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更多 “单选题_____A thereforeB henceC thereafterD however” 相关考题
考题 单选题_____A acceptsB recognizesC thinksD act

考题 单选题_____ a satisfactory answer, so he had to write to them again.A As he hadn’t receivedB Not having receivedC Having not receivedD He hadn’t received

考题 单选题_____A toolB creationC mirrorD decoration

考题 问答题既然他已经道歉了,我们就应该原谅他。

考题 单选题—What _____ the population of China?—One third of population _____ workers here.A is; areB are; areC is; isD are; is

考题 单选题He read the _____ carefully before assembling the instrument.A instructionsB directionsC noticesD advertisements

考题 单选题Peter could hardly catch what I said, _____ he?A couldB couldn’tC didD didn’t

考题 单选题_____A openedB closedC openD close

考题 单选题He told me that he had bought a music tape and _____ buy another one the next week.A that he wouldB he was going toC he wouldD he should

考题 单选题Is this the museum _____ you visited the other day?A thatB whereC in whichD the one

考题 单选题_____A fitB sureC likelyD able

考题 单选题_____A degreeB requestC personD master

考题 单选题_____A aptB likelyC liableD inclined

考题 单选题_____A sinceB beforeC agoD after

考题 问答题Practice 15  (1) The development of jazz can be seen as part of the development of American popular music, especially dance music. In the twentieth, jazz became the hottest new thing in dance music, much as ragtime had at turn of the century, and as would rhythm and blues in the forties, rock in the fifties, and disco in the seventies. (2) But two characteristics distinguish jazz from other dance music.

考题 单选题It’s getting rather late. It’s time we _____.A are goingB wentC goD must go

考题 问答题Practice 2  (1) In order to communicate thoughts and feelings, there must be a conventional system of signs or symbols which mean the same to the sender and the receiver. The means of sending communications are too numerous and varied for systematic classification. Therefore, the analysis must begin with the means of receiving communication. (2) Reception of communication is achieved by our senses.

考题 单选题_____A roadB wallC fenceD river

考题 单选题_____A besideB forC behindD against

考题 单选题One of the _____ of belonging to the club is that you can use its tennis courts on weekends.A implicationsB advantagesC profitsD privileges

考题 单选题The linguists’ main interest had been to _____ and describe languages.A analyzeB expressC commandD comment

考题 单选题In this book the writer gives us a(n) _____ picture of social history.A preciseB exactC accurateD correct

考题 单选题I wonder how many years ago _____.A did your father retireB your father retiredC has your father retiredD your father has retired

考题 单选题David’s _____ over deafness, blindness and muteness was a miracle.A triumphB trumpetC successD victory

考题 单选题The reason _____ they died was lack of medical care.A whichB thatC in whichD why

考题 单选题Why does the author say that even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive?A Because they are easy to steal.B Because they are difficult for people to obtain.C Because they are not easy to carry around.D Because they themselves are expensive, too.

考题 单选题Large quantities of water _____ for irrigation.A is neededB has neededC are neededD need

考题 单选题It was not _____ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their beds.A beforeB atC afterD until