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Given this fragment from a Java EE deployment descriptor: 124. beta.html 125. alpha.html And this request from a browser:http://www.sun.com/SCWCDtestApp/register Which statement is correct,when the container receives this request?()

This deployment descriptor is NOT valid.


The container first looks in the register directory for beta.html.


The container first looks in the register directory for alpha.html.


The container first looks for a servlet mapping in the deployment descriptor.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Given this fragment from a Java EE deployment descriptor: 124. beta.html 125. alpha.html And this request from a browser:http://www.sun.com/SCWCDtestApp/register Which statement is correct,when the container receives this request?()A This deployment descriptor is NOT valid.B The container first looks in the register directory for beta.html.C The container first looks in the register directory for alpha.html.D The container first looks for a servlet mapping in the deployment descriptor.” 相关考题
考题 Given:And MainClass exists in the /apps/com/company/application directory. Assume the CLASSPATHenvironment variable is set to . (current directory). Which two java commands entered at the command line will run MainClass?()A.java MainClass if run from the /apps directoryB.java com.company.application.MainClass if run from the /apps directoryC.java -classpath /apps com.company.application.MainClass if run from any directoryD.java -classpath . MainClass if run from the /apps/com/company/application directoryE.java -classpath /apps/com/company/application:. MainClass if run from the /apps directoryF.java com.company.application.MainClass if run from the /apps/com/company/application directory

考题 Which two pieces of information are needed when declaring the web resource collection in the deployment descriptor?()A、 the URL pattern that requires authorizationB、 the HTTP methods that require authorizationC、 the users allowed access to the web resourceD、 the J2EE roles allowed access to the web resourceE、 the authentication mechanism required by the web resource

考题 Given this fragment in a servlet: 23.if(req.isUserInRole("Admin")) { 24.// do stuff 25.} And the following fragment from the related Java EE deployment descriptor: 812. 813.Admin 814.Administrator 815. 900. 901.Admin 902.Administrator 903. What is the result?()A、Line 24 can never be reached.B、The deployment descriptor is NOT valid.C、If line 24 executes, the user’s role will be Admin.D、If line 24 executes, the user’s role will be Administrator.E、If line 24 executes the user’s role will NOT be predictable.

考题 Given the element from the web application deployment descriptor: /main/page1.jsp true and given that /main/page1.jsp contains: % int i = 12; % %= i %  What is the result?()A、b/bB、b12/bC、The JSP fails to execute.D、% int i = 12 %b%= i %/b

考题 What is the name of the WebLogic specific deployment descriptor of Java Enterprise Application?()A、application.xmlB、weblogic.xmlC、web.xmlD、weblogic-application.xmlE、config.xml

考题 If you want to use the Java EE platform’s built-in type of authentication that uses a custom HTML page for authentication. Which two statements are true?()A、Your deployment descriptor will need to contain this tag: CUSTOM.B、The related custom HTML login page must be named loginPage.html.C、When you use this type of authentication, SSL is turned on automatically.D、You must have a tag in your deployment descriptor that allows you to point to both a login HTML pageand an HTML page for handling any login errors.E、In the HTML related to authentication for this application, you must use predefined variable names fort he variables that store the user and password values.

考题 Given: String value = getServletContext().getInitParameter("foo"); in an HttpServlet and a web applicationdeployment descriptor that contains: foo frodo Which two are true?()A、The foo initialization parameter CANNOT be set programmatically.B、Compilation fails because getInitParameter returns type Object.C、The foo initialization parameter is NOT a servlet initialization parameter.D、Compilation fails because ServletContext does NOT have a getInitParameter method.E、The foo parameter must be defined within the  element of the deployment descriptor.

考题 Given this fragment from a Java EE deployment descriptor: 341. 342.java.lang.Throwable  343./mainError.jsp 344. 345. 346.java.lang.ClassCastException  347./castError.jsp 348. If the web application associated with the fragment above throws a ClassCastException.Which statement is true?()A、The deployment descriptor is invalid.B、The container invokes mainError.jsp.C、The container invokes castError.jsp.D、Neither mainError.jsp nor castError.jsp is invoked.

考题 Given this fragment from a Java EE deployment descriptor: 124. beta.html 125. alpha.html And this request from a browser:http://www.sun.com/SCWCDtestApp/register Which statement is correct,when the container receives this request?()A、This deployment descriptor is NOT valid.B、The container first looks in the register directory for beta.html.C、The container first looks in the register directory for alpha.html.D、The container first looks for a servlet mapping in the deployment descriptor.

考题 Which two statements are true about using the isUserInRole method to implement security in a Java EEapplication?()A、It can be invoked only from the doGet or doPost methods.B、It can be used independently of the getRemoteUser method.C、Can return "true" even when its argument is NOT defined as a valid role name in the deployment descriptor.D、Using the isUserInRole method overrides any declarative authentication related to the method in which it is invoked.

考题 You deployed a Java EE Shared Library and want to use it from an application that is also deployed on the same cluster.    Which two manifest attributes must be specified at a minimum with corresponding values in the deployment descriptor of the application that requires?()A、Implementation-VersionB、Specification-VersionC、Extension-Name  D、Specification-VendorE、Implementation-Vendor

考题 A customer stores environmental settings in the deployment descriptors of an application. Whenever they promote the application version from testing to the production environment, they need to open the archive and modify the deployment descriptor. This process is against their security policy.    What approach should you recommend to leverage WebLogic features such that they do not have to modify the application archive for different environments?()A、Keep environmental data in the global settings of domain and the application can read it from the domain where it runs.B、Keep environmental data in Deployment Plan XML files. It allows you to change parameters in the deployment descriptor without opening the archive file.C、Keep environmental data in the database because it is the most effective way of parametrizing the environment.  D、Keep archive in exploded format so the customer does not have to open the archive files.E、Eliminate all environmental settings from the application. There should not to be any environmental settings in the application. 

考题 多选题Which two pieces of information are needed when declaring the web resource collection in the deployment descriptor?()Athe URL pattern that requires authorizationBthe HTTP methods that require authorizationCthe users allowed access to the web resourceDthe J2EE roles allowed access to the web resourceEthe authentication mechanism required by the web resource

考题 单选题Given the web application deployment descriptor elements: 11. 12.ParamAdder 13.com.example.ParamAdder 14.... 24. 25.ParamAdder 26.MyServlet 27. 28. Which element, inserted at line 27,causes the ParamAdder filter to be applied when MyServlet is invokedby another servlet using the RequestDispatcher.include method?()A include/B dispatcherINCLUDE/dispatcherC dispatcherinclude/dispatcherD filter-conditionINCLUDE/filter-conditionE filter-conditioninclude/filter-condition

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about the security-related tags in a valid Java EE deployment descriptor?()AEvery  tag must have at least one  tag.BA  tag can have many  tags.CA given  tag can apply to only one  tag.DA given  tag can contain from zero to many  tags.EIt is possible to construct a valid  tag such that,for a given resource,no user rolescan access that resource.

考题 多选题You deployed a Java EE Shared Library and want to use it from an application that is also deployed on the same cluster.    Which two manifest attributes must be specified at a minimum with corresponding values in the deployment descriptor of the application that requires?()AImplementation-VersionBSpecification-VersionCExtension-NameDSpecification-VendorEImplementation-Vendor

考题 多选题Which the three interfaces need to be declared in the web application deployment descriptor? ()AHttpSessionListenerBHttpSessionBindingListenerCHttpSessionTimedOutListenerDHttpSessionAttributeListenerEHttpSessionActivationListenerFHttpSessionPassivatedListener

考题 单选题What is the name of the WebLogic specific deployment descriptor of Java Enterprise Application?()A application.xmlB weblogic.xmlC web.xmlD weblogic-application.xmlE config.xml

考题 单选题Given the element from the web application deployment descriptor: /main/page1.jsp true and given that /main/page1.jsp contains:   What is the result?()A b/bB b12/bC The JSP fails to execute.D % int i = 12 %b%= i %/b

考题 单选题Given this fragment in a servlet: 23.if(req.isUserInRole("Admin")) { 24.// do stuff 25.} And the following fragment from the related Java EE deployment descriptor: 812. 813.Admin 814.Administrator 815. 900. 901.Admin 902.Administrator 903. What is the result?()A Line 24 can never be reached.B The deployment descriptor is NOT valid.C If line 24 executes, the user’s role will be Admin.D If line 24 executes, the user’s role will be Administrator.E If line 24 executes the user’s role will NOT be predictable.

考题 单选题Given this fragment in a servlet: 23.if(req.isUserInRole("Admin")) { 24.// do stuff 25.} And the following fragment from the related Java EE deployment descriptor: 812. 813.Admin 814.Administrator 815. 900. 901.Admin 902.Administrator 903. What is the result?()A Line 24 can never be reached.B The deployment descriptor is NOT valid.C If line 24 executes, the user’s role will be Admin.D If line 24 executes, the user’s role will be Administrator.E If line 24 executes the user’s role will NOT be predictable.

考题 多选题Given: String value = getServletContext().getInitParameter("foo"); in an HttpServlet and a web applicationdeployment descriptor that contains: foo frodo Which two are true?()AThe foo initialization parameter CANNOT be set programmatically.BCompilation fails because getInitParameter returns type Object.CThe foo initialization parameter is NOT a servlet initialization parameter.DCompilation fails because ServletContext does NOT have a getInitParameter method.EThe foo parameter must be defined within the  element of the deployment descriptor.

考题 多选题Which two actions protect a resource file from direct HTTP access within a web application?()APlacing it in the /secure directoryBPlacing it in the /WEB-INF directoryCPlacing it in the /META-INF/secure directoryDCreating a  element within the deployment descriptor

考题 多选题Which three are guaranteed to be valid for the  element of a web application deployment descriptor?()AFORMBDIGESTCNORMALDENCRYPTEDECLIENT-CERT

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about using the isUserInRole method to implement security in a Java EEapplication?()AIt can be invoked only from the doGet or doPost methods.BIt can be used independently of the getRemoteUser method.CCan return true even when its argument is NOT defined as a valid role name in the deployment descriptor.DUsing the isUserInRole method overrides any declarative authentication related to the method in which it is invoked.

考题 单选题Given this fragment from a Java EE deployment descriptor: 341. 342.java.lang.Throwable  343./mainError.jsp 344. 345. 346.java.lang.ClassCastException  347./castError.jsp 348. If the web application associated with the fragment above throws a ClassCastException.Which statement is true?()A The deployment descriptor is invalid.B The container invokes mainError.jsp.C The container invokes castError.jsp.D Neither mainError.jsp nor castError.jsp is invoked.

考题 单选题Given this fragment from a Java EE deployment descriptor: 341. 342.java.lang.Throwable  343./mainError.jsp 344. 345. 346.java.lang.ClassCastException  347./castError.jsp 348. If the web application associated with the fragment above throws a ClassCastException.Which statement is true?()A The deployment descriptor is invalid.B The container invokes mainError.jsp.C The container invokes castError.jsp.D Neither mainError.jsp nor castError.jsp is invoked.