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The second book ___ I want to read is Travels in China.






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考题 PublicclassHoltextendsThread{PrivateStringsThreadName;Publicstaticvoidmain(Stringargv[]){Holth=newHolt();h.go();Holt(){};Holt(Strings){sThreadName=s;PublicStringgetThreadName(){returnsThreadName;}}Publicvoidgo(){Hotfirst=newHot(first);first.start();Hotsecond=newHot(second);second.start();}Publicvoidstart(){For(inti=0;i2;i++){System.out.print(getThreadName()+i);Try{Thread.sleep(100);}catch(Exceptione){System.out.print(e.getMessage());}}}}当编译运行上面代码时,将会出现()A.编译时错误B.输出first0,second0,first0,second1C.输出first0,first1,second10,second1D.运行时错误

考题 下面程序的功能是:对字符串从小到大进行排序并输出,请填空。#include "string.h"#include "stdio.h"sort(char *a[],int n){ int i,j;char *p;for(j=1;j=n-1;j++)for(i=0; 【15】 ;i++)if( 【16】 0){ p=a[i];a[i]=a[i+1];a[i+1]=p;}}main(){ int i;char *book[]={"itisme","itisyou","howareyou","fine","goodnight","goodbye"};sort( 【17】 );for(i=0;i6;i++)printf("%s\n",book[i]);}

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考题 听力原文: If you want to invest money at short term, you've got several possibilities: first, a current account. This gives you the possibility of having all your money at your immediate disposal. It also entitles you to a cheque-book. Second, you've got a deposit account, which usually pays about 3. 5% interest, less tax. In that respect, a deposit account's a better investment than a current account. However, though you are entitled to a cheque-book, you can only withdraw up to a certain sum each month. For large amounts, you must give the bank a few months' notice. Finally, you have certificates of deposit. These pay in the order of 6.5% interest.28. How many possibilities are there for a customer to invest money at short term?29.With what kind of deposit can a customer NOT use a cheque-book?30.What is the interest rate for maintaining a deposit account?(28)A.2.B.5.C.4D.3

考题 He is ( )on the 6 o'clock train on Friday evening.A. travellingB. travelC. travels

考题 执行下列程序,显示的结果是______。first="china"second=""a=LEN(first)i=aDO WHILE i>=1second=second+SUBSTR(first,i,1)i=i-1ENDDO?second

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考题 下列程序使用系统标准输入System.in从键盘获得输入字符串,请选择正确的一项填入下列程序的横线处。 import java.io.*; public class ex26 { public static void main(String args[]) { byte buffer[] = new byte[128]; int n; try { n = for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) System.out .print ( (char)buffer [i] ); catch (IOException e) { System.out.print (e); } } }A.System.in.read(buffer)B.system.in.read(buffer)C.System.in.read0D.System.in(buffer)