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更多 “填空题____” 相关考题
考题 单选题Before the final examination, some students have shown()of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.A anxietyB marksC signsD remarks

考题 问答题天坛

考题 单选题—Why don't we go get coffee somewhere? —()A Good idea. Let’s go to the coffee shop on the corner.B No, I don’t like coffee.C Sorry, you can’t.D Yes, help yourself.

考题 问答题那达慕节

考题 单选题The house is()owned by her father.A partB partlyC partsD a part

考题 单选题We are disappointed to find that the quality of the products here()very poor.A to beB have beenC isD being

考题 单选题If Mary()shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first.A will goB goesC wentD has gone

考题 单选题Why do incompetent people rarely know they are inept?A They are too inept to know what competence is.B They are not skillful at logical reasoning, grammar, and sense of humor.C They lack the basic skills to evaluate their performance realistically.D They have some ability to over criticize themselves.

考题 问答题长城

考题 单选题Are you fond of reading novels?()A I found one novel.B No, novels cannot read.C Novels are bad.D Yes. I like reading novels.

考题 单选题May I give you a hand?()A Yes, I‘d love to.B Thank you. You are so kind.C Yes, give me.D I‘m not sure.

考题 单选题Many()shops will be forced to close if the new supermarket is built.A generalB localC broadD public

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题If you()your work, you can go there first.A will finishB finishedC finishingD have finished

考题 问答题经济特区

考题 单选题When treating patients with psychological problems, some doctors feel that they _____.A are at a loss for treatmentB have no right to use drugsC have to cure their patients by any meansD should use drugs to treat the symptoms

考题 单选题Sadam()for 25 years.A got marriedB was marriedC marriedD were married

考题 问答题共同富裕

考题 单选题Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? ()A From EnglandB At the officeC He‘s workingD He‘s very busy

考题 单选题The writer is probably _____.A FrenchB EnglishC AmericanD None of the above

考题 单选题Do you have any plan this year?()A How about you?B I plan to go to the United States for further studies.C Yes, I will.D I'm certainly not going to do that kind of thing.

考题 单选题The author thinks living alone is disastrous mainly because singleton is _____.A harmful to people’s lifeB destructive to our ecosystemC dangerous to plants and animalsD unworkable in our society

考题 单选题The case of identical twins from Germany shows that _____.A environment can help determine people’s body shapeB genes are the decisive factors for people’s body shapeC identical twins are likely to enjoy different sportsD identical twins may have different genes for different sports

考题 单选题These desks and chairs()to the children in the mountain villages next week.A are sentB will sendC have sentD will be sent

考题 单选题— The physics exam is not difficult, is it?—()Even Harry to the top students failed in it.A Yes;belongsB No;belongedC Yes;belongingD No;belonging

考题 问答题人均国民生产总值

考题 单选题We are()how an error like this could have happened.A searchingB researchingC surveyingD investigating

考题 问答题原始森林