these people are worried.Because it's so expensive,only very rich people can go into space.They want space travel to be available to more people.That day may soon be here.InterOrbital Systems(IOS)plans to send up to four tourists a week into space.The tours will depart from an island in Tonga.The company promises a package that includes forty-five days of astronaut training in Russia and California,seven days in space and a vacation in Tonga,for $2 million.However,space flight is still very dangerous.Bill Readdy is NASA's deputy assistant administrator for space flight.He says that the chances of dying are about 1 in 500.Because of this,it may take time before space tourism really takes off.You might be able to go up,but will you come down?IOS will send its tourists into space from Tonga.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 China launched its second()space flight in October 2005.AmanBmanedCmanningDmanned

考题 China launched its second()space flight in October 2005.A、manB、manedC、manningD、manned

考题 You are attending a meeting on Microsoft Windows Meeting Space. At the same time, you attempt to join a second meeting also hosted on Windows Meeting space. The dialog box that allows you to join the second meeting fails to open. You need to join the second meeting.  What should you do?()A、Join the second meeting by using Microsoft Office Live Meeting.B、Enable the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Windows Firewall exception.C、Click the Leave meeting option in the first meeting, and then join the second meeting. D、Open Windows Meeting Space, create a new meeting, and specify a password for others to use when they join the meeting.

考题 单选题Certain dangerous goods are required “to be stowed in a mechanically ventilated space”. When such goods are carried in a closed Ro/Ro cargo space or a special category space,this space should().A be mechanically operatedB be temperature controlledC be mechanically ventilatedD not allow to run its refrigeration or heating equipment

考题 单选题______Yellow River is known to be______second longest river in China.A The; theB /; /C The;/D /; the

考题 单选题China launched its second()space flight in October 2005.A manB manedC manningD manned

考题 单选题Which is true on the subarachnoid space in the vertebral canal()。A lies between dura matter and arachnoidB up to subarachnoid space in the skull by the foramen magnumC down the the height of the fifth sacral vertebralD terminal cistern is formed by the space below the second sacral vertebralE the fluid in it can communicate with that in the center canal of spinal cord directly

考题 单选题You are attending a meeting on Microsoft Windows Meeting Space. At the same time, you attempt to join a second meeting also hosted on Windows Meeting space. The dialog box that allows you to join the second meeting fails to open. You need to join the second meeting.  What should you do?()A Join the second meeting by using Microsoft Office Live Meeting.B Enable the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Windows Firewall exception.C Click the Leave meeting option in the first meeting, and then join the second meeting. D Open Windows Meeting Space, create a new meeting, and specify a password for others to use when they join the meeting.

考题 单选题China plans to double its gas use in the next decade ______.A to bolster the sales of its natural gas.B to cut pollution.C to reduce its reliance on the imports.D All of the above except (A).

考题 填空题We all felt excited when China succeeded in (launch) ____ its first manned spaceship.

考题 单选题Clair:  Ms. Britt: No, but it’s the first time we have seen the city of Shanghai.  Clair: Well, Shanghai is a famous scenery city. I’m sure you will not regret coming here.  Mr. Britt: I believe so.A What do you think of China?B Have you ever been to China?C Is this your first trip to China?D Do you enjoy the flight?

考题 单选题Air France carries out its Frequency Plus _____.A through its reduced ticket pricesB through its extensive network of partnersC by providing convenient flight schedulesD by offering excellent services on board