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Which two SQL*Loader instructions are used to assemble logical records?()











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更多 “多选题Which two SQL*Loader instructions are used to assemble logical records?()AWHENBINFILECCONTINUEIFDCONCATENATEETRAILING NULLCOLS” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following statements about ORACLE is (are) correct?Ⅰ.ORACLE follows SQL standardⅡ.ORACLE database defines two logical types: table and viewA.ⅠonlyB.Ⅱ onlyC.Ⅰ and ⅡD.none of the above

考题 Which two are attributes of /SQL*Plus? () A. /SQL*Plus commands cannot be abbreviated.B. /SQL*Plus commands are accesses from a browser.C. /SQL*Plus commands are used to manipulate data in tables.D. /SQL*Plus commands manipulate table definitions in the database.E. /SQL*Plus is the Oracle proprietary interface for executing SQL statements.

考题 Examine the contents of SQL loader control file:Which three statements are true regarding the SQL* Loader operation performed using the control file?() A. An EMP table is created if a table does not exist. Otherwise, if the EMP table is appended with the loaded data.B. The SQL* Loader data file myfile1.dat has the column names for the EMP table.C. The SQL* Loader operation fails because no record terminators are specified.D. Field names should be the first line in the both the SQL* Loader data files.E. The SQL* Loader operation assumes that the file must be a stream record format file with the normal carriage return string as the record terminator.

考题 Which of the following SQL*Loader parameters enables you to load a specified number of records stored in the data file?()A、ROWSB、SKIPC、LOADD、BINDSIZE

考题 SQL*Loader reads a set of records from a file, generates INSERT commands, and passes them to the Oracle kernel. Oracle then finds places for those records in free blocks in the table and updates any associated indexes. Which SQL*Loader mode is used in this scenario?()A、direct-path loadB、conventional path load

考题 Which of the following explains the relationship between a physical and logical partition?()A、A physical partition is hosted on one or more logical partitions. A logical partition is used when describing storage.B、A logical partition is hosted on one or more physical partitions. A physical partition is used when describing storage.C、A physical partition is used when describing only a SCSI or SAS disk. A logical partition is used when describing a SAN LUN.D、A logical partition is used when describing only a SATA or SAS disk. A physical partition is used when describing RAID or mirrored arrays.

考题 Examine the contents of SQL loader control file: Which three statements are true regarding the SQL* Loader operation performed using the control file?()A、An EMP table is created if a table does not exist. Otherwise, if the EMP table is appended with the loaded data.B、The SQL* Loader data file myfile1.dat has the column names for the EMP table.C、The SQL* Loader operation fails because no record terminators are specified.D、Field names should be the first line in the both the SQL* Loader data files.E、The SQL* Loader operation assumes that the file must be a stream record format file with the normal carriage return string as the record terminator.

考题 Which two statements about subqueries are true? ()A、A subquery should retrieve only one row.B、A subquery can retrieve zero or more rows.C、A subquery can be used only in SQL query statements.D、Subqueries CANNOT be nested by more than two levels.E、A subquery CANNOT be used in an SQL query statement that uses group functions.F、When a subquery is used with an inequality comparison operator in the outer SQL statement, the column list in the SELECT clause of the subquery should contain only one column.

考题 Which two statements are true regarding the usage of the SQL*Loader utility()A、You can load data into multiple tables during the same load session.B、You can load data from multiple files to a table during the same load session.C、You cannot perform selective data loading based on the values available in the records.D、You can use an export file generated by the EXPDP utility as an input data file to load the data.E、You can load data only if the input file is available on the disk and tape but not in a named pipes.

考题 Which two SQL*Loader instructions are used to assemble logical records?()A、WHENB、INFILEC、CONTINUEIFD、CONCATENATEE、TRAILING NULLCOLS

考题 Which two are attributes of iSQL*Plus? ()A、/SQL*Plus commands cannot be abbreviated.B、/SQL*Plus commands are accessed from a browser.C、/SQL*Plus commands are used to manipulate data in tables.D、/SQL*Plus commands manipulate table definitions in the database.E、/SQL*Plus is the Oracle proprietary interface for executing SQL statements.

考题 Which one of the following files contains records that do not meet the specified load criteria in the SQL*Loader control file?()A、Log fileB、Discard fileC、Parameter fileD、Bad file

考题 Which two are attributes of /SQL*Plus? ()A、/SQL*Plus commands cannot be abbreviated.B、/SQL*Plus commands are accesses from a browser.C、/SQL*Plus commands are used to manipulate data in tables.D、/SQL*Plus commands manipulate table definitions in the database.E、/SQL*Plus is the Oracle proprietary interface for executing SQL statements.

考题 多选题Which two statements are true regarding subqueries? ()AA subquery can retrieve zero or more rowsBOnly two subqueries can be placed atone levelCA subquery can be used only in SQL query statementsDA subquery can appear on either side of a comparison operatorEThere is no limit on the number of subquery levels in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about hierarchical architecture? ()(Choose two.)AYou can assign a logical interface to multiple zones.BYou cannot assign a logical interface to multiple zones.CYou can assign a logical interface to multiple routing instances.DYou cannot assign a logical interface to multiple routing instances.

考题 多选题Which two are attributes of /SQL*Plus? ()A/SQL*Plus commands cannot be abbreviated.B/SQL*Plus commands are accesses from a browser.C/SQL*Plus commands are used to manipulate data in tables.D/SQL*Plus commands manipulate table definitions in the database.E/SQL*Plus is the Oracle proprietary interface for executing SQL statements.

考题 多选题Which two are attributes of iSQL*Plus? ()A/SQL*Plus commands cannot be abbreviated.B/SQL*Plus commands are accessed from a browser.C/SQL*Plus commands are used to manipulate data in tables.D/SQL*Plus commands manipulate table definitions in the database.E/SQL*Plus is the Oracle proprietary interface for executing SQL statements.

考题 多选题Examine the following statement that is used to modify the primary key constraint on the SALES table: SQL ALTER TABLE SALES MODIFY CONSTRAINT pk DISABLE VALIDATE; Which three statements aretrue regarding the above command()AThe constraint remains valid.BThe index on the constraint is dropped.CIt allows the loading of data into the table using SQL *Loader.DNew data conforms to the constraint, but existing data is not checked.EIt allows the data manipulation on the table using INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE SQL statements.

考题 多选题On your Oracle 12c database, you invoked SQL *Loader to load data into the EMPLOYEES table in the HR schema by issuing the following command: $ sqlldr hr/hr@pdb table=employees Which two statements are true regarding the command?()AIt succeeds with default settings if the EMPLOYEES table belonging to HR is already defined in the database.BIt fails because no SQL *Loader data file location is specified.CIt fails if the HR user does not have the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege.DIt fails because no SQL *Loader control file location is specified.

考题 多选题In which two scenarios do you use SQL* Loader to load data?()ATransform the data while it is being loaded into the database.BUse transparent parallel processing without having to split the external data first.CLoad data into multiple tables during the same load statement.DGenerate unique sequential key values in specified columns.

考题 单选题Which of the following explains the relationship between a physical and logical partition?()A A physical partition is hosted on one or more logical partitions. A logical partition is used when describing storage.B A logical partition is hosted on one or more physical partitions. A physical partition is used when describing storage.C A physical partition is used when describing only a SCSI or SAS disk. A logical partition is used when describing a SAN LUN.D A logical partition is used when describing only a SATA or SAS disk. A physical partition is used when describing RAID or mirrored arrays.

考题 多选题On your Oracle 12c database, you invoked SQL *Loader to load data into the EMPLOYEES table in the HR schema by issuing the following command: $ sqlldr hr/hr@pdb table=employees Which two statements are true regarding the command?()AIt succeeds with default settings if the EMPLOYEES table belonging to HR is already defined in the database.BIt fails because no SQL *Loader data file location is specified.CIt fails if the HR user does not have the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege.DIt fails because no SQL *Loader control file location is specified.

考题 多选题Which two statements are true regarding the usage of the SQL*Loader utility()AYou can load data into multiple tables during the same load session.BYou can load data from multiple files to a table during the same load session.CYou cannot perform selective data loading based on the values available in the records.DYou can use an export file generated by the EXPDP utility as an input data file to load the data.EYou can load data only if the input file is available on the disk and tape but not in a named pipes.

考题 多选题Examine the contents of SQL loader control file: Which three statements are true regarding the SQL* Loader operation performed using the control file?()AAn EMP table is created if a table does not exist. Otherwise, if the EMP table is appended with the loaded data.BThe SQL* Loader data file myfile1.dat has the column names for the EMP table.CThe SQL* Loader operation fails because no record terminators are specified.DField names should be the first line in the both the SQL* Loader data files.EThe SQL* Loader operation assumes that the file must be a stream record format file with the normal carriage return string as the record terminator.

考题 多选题Which two statements about subqueries are true? ()AA subquery should retrieve only one row.BA subquery can retrieve zero or more rows.CA subquery can be used only in SQL query statements.DSubqueries CANNOT be nested by more than two levels.EA subquery CANNOT be used in an SQL query statement that uses group functions.FWhen a subquery is used with an inequality comparison operator in the outer SQL statement, the column list in the SELECT clause of the subquery should contain only one column.

考题 多选题Examine the following statement that is used to modify the constraint on the SALES table: SQL ALTER TABLE SALES MODIFY CONSTRAINT pk DISABLE VALIDATE; Which three statements are true regarding the above command()AThe constraint remains valid.BThe index on the constraint is dropped.CIt allows the loading of data into the table using SQL*Loader.DNew data conforms to the constraint, but existing data is not checkedEIt allows the data manipulation on the table using INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE SQL statements.

考题 单选题SQL*Loader reads a set of records from a file, generates INSERT commands, and passes them to the Oracle kernel. Oracle then finds places for those records in free blocks in the table and updates any associated indexes. Which SQL*Loader mode is used in this scenario?()A direct-path loadB conventional path load