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室内污染造成的长期影响(long-term effects)可能在多年后才会显示出来,这些包括心脏病或者癌症之类的大病,一般是会比较严重并致命的(fatal),这样才能使得语义走向一致,前后呼应。故本题选C。
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考题 单选题Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs?()A I‘d like to buy it.B It‘s of very good quality.C About eighty-five dollars.D It depends on how you like it

考题 问答题思想体系

考题 单选题The old couple shall _____ soon their patience if the daughter continues to be so obstinate.A wear offB wear outC wear overD wear in

考题 单选题It is the best()I have seen.A thatB whoC whomD which

考题 单选题With tears in her eyes, the champion was oblivious to the cheering in the stands.A grateful toB unaware ofC conscious ofD pleased with

考题 单选题There aren't()books in my bag.A noB someC any

考题 单选题The sports meeting was put off till the next week()rain.A in spite ofB soC becauseD because of

考题 单选题-Welcome to Beijing! -()A Thank you.B Oh, good.C How do you do?D That's all right.

考题 单选题I am so sorry to interrupt you again.()A That's good.B It's all right.C I don't think so.D No way!

考题 单选题I usually go to the office()train.A withB byC on

考题 单选题The author thinks that drugs used for treating psychological illnesses _____.A could be ineffective in some casesB usually have harmful side effectsC can greatly alleviate the illnessesD can remove the root causes

考题 单选题James Watt()the steam engine.A was inventingB inventedC had inventedD has invented

考题 单选题After the heavy snow storm many people _____ on the icy streets and injured their arms and legs.A slippedB skippedC skiedD tripped

考题 单选题____A whereasB althoughC just becauseD just as

考题 单选题The woman is very patient()the customers.A withB toC forD on

考题 问答题可靠的报道

考题 单选题He()to me last weekA is writingB writesC wroteD is written

考题 问答题在职培训计划

考题 单选题The writer is probably _____.A FrenchB EnglishC AmericanD None of the above

考题 单选题____A lessonsB teachingsC coursesD lectures

考题 问答题白求恩奖章

考题 单选题Please help yourself to the seafood.()A Thanks, but I don't like the seafoodB Sorry, I can't helpC Well, fish don't suit forD No, I can't

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题It kept raining for several weeks in that summer and the floods did not start to _____ until two days after the rain had stopped.A retireB recedeC retreatD sink

考题 问答题佛塔,舍利塔

考题 单选题The manager of our company asked me if was possible for me to()the marketing plan within a week.A set outB work outC make outD put out

考题 单选题He was a young sailor on his first sea()A journeyB tripC travelD voyage

考题 单选题Smoking is bad for your health. So, please()A give it upB give it inC give it outD give it away