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考题 本题的功能是用按钮来控制文本框中文本的颜色。窗口中有两个带有文字标题的面板“Sample text”和“Text color control”,窗口的底部还有一个复选按钮“Disable changes”。在“Sample text”面板中有一个带有字符串的文本框,而在“Text color control”面板中有三个按钮:“Black”、“Red”和“Green”,并且每个按钮上都有一个对应颜色的圆。单击任意按钮,文本框中的文本变成对应的颜色,如果选中“Disable changes”复选项,则三个颜色按钮变为不可用,如果取消选中复选项,则三个按钮变为可用。import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;public class java3 extends JFrame{private JPanel upper,middle,lower;private JTextField text;private JButton black,red,green;private JCheckBox disable;public java3(String titleText){super(titleText);addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){public voidwindowClosing(WindowEvent e){System.exit(0);}});upper=new JPanel();upper.setBorder(BorderFactory.ereateTitledBor-der("Sample text"));upper.setlayout(new BorderLayout());text=new JTextField("Change the color of thistext"):upper.add(text,BorderLayout.CENTER);middle=new JPanel();middle.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBor-der("Text color control"));middle.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)):black=new JButton("Black",new ColorIcon(Color.black));black.addActionListener( new ButtonListener(Color.black));middle.add(black);red=new JButton("Red",new ColorIcon(Col-or.red));red.addActionListener(new ButtonListener(Col-or.red));middle.add(red);green=new JButton("Green",new ColorIcon(Color.green));green.addActionListener(new ButtonListener(Color.green));middle.add(green);lower=new JPanel();lower.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));disable=new JCheckBox("Disable changes"):disable.addItemListener(new ItemListener()(public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e){boolean enabled=(e.getStateChange()= =ItemEvent.DESELECTED):black.setEnabled(enabled);red.setEnabled(enabled);green.setEnabled(enabled);}});lower.add(disable);Container cp=getContentPane();cp.add(upper,BorderLayout.NORTH);cp.add(middle,BorderLayout.CENTER);cp.add(10wer,BorderLayout.SoUTH);pack();setVisible(true);}class ButtonListener extends ActionListener{private Color c;public ButtonListener(Color c){this.c=c;}public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){text.setForeground(c);}}class ColorIcon implements Icon{private Color c;private static final int DIAMETER=10;public ColorIcon(Color c){c=c;}public void paintlcon(Component cp,Graphics g,int x,int y){g.setColor(c);g.fillOval(X,y,DIAMETER,DIAMETER);g.setColor(Color.black);g.drawOval(x,y,DIAMETER,DIAMETER);}public int getlconHeight(){return DIAMETER;}public int getlconWidth(){return DIAMETER;}}public static void main(String[]args){new java3("advance");}}

考题 共用题干 Better Control of TB Seen If a Faster Cure Is FoundThe World Health Organization estimates that about one-third of all people are infected with bacteria that cause tuberculosis(结核病).Most times , the infection remains inactive(不活跃的).But each year about eight million people develop active cases of TB,usually in their lungs. Two million people die of it.The disease has increased with the spread of AIDS and drug-resist-ant forms of tuberculosis.Current treatments take at least six months.Patients have to take a combination of several antibiotic(抗生素)drugs daily. But many people stop as soon as they feel better. Doing that can lead to an infection(传染病)that resists treatment. Public health experts agree that a faster-act-ing cure for tuberculosis would be more effective.Now a study estimates just how effective it might be .A professor of international health at Harvard University led the study.Joshua Salomon says a shorter treatment program would likely mean not just more patients cured.It would also mean fe- wer infectious patients who can pass on their infection to others.The researchers developed a mathematical(数学的)model to examine the effects of a two-month treatment plan.They tested the model with current TB conditions in Southeast Asia.The scientists found that a two-month treatment could prevent about twenty percent of new cases.And it might prevent about twenty-five percent of TB deaths.The model shows that these reductions would take place between two thousand twelve and two thousand thirty.That is,if a faster cure is developed and in wide use by two thousand twelve.The World Health Organization developed the DOTS program in nineteen ninety.DOTS(短期直接观察治疗)is Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course. Health workers watch tubercu- losis patients take their daily pills to make sure they continue treatment.Earlier this year,an international partnership of organizations announced a plan to expand the DOTS program.The ten-year plan also aims to finance research into new TB drugs.The four most common drugs used now are more than forty years old.The Global Alliance for TB Drug De- velopment(全球结核病药物开发联盟)says its long-term goal is a treatment that could work in as few as ten doses. Each year,about______people die of TB,according to the World Health Organization.A: One-third of allB: Eight millionC:Two millionD: One million

考题 共用题干 Better Control of TB Seen If a Faster Cure Is FoundThe World Health Organization estimates that about one-third of all people are infected with bacteria that cause tuberculosis(结核病).Most times , the infection remains inactive(不活跃的).But each year about eight million people develop active cases of TB,usually in their lungs. Two million people die of it.The disease has increased with the spread of AIDS and drug-resist-ant forms of tuberculosis.Current treatments take at least six months.Patients have to take a combination of several antibiotic(抗生素)drugs daily. But many people stop as soon as they feel better. Doing that can lead to an infection(传染病)that resists treatment. Public health experts agree that a faster-act-ing cure for tuberculosis would be more effective.Now a study estimates just how effective it might be .A professor of international health at Harvard University led the study.Joshua Salomon says a shorter treatment program would likely mean not just more patients cured.It would also mean fe- wer infectious patients who can pass on their infection to others.The researchers developed a mathematical(数学的)model to examine the effects of a two-month treatment plan.They tested the model with current TB conditions in Southeast Asia.The scientists found that a two-month treatment could prevent about twenty percent of new cases.And it might prevent about twenty-five percent of TB deaths.The model shows that these reductions would take place between two thousand twelve and two thousand thirty.That is,if a faster cure is developed and in wide use by two thousand twelve.The World Health Organization developed the DOTS program in nineteen ninety.DOTS(短期直接观察治疗)is Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course. Health workers watch tubercu- losis patients take their daily pills to make sure they continue treatment.Earlier this year,an international partnership of organizations announced a plan to expand the DOTS program.The ten-year plan also aims to finance research into new TB drugs.The four most common drugs used now are more than forty years old.The Global Alliance for TB Drug De- velopment(全球结核病药物开发联盟)says its long-term goal is a treatment that could work in as few as ten doses.Now there are_______most common drugs being used for more than forty years.A: oneB: twoC: threeD:.four

考题 下列关于移动、旋转和缩放的快捷键组合,正确的是()A、WREB、EWRC、ERWD、WER

考题 ()、有界弱回波区BWER的大小、弱回波区WER的大小、垂直累积液态水含量VIL的大值都可以作为判断强降雹潜势的指标。

考题 妊娠剧吐治疗过程中可以预防Wer-nicke脑病的是()A、维生素B1B、维生素B6C、维生素B12D、维生素CE、维生素E

考题 单选题Wer darf an einer Kunsthochschule studieren?A Jugendliche mit künstlerischer Begabung.B Leute, die die Eignungsprüfung bestanden haben.C Ausländische Studierende mit musikalischem Talent.D Staatlich anerkannte Schüler.

考题 问答题Hauptschule, Realschule oder Gymnasium: Wer auf welche Schule kommt, entscheiden die Lehrer zusammen mit den Eltern. Das Wichtigste dabei sind eigentlich die Schulnoten. Tatsächlich spielt aber auch der soziale Status der Eltern eine Rolle. Denn die Gefahr, nicht genug gefördert zu werden, ist nicht für alle gleich: Mehr als zweimal so groß ist sie für Kinder, deren Eltern nicht studiert haben.

考题 填空题()、有界弱回波区BWER的大小、弱回波区WER的大小、垂直累积液态水含量VIL的大值都可以作为判断强降雹潜势的指标。

考题 单选题Wer beim Schreiben Schwierigkeiten hat, ______A der irrt sich.B der macht am Computer mehr Fehler.C der bekommt vom Computer und Internet keine Hilfe.D dem helfen die Neuen Medien viel.

考题 单选题妊娠剧吐治疗过程中可以预防Wer-nicke脑病的是()A 维生素B1B 维生素B6C 维生素B12D 维生素CE 维生素E

考题 多选题判断大冰雹的有效指标是()。A≥45dBz的反射率因子高度扩展-20℃等温线高度以上B具有宽大的WER或BWER的回波特征C风暴顶辐散D大VIL值E高的融化层高度