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Small oil spills on deck can be prevented from contaminating any waters by ().

plugging all scuppers and drains


placing floating booms around the ship


regularly emptying all drip pans


thoroughly draining all bunkering hoses


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更多 “单选题Small oil spills on deck can be prevented from contaminating any waters by ().A plugging all scuppers and drainsB placing floating booms around the shipC regularly emptying all drip pansD thoroughly draining all bunkering hoses” 相关考题
考题 We can draw a conclusion from the text that______.A) oil-price shocks are less shocking nowB) inflation seems irrelevant to oil -price shocksC) energy conservation can keep down the oil pricesD) the price rise of crude leads to the shrinking of heavy industry

考题 What did scientists learn about earthquakes at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal?A) They occur at about 4,000 metres below ground level.B) The injection of water into earthquake faults prevents earthquakes from occurring.C) They are usually caused by the oil in the faults.D) Harmful earthquakes earl be possibly prevented by causing small, harmless earthquakes.

考题 In the event of a small bunker oil spill on deck occurring while bunkering, you should ____.A.wash down the area immediately with a fire hoseB.wash down the area with keroseneC.cover the area with absorbent materialD.cover the area with foam

考题 when the fuel is provided by the supplier ,what specifications of the oil can you get from the supplier receipt ?

考题 A crack in the deck plating of a vessel may be temporarily prevented from increasing in length by___________.A.cutting a square notch at each end of the crackB.drilling a hole at each end of the crackC.slot-welding the crackD.welding a doubler over the crack

考题 A large oil fire on the deck of a ship can be fought most effectively with ______.A.dry chemicalB.foamC.high-velocity fogD.water (cartridge-operated)、

考题 单选题Heat damage to fuel injection nozzles on small high-speed diesel engines, can be prevented by()A employing fuel oil as a cooling mediumB preventing hard carbon deposit on nozzle tipsC avoiding fuel oil temperature exceeding builder’s specificationD ensuring good metallic contact between nozzles and cylinder heads

考题 单选题A large oil fire on the deck of a ship can be fought most effectively with().A dry chemicalB foamC high-velocity fogD water

考题 单选题A dirty diesel engine oil filter element can best be detected by ().A visual inspection of the elementsB the pressure drop across the filterC high lube oil sump temperatureD decrease in oil viscosity from the filter

考题 单选题When you are transferring fuel oil to the setting tanks, precautions to be observed should include ()A plugging gooseneck tank vents to prevent accident overflowB maintaining a high transfer rate until a slight trickle of oil is observed flowing from the overflow lineC sounding the tanks frequently and reducing the transfer rate as the level approaches maximum fillD maintaining a supply of chemical dispersant to cleanup minor oil spills adjacent to the ship

考题 单选题Fuel oil tank vents are fitted with a screen which will stop().A oil from flowing out of the tank ventB air from entering the tank ventC vapors from leaving the tank ventD flames on deck from entering the tank vent

考题 单选题A crack in the deck plating of a vessel may be temporarily prevented from increasing in length by().A cutting a square notch at each end of the crackB drilling a hole at each end of the crackC slot-welding the crackD welding a doubler over the crack

考题 单选题() is arranged for cleaning the lubricating oil in the system and clean oil can be provided from a storage tank.A A filterB A centrifugeC A distillerD A generator

考题 单选题The preferred type of pollution control for oil spills on the water is(are) ().A strawB boomsC skimmersD chemical dispersants

考题 单选题Heat damage to fuel injection nozzles can be prevented by avoiding ()A excessive fuel oil temperatureB long periods of engine overloadC metallic contact between nozzles and cylinder headsD hard carbon deposit and varnish on the nozzles

考题 单选题A large oil fire on the deck of a ship can be fought most effectively with().A dry chemicalB foamC high-velocity fogD Water (cartridge-operated)

考题 单选题Before a tank is to be crude oil washed,the oxygen content in the tank must be measured at a position().A immediately above the level of the oilB at the top of the tankC in the vent riserD one meter from the deck

考题 单选题All oil spills must be reported to the().A MOCB MSA OF CHINAC local policeD local fire department

考题 单选题Setting a sealing equipment astern on the tailshaft can’t ()A prevent the seawater from intergratingB prevent the lube oil from running out of the outside aboardC strengthen the intencity of the sterntubeD prevent the mud and sand from entering the lube oil system

考题 单选题How can the chance of contaminating hydraulic fluid be decreased when working on hydraulic system?()A clean the fittings before they are disconnectedB Place drip pans under leaky fittingsC Seal any cracks in lines with PermatexD Coat all threads with graphite oil

考题 单选题If an emergency pump control is used as the emergency shutdown on a tank vessel,it must().A stop the flow of oil at the main deck manifoldB prevent the oil from leaving the shore facilityC prevent the oil from siphoning through the pumpD None of the above

考题 单选题Small oil spills on deck can be prevented from contaminating any waters by ().A plugging all scuppers and drainsB placing floating booms around the shipC regularly emptying all drip pansD thoroughly draining all bunkering hoses

考题 单选题You are on a containership. The cargo includes a container of small arms ammunition,a container of lead-acid storage batteries and bottles of methyl acetylene. Which statement is TRUE?().A The storage batteries must be stowed on deck away from the ammunitionB The storage batteries must be at least ten horizontal feet away from the methyl acetylene if in the same spaceC The ammunition must be separated from the methyl acetylene by at least one holdD The methyl acetylene may be stowed on deck or under deck with under deck stowage to be used if available

考题 单选题Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by().A driving wooden plugs into the ventsB closing the lids on the ventsC plugging the scuppersD plugging the sounding pipes

考题 单选题If an emergency pump control is used as the emergency shutdown on a tanker,it must().A stop the flow of oil at the main deck manifoldB prevent the oil from leaving the shore facilityC prevent the oil from siphoning through the pumpD None of the above

考题 单选题High lube oil temperatures developing in a diesel engine can result from()A high oil pressureB excessive bearing end playC plugged oil control ringsD engine overload

考题 单选题In the event of a small bunker oil spill on deck occurring while bunkering, you should ().A wash down the area immediately with a fire hoseB wash down the area with keroseneC cover the area with absorbent materialD cover the area with foam

考题 单选题These acid residues must be prevented from entering the crankcase, otherwise the lube oil would be()A contaminatedB emulsifiedC deterioratedD oxidated