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Main steam and exhaust pipes for winches and similar gear shall not pass through crew accommodation nor, whenever technically possible, through alleyways leading to crew accommodation; where they do pass through such alleyways, they shall be adequately ().

ventilated and tagged


ventilated and cooled down


insulated and encased


insulated and warmed up


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更多 “单选题Main steam and exhaust pipes for winches and similar gear shall not pass through crew accommodation nor, whenever technically possible, through alleyways leading to crew accommodation; where they do pass through such alleyways, they shall be adequately ().A ventilated and taggedB ventilated and cooled downC insulated and encasedD insulated and warmed up” 相关考题
考题 The spur geared mooring winches have advantages over worm geared ones in .A.higher efficiency of the gear train while reversingB.the higher gear ratioC.the multi-start featureD.higher recovering speed

考题 An indication of an overloaded main propulsion diesel engine is( ).A.white smoke in the exhaustB.high exhaust gas pyrometer readingsC.sparks in the exhaustD.blue smoke in the exhaust

考题 Vessel shall possess International Cargo Gear Certificates ______ duration of Charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.A.validity inB.valid forC.effective atD.effectiveness for

考题 A vessel used for international service shall possess ______ valid for duration of charter party showing winches and derricks in order.A.International Cargo Gear CertificateB.International Loadline CertificateC.International Safety Construction CertificateD.International Seaman Identification

考题 主蒸汽管道破裂事故 main steam line break accident

考题 单选题All items such as steam pipes, exhaust pipes and fittings which, because of their location and operating temperature, present a hazard should be adequately lagged.That means the items should()A not be put into operation too earlyB be pay adequate attention toC be used only when necessaryD be coated with certain material

考题 单选题The majority of automatic mooring winches are spur geared to improve the backward efficiency of the gear train for rendering()A spur gearedB screw gearedC worm gearedD belt driven

考题 单选题One characteristic of a pulse type turbo-charging system is()A high average exhaust manifoldB greatly fluctuating inlet manifold pressureC constant exhaust manifold pressureD multiple exhaust pipes to the turbocharger

考题 单选题For a given exhaust gas boiler, what is the quantity of its evaporation mainly determined?()A the temperature and flow quantity of the exhaust gas from M.EB the quantity of steam demandedC the rotary speed and the cooling water temperature of main engineD efficiency of M.E turbocharger

考题 单选题The spur geared mooring winches have advantages over worm geared ones in()A higher efficiency of the gear train while reversingB the higher gear ratioC the multi-start featureD higher recovering speed

考题 单选题Engine room fires have been started by neglected oil leaks dripping on to hot pipes or exhaust manifolds () insulation has not been replaced after maintenance.A whichB whenC whoseD what

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?()A Both the main steering gear and the auxiliary steering gear should be operatedB The alarms fitted to the remote control system should be operatedC The emergency generator compartment should be checkedD The communication system between the bridge and the steering gear compartment should be operated

考题 单选题Large pipes or () are fitted between the steam and water drums to ensure good natural circulation of water.A fire-tubesB furnacesC down-comersD soot-blowers

考题 单选题The cargo gear includes().A derrick, winches, cargo ropes and wiresB derricks, windlass, capstanC hatch covers, derricks, windlassD cranes, hatches, lashing wires

考题 单选题The()is fitted in the main steam supply line and is usually of the non-return type.A main steam stop valveB auxiliary steam stop valveC feed check or control valveD blow down valve

考题 单选题A vessel used for international service shall possess ()valid for duration of charter party showing winches and derricks in order.A International Cargo Gear CertificateB International Loadline CertificateC International Safety Construction CertificateD International Seaman Identification

考题 单选题The exhaust boilers are used to recover some of () carried in the exhaust gas from the main engine.A waterB oilC heatD steam

考题 单选题Worm geared automatic mooring winches are () as the multi-start feature reduces the advantage of worm gear iethe high gear radio.A popularB commonC in lead positionD uncommon

考题 单选题In a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the exhaust gases are expelled from the cylinder by the()A exhaust manifoldB valve bridgeC pressure of the fresh air chargeD valve adjusting gear

考题 单选题Vessel shall possess International Cargo Gear Certificates () duration of Charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.A validity inB valid forC effective atD effectiveness for

考题 单选题Main steam and exhaust pipes for winches and similar gear shall not pass through crew accommodation nor, whenever technically possible, through alleyways leading to crew accommodation; where they do pass through such alleyways, they shall be adequately ().A ventilated and taggedB ventilated and cooled downC insulated and encasedD insulated and warmed up

考题 单选题Ship’s steering gear refers to().A cargo handling machinesB deck winches and derricksC engine-room toolsD course controlling system

考题 单选题During the PSC inspection, under the provisions of SOLAS 74, which one may not be regarded as clear grounds for ships’ detainment?()A failure of the proper operation of the main steering gearB failure of the proper operation of electrical installationsC leakage of domestic water pumpD insulation of exhaust pipes in engine room contaminated by oil

考题 单选题Vessel shall possess()valid for duration of charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.A International Cargo Gear CertificateB International Loadline CertificateC International Safety Construction CertificateD International Seaman Identification

考题 单选题The boiler is fired () the demand for steam exceeds that available from exhaust gas heating.A wheneverB howeverC whereverD whether

考题 单选题An indication of an overloaded main propulsion diesel engine is ()A white smoke in the exhaustB high exhaust gas pyrometer readingsC sparks in the exhaustD blue smoke in the exhaust

考题 单选题Large pipes or down-comers are fitted between the steam drum and () to ensure good natural circulation of water.A fire-tubesB furnacesC water drumsD water wall tubes

考题 单选题For a given exhaust gas boiler, what is the quantity of its evaporation mainly determined?()A the temperature and flow quantity of the exhaust gas from M/EB the quantity of steam demandedC the rotary speed and the cooling water temperature of main engineD efficiency of M/ turbocharger