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Passengers can begin to earn Miles _____.

if they reserve tickets at a hotel


if they buy tickets at the airport


before receiving the Permanent Card


after receiving the Permanent Card


细节题。由题干关键句式begin to earn Miles定位至文章第三部分。预订房间和机场登机时只要出示临时卡,报上卡号,这样在收到永久会员卡之前就可以获得奖励里程。正确选项为C。A、B、D项都属于望文生义,都不是获得奖励里程的条件。
更多 “单选题Passengers can begin to earn Miles _____.A if they reserve tickets at a hotelB if they buy tickets at the airportC before receiving the Permanent CardD after receiving the Permanent Card” 相关考题
考题 Unwanted tickets can be given () at the theatre office window up to half an hour before the performance. A.inB.outC.offD.over

考题 This is self-service station, please use the ticket vending machine to buy tickets and to recharge your card. 此句应用于( )场景下。 A.刷卡进站B.售票充值C.进站安检D.退票

考题 They had trouble ______ tickets before the holiday.A、gettingB、to getC、getD、got

考题 To control the execution of a server process when it is receiving bad packets from a potentially malicious client, you set the SEC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_FURTHER_ACTION initialization parameter as follows:SQL ALTER SYSTEM SET SEC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_FURTHER_ACTION = Drop,10;What is the significance of this setting?()A. It terminates the client connection after 10 bad packets and the client cannot reconnect to the same instance.B. It terminates the client connection after 10 bad packets but the client can still reconnect, and attempt the same operation again.C. It terminates the client connection 10 seconds after receiving a bad packet and the client cannot reconnect to the same instance.D. It terminates the client connection after receiving a bad packet and the client can reconnect to the same instance after 10 minutes.

考题 We can learn from the passage that .A. buses are scheduled as usual on weekends and public holidaysB. regular students at QUT need to buy adult ticketsC. Pre—paid tickets can be bought from the Public Transport Information CentreD. Ten?-trip Savers can be used at off-peak time

考题 What does the woman want the man to do?A. Buy the tickets. B. Buy her a wallet. C. Go back for her wallet

考题 Make sure you've got the passports and tickets and ___________ before you leave.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

考题 What is the Cisco IOS default behavior for switching from the shared tree to the shortest path tree in PIM-SM operations?()A、immediately after receiving the first packet on the shared tree for a given (S,G)B、after receiving over 1 kb/s traffic onthe shared tree for a given (S,G)C、10 seconds after receiving the first packet on the shared tree for a given (S,G)D、30 seconds after receiving the first packet on the shared tree for a given (S,G)E、after receiving over 10 kb/s traffic onthe shared tree for a given (S,G)

考题 Effecting shipment before receiving L/C will be out of().A、questionB、the questionC、questionsD、a question

考题 This is self-servicestation,please use the ticket vending machine to buy tickets and to recharge your card.此句应用于()场景下。A、刷卡进站B、售票充值C、进站安检D、退票

考题 单选题Two movie theaters. Theater A and Theater B. sell tickets at two different prices. Theater A sells ticket sat $6 per ticket. And Theater B sells tickets at $8 per ticket. Theater A sold 15.000 tickets. How many tickets does Theater B need to sell to earn the same amount of money?A 90,000B 45,000C 15,000D 11,250E 7,500

考题 单选题What can we learn about the Greyhound tickets?A They are not available for traveling outside the U.S.B Travelers should buy their tickets in person.C Babies Call not travel free with their parents.D They have the exact travel date on them.

考题 单选题This is self-servicestation,please use the ticket vending machine to buy tickets and to recharge your card.此句应用于()场景下。A 刷卡进站B 售票充值C 进站安检D 退票

考题 单选题_____A Front seat tickets.B Back seat tickets.C Box tickets.D Standing tickets.

考题 单选题“请把车票准备好。”翻译为:()A Please get your tickets ready for checking.B Please show me your tickets.C Please let me see your tickets.D Please get your tickets ready for showing.

考题 单选题To control the execution of a server process when it is receiving bad packets from a potentially malicious client, you set the SEC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_FURTHER_ACTION initialization parameter as follows: SQL ALTER SYSTEM SET SEC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_FURTHER_ACTION = Drop,10; What is the significance of this setting?()A It terminates the client connection after 10 bad packets and the client cannot reconnect to the same instance.B It terminates the client connection after 10 bad packets but the client can still reconnect, and attempt the same operation again.C It terminates the client connection 10 seconds after receiving a bad packet and the client cannot reconnect to the same instance.D It terminates the client connection after receiving a bad packet and the client can reconnect to the same instance after 10 minutes.

考题 填空题How many First Class return tickets can you get if you win the first prize?____ return tickets.

考题 单选题After receiving the stores you should sign on the ()A engine logbookB delivery docketC store listD maintenance book

考题 单选题Make sure you’ve got the passports and tickets and _____ before you leave.A somethingB anythingC everythingD nothing

考题 单选题“请把车票拿出来。”翻译为:()A Take your tickets out.B Show me your tickets,please.C Let me see your tickets.D Bring in your tickets,please.

考题 单选题What can we learn about the Greyhound tickets?A They are not available for traveling outside the U. S.B Travelers should buy their tickets in person.C Babies Call not travel free with their parents.D They have the exact travel date on them.

考题 单选题Which of the following is true according to the story?A The writer was too busy to have time for a rest during the day.B The buses running between his office and Richland Hills were always on time on Thursday.C He could buy the tickets neither before nor after work hours.D It always took him about twenty minutes to get to the cinema by bus.

考题 单选题Effecting shipment before receiving L/C will be out of().A questionB the questionC questionsD a question

考题 填空题What will happen if passengers stay in MRT over half an hour in addition to travel time?Their tickets will ____.

考题 单选题What is the Cisco IOS default behavior for switching from the shared tree to the shortest path tree in PIM-SM operations?()A immediately after receiving the first packet on the shared tree for a given (S,G)B after receiving over 1 kb/s traffic onthe shared tree for a given (S,G)C 10 seconds after receiving the first packet on the shared tree for a given (S,G)D 30 seconds after receiving the first packet on the shared tree for a given (S,G)E after receiving over 10 kb/s traffic onthe shared tree for a given (S,G)

考题 单选题_____A Movie tickets.B Concert tickets.C Museum tickets.D Opera tickets.

考题 单选题What Call We learn about the Greyhound tickets?A They are not available for traveling outside the U. S.B Travelers should buy their tickets in person.C Babies Call not travel free with their parents.D They have the exact travel date on them.