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Which of the protocols below use TCP at the transport layer?()













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更多 “多选题Which of the protocols below use TCP at the transport layer?()ATFTPBSMTPCSNMPDFTPEHTTPFHTTPS” 相关考题
考题 Regarding DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol), which two of the following choices below are true? (Select two answer choices)A. The DHCP Discover message uses FF-FF-FF-FF-FF as the Layer 2 destination address.B. The DHCP Discover message uses UDP as the transport layer protocol.C. The DHCP Discover message uses a special Layer 2 multicast address as the destination address.D. The DHCP Discover message uses TCP as the transport layer protocol.E. The DHCP Discover message does not use a Layer 2 destination address.F. The DHCP Discover message does not require a transport layer protocol.

考题 Which three of the protocols below belong to the application layer? (Select three answer choices)A. ARPB. HTTPSC. SMTPD. CDPE. TFTPF. ICMP

考题 Which one of the following protocols uses both UDP and TCP ports for the transport layer operation?A.FTPB.TFTPC.SMTPD.TelnetE.DNS

考题 Which of the protocols below use TCP at the transport layer? (Select four)A. TFTPB. SMTPC. SNMPD. FTPE. HTTPF. HTTPS

考题 Which layer in the TCP/IP model is responsible for delivering packets to their destination?() A. Application LayerB. Transport LayerC. Internet LayerD. Network Access Layer

考题 The TCP/IP stack is a complete set of networking protocols. The OSI Model was meantto be a standardized way of connecting devices together. and most protocols have some directcorrelation to the OSI Model. The OSI Model has 7 layers. the foruth layer is called(75)A. physical layerB. data link IayerC.application layerD.transport layer

考题 Which of the following protocols utilize UDP as the layer 4 transport mechanism?() A.TACACSB.TelnetC.SMTPD.SNMPE.HTTPF.TFTP

考题 The TCP/IP network model differs from the more popular OSI model. Which of the layers below belong to the TCP/IP model?() A. application layerB. session layerC. transport layerD. internet layerE. network layerF. data link layerG. physical layer

考题 TCP/IP( )layer protocols provide services to the application( )running on a computer.The application layer does not define the application itself,but rather it defines( )that applications need--like the ability to transfer a file in the case of HTTP.In short,the application layer provides an( )between software running on a computer and the network itself.The TCP/IP application layer includes a relatively large number of protocols,with HTTP being only one of those.The TCP/IP(请作答此空)layer consists of two main protocol options--the Transmission Control Protocol(TCP)and the User Datagram Protocol(UDP).A.application B.session C.physical D.transport

考题 The TCP/IP stack is a complete set of networking protocols.The OSI Model was meant to be a standardized way of connecting devices together,and most protocols have some direct correlation to the OSI Model.The OSI Model has 7 layers,the fourth layer is called______.A.physical layer B.data link layer C.application layer D.transport layer

考题 Together with the network layer,the transport layer is the heart of the protocol ( 请作答此空).The network layer provides end-to-end () delivery using datagrams or virtual circuits.The transport layer builds on the network layer to provide data transport from a process on a () machine to a process on a destination machine with a desired level of reliability that is independent of the physical () currently in use.It provides the abstractions that applications nedd to use the network..Without the () layer,the whole concept of layered protocols would make little sense.A.transport B.network C.hierarchy D.service

考题 Which of the following protocols use both TCP and UDP ports?()A、FTPB、SMTPC、TelnetD、DNSE、All of the above

考题 Which of the following protocols utilize UDP as the layer 4 transport mechanism?()A、TACACSB、TelnetC、SMTPD、SNMPE、HTTPF、TFTP

考题 Which one of the following protocols uses both UDP and TCP ports for the transport layer operation?()A、FTPB、TFTPC、SMTPD、TelnetE、DNS

考题 Which three protocols use UDP as a transport protocol by default?()A、HTTPB、TFTPC、DNSD、SNMPE、SMTP

考题 Which layer in the TCP/IP model is responsible for delivering packets to their destination?()A、Application LayerB、Transport LayerC、Internet LayerD、Network Access Layer

考题 Regarding DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol), which two of the following choices below are true?()A、The DHCP Discover message uses FF-FF-FF-FF-FF as the Layer 2 destination address.B、The DHCP Discover message uses UDP as the transport layer protocol.C、The DHCP Discover message uses a special Layer 2 multicast address as the destination address.D、The DHCP Discover message uses TCP as the transport layer protocol.E、The DHCP Discover message does not use a Layer 2 destination address.F、The DHCP Discover message does not require a transport layer protocol.

考题 Which three of the protocols below belong to the application layer?()A、ARPB、HTTPSC、SMTPD、CDPE、TFTPF、ICMP

考题 Which of the protocols below use TCP at the transport layer?()A、TFTPB、SMTPC、SNMPD、FTPE、HTTPF、HTTPS

考题 The TCP/IP network model differs from the more popular OSI model. Which of the layers below belong to the TCP/IP model?()A、application layerB、session layerC、transport layerD、internet layerE、network layerF、data link layerG、physical layer

考题 Which of the protocols below, operates at Layer 2 of the OSI model, and is used to maintain a loop-free network?()A、RIPB、STPC、IGRPD、CDPE、VTP

考题 多选题Which three of the protocols below belong to the application layer?()AARPBHTTPSCSMTPDCDPETFTPFICMP

考题 多选题Which of the protocols below use TCP at the transport layer?()ATFTPBSMTPCSNMPDFTPEHTTPFHTTPS

考题 单选题Which of the protocols below, operates at Layer 2 of the OSI model, and is used to maintain a loop-free network?()A RIPB STPC IGRPD CDPE VTP

考题 多选题Which of the following protocols utilize UDP as the layer 4 transport mechanism?()ATACACSBTelnetCSMTPDSNMPEHTTPFTFTP

考题 单选题Which one of the following protocols uses both UDP and TCP ports for the transport layer operation?()A FTPB TFTPC SMTPD TelnetE DNS

考题 单选题Which of the following protocols use both TCP and UDP ports?()A FTPB SMTPC TelnetD DNSE All of the above

考题 多选题Which three protocols use UDP as a transport protocol by default?()AHTTPBTFTPCDNSDSNMPESMTP