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The synonyms charge and accuse mainly differ in_________.









更多 “单选题The synonyms charge and accuse mainly differ in_________.A emotionB dialectC formalityD collocation” 相关考题
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考题 听力原文:Commercial banks are mainly to provide short-term loans for the capital market with the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.(2)A.Commercial banks mainly provide short-term loans for the capital market.B.The capital market mainly depends on the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.C.Short-term loans are mainly from the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.D.Commercial banks mainly depend on the capital market for deposits and the funds.

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考题 单选题According to Britain linguistA styleB collocationC emotive meaningD regions where they are usedE Palmer, there are no real synonyms. Though "cast"and"throw"are considered synonyms, they are different in_________.

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考题 单选题According to Britain linguist F. Palmer, there are no real synonyms.Though cast and throware considered synonyms, they are different in_______.A styleB collocationC emotive meaningD regions where they are used

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考题 单选题The synonyms charge and accuse mainly differ in_________.A emotionB dialectC formalityD collocation

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考题 单选题According to Britain linguist F . Palmer, there are no real synonyms . Though cast and throw are considered synonyms, they are different in ______ .A styleB collocationC emotive meaningD regions where they are used

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考题 单选题La bouche accuse _____ le cœur absout.A lorsqueB alors queC bien queD parce que