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However fast or slow the combustion rate, it is still a () between carbon, hydrogen, sulphur and oxygen that releases heat.

physical deformation


state exchange


chemical reaction




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更多 “单选题However fast or slow the combustion rate, it is still a () between carbon, hydrogen, sulphur and oxygen that releases heat.A physical deformationB state exchangeC chemical reactionD coalescence” 相关考题
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考题 A low rate of domestic industrial investment coupled with a very high rate of overseas investment is still a characteristic of the UK economy.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 You're driving _____, slow down!A.too fastB. very slowC.not fast

考题 However, in too many countries and societies,women's social _____ is still low. A.positionB.postC.status

考题 由于地形起伏或高大障碍物引起的衰落为:() A.slow fadingB.fast fadingC.Rician fading

考题 If the engine does start on air, but combustion does not immediately begin, the cause may be _____.A.failure of the fuel pumpsB.starting air pressure too lowC.stop valve in air line closedD.the turning gear still engaged

考题 22..What kind of car does Mrs Hill have?A. A fast and new car.B. A fast but old car.C. A slow and old car.D. A fast but small car.

考题 Catalyst 6500(Catalyst OS(CatOS)系统)中配置Uplink Fast生成树可选功能的命令格式是( )。A.set spantree uplink fast enableB.spanning-tree uplink fastC.spanning-tree vlan root primaryD.spanning-tree uplink fast max-update-rate 0-32000

考题 TCP实现拥塞控制的方法有()。 A.slow start(慢启动)B.congestion avoidance(拥塞避免)C.fast retransmit(快速重传)D.fast recovery(快速恢复)

考题 共用题干 Climate Change:The Long Reach1.Earth is warming.Sea levels are rising.There's more carbon in the air,and Arctic ice is melting faster than at any time in recorded history.Scientists who study the environment to better gauge(评估) Earth's future climate now argue that these changes may not reverse for a very long time.2.People burn fossil fuels like coal and oil for energy.That burning releases carbon dioxide,a colorless gas.In the air,this gas traps heat at Earth's surface.And the more carbon dioxide released,the more the planet warms.If current consumption of fossil fuels doesn't slow,the long-term climate impacts could last thousands of years-and be more severe than scientists had been expecting.Climatologist Richard Zeebe of the University of Hawaii at Manoa offers this conclusion in a new paper.3.Most climate-change studies look at what's going to happen in the next century or so.During that time , changes in the planet's environment could nudge(推动)global warming even higher.For example, snow and ice reflect sunlight back into space.But as these melt,sunlight can now reach-and warm-the exposed ground.This extra heat raises the air temperature even more,causing even more snow to melt.This type of rapid exaggeration of impacts is called a"fast feedback".4.Zeebe says it's important to look at fast feedbacks.However,he adds,they're limited.From a climate change perspective,"This century is the most important time for the next few generations,"he told Science News."But the world is not ending in 2100."For this new study,Zeebe now focuses on"slow feedbacks".While fast feedback events unfold over decades or centuries,slow feedbacks can take thousands of years.Melting of continental ice sheets and the migration of plant life-as they relocate to more comfortable areas-are two examples of slow feedbacks.5.Zeebe gathered information from previously published studies investigating how such processes played out over thousands of years during past dramatic changes in climate.Then he came up with a forecast for the future that accounts for both slow and fast feedback processes.Climate forecasts that use only fast feedbacks predict a 4.5 degree Celsius(8.1 degree Fahrenheit)change by the year 3000.But slow feedbacks added another 1.5℃-for a 6℃ total increase,Zeebe reports.He also found that slow feedback events will cause global warming to persist for thousands of years after people run out of fossil fuels to burn.Paragraph 4______A:Fast FeedbacksB:A Prediction of Future Climate ChangeC:Rising of Sea LevelsD:Slow FeedbacksE:Impact of Burning Fossil FuelsF:Unpredictability Feedback Processes

考题 共用题干 Climate Change:The Long Reach1.Earth is warming.Sea levels are rising.There's more carbon in the air,and Arctic ice is melting faster than at any time in recorded history.Scientists who study the environment to better gauge(评估) Earth's future climate now argue that these changes may not reverse for a very long time.2.People burn fossil fuels like coal and oil for energy.That burning releases carbon dioxide,a colorless gas.In the air,this gas traps heat at Earth's surface.And the more carbon dioxide released,the more the planet warms.If current consumption of fossil fuels doesn't slow,the long-term climate impacts could last thousands of years-and be more severe than scientists had been expecting.Climatologist Richard Zeebe of the University of Hawaii at Manoa offers this conclusion in a new paper.3.Most climate-change studies look at what's going to happen in the next century or so.During that time , changes in the planet's environment could nudge(推动)global warming even higher.For example, snow and ice reflect sunlight back into space.But as these melt,sunlight can now reach-and warm-the exposed ground.This extra heat raises the air temperature even more,causing even more snow to melt.This type of rapid exaggeration of impacts is called a"fast feedback".4.Zeebe says it's important to look at fast feedbacks.However,he adds,they're limited.From a climate change perspective,"This century is the most important time for the next few generations,"he told Science News."But the world is not ending in 2100."For this new study,Zeebe now focuses on"slow feedbacks".While fast feedback events unfold over decades or centuries,slow feedbacks can take thousands of years.Melting of continental ice sheets and the migration of plant life-as they relocate to more comfortable areas-are two examples of slow feedbacks.5.Zeebe gathered information from previously published studies investigating how such processes played out over thousands of years during past dramatic changes in climate.Then he came up with a forecast for the future that accounts for both slow and fast feedback processes.Climate forecasts that use only fast feedbacks predict a 4.5 degree Celsius(8.1 degree Fahrenheit)change by the year 3000.But slow feedbacks added another 1.5℃-for a 6℃ total increase,Zeebe reports.He also found that slow feedback events will cause global warming to persist for thousands of years after people run out of fossil fuels to burn.Arctic ice has never been melting so fast in______.A:the extra heatB:rapid exaggeration of impactsC:the exposed groundD:recorded historyE:a very long timeF:previously published studies

考题 共用题干 Climate Change:The Long Reach1.Earth is warming.Sea levels are rising.There's more carbon in the air,and Arctic ice is melting faster than at any time in recorded history.Scientists who study the environment to better gauge(评估) Earth's future climate now argue that these changes may not reverse for a very long time.2.People burn fossil fuels like coal and oil for energy.That burning releases carbon dioxide,a colorless gas.In the air,this gas traps heat at Earth's surface.And the more carbon dioxide released,the more the planet warms.If current consumption of fossil fuels doesn't slow,the long-term climate impacts could last thousands of years-and be more severe than scientists had been expecting.Climatologist Richard Zeebe of the University of Hawaii at Manoa offers this conclusion in a new paper.3.Most climate-change studies look at what's going to happen in the next century or so.During that time , changes in the planet's environment could nudge(推动)global warming even higher.For example, snow and ice reflect sunlight back into space.But as these melt,sunlight can now reach-and warm-the exposed ground.This extra heat raises the air temperature even more,causing even more snow to melt.This type of rapid exaggeration of impacts is called a"fast feedback".4.Zeebe says it's important to look at fast feedbacks.However,he adds,they're limited.From a climate change perspective,"This century is the most important time for the next few generations,"he told Science News."But the world is not ending in 2100."For this new study,Zeebe now focuses on"slow feedbacks".While fast feedback events unfold over decades or centuries,slow feedbacks can take thousands of years.Melting of continental ice sheets and the migration of plant life-as they relocate to more comfortable areas-are two examples of slow feedbacks.5.Zeebe gathered information from previously published studies investigating how such processes played out over thousands of years during past dramatic changes in climate.Then he came up with a forecast for the future that accounts for both slow and fast feedback processes.Climate forecasts that use only fast feedbacks predict a 4.5 degree Celsius(8.1 degree Fahrenheit)change by the year 3000.But slow feedbacks added another 1.5℃-for a 6℃ total increase,Zeebe reports.He also found that slow feedback events will cause global warming to persist for thousands of years after people run out of fossil fuels to burn.Melting of snow and ice enables sunlight to reach______.A:the extra heatB:rapid exaggeration of impactsC:the exposed groundD:recorded historyE:a very long timeF:previously published studies

考题 资料:Large industrialized are now in a recession. What are the prospects for economic recovery? The three most important industrial economies in the world are, at the moment, facing enormous problems. Germany is struggling with the cost of reunification and is in recession. Japan is also experiencing recession and the United States has a large budget deficit. Forecasters and analysts face questions about the prospects of an economic recovery. Here are some of their findings: The election of a new president of the United States gave hope to the rest of the world. If the US recovered, the rest of the world would face a more promising future. However, analysts now accept that the US will only recover very slowly. Consumer and investor confidence is still lacking. Large deficits and declining short-term interest rates mean there is little scope for economic stimulus. The Japanese economy, after years of trade and budget surpluses, is in deep recession and the growth rate has slowed down considerably. German economists have lowered their forecasts for economic growth this year. The lowering of German interest rates may bring some relief to other members of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). However, Germany's importance as Europe's largest export market may decline. However, in some parts of the world, there are more positive signs, particularly in some Latin American countries in South-East Asia. Analysts says that, as long as the rate of interest stays above the rate of growth at national income, then the ratio of debt to income will get worse. Falling interest rates help towards overcoming this problem. They believe it may take several years before there is real recovery. However, advances in technology are offering hope for the world economy. According to the passage, which one is NOT true? A.Consumer and investor still hold confidence in the US economy. B.There is little scope for provoking the economy. C.US is predicted to be recovering very slowly. D.The US recovery would give the rest of the world a more promising future.

考题 资料:Large industrialized are now in a recession. What are the prospects for economic recovery? The three most important industrial economies in the world are, at the moment, facing enormous problems. Germany is struggling with the cost of reunification and is in recession. Japan is also experiencing recession and the United States has a large budget deficit. Forecasters and analysts face questions about the prospects of an economic recovery. Here are some of their findings: The election of a new president of the United States gave hope to the rest of the world. If the US recovered, the rest of the world would face a more promising future. However, analysts now accept that the US will only recover very slowly. Consumer and investor confidence is still lacking. Large deficits and declining short-term interest rates mean there is little scope for economic stimulus. The Japanese economy, after years of trade and budget surpluses, is in deep recession and the growth rate has slowed down considerably. German economists have lowered their forecasts for economic growth this year. The lowering of German interest rates may bring some relief to other members of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). However, Germany's importance as Europe's largest export market may decline. However, in some parts of the world, there are more positive signs, particularly in some Latin American countries in South-East Asia. Analysts says that, as long as the rate of interest stays above the rate of growth at national income, then the ratio of debt to income will get worse. Falling interest rates help towards overcoming this problem. They believe it may take several years before there is real recovery. However, advances in technology are offering hope for the world economy. It could be implied that rising of the interest rate ______.A.can help towards overcoming this problem about the ratio of debt to income B.may lead Germany's importance as Europe’s largest export market to decline C.may bring some relief to other members of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism D.None of above

考题 Although legal,official discrimination has been abolished()Adiscrimination in employment still existsBdiscrimination in university admission still existsCpoverty rate of the blacks is the highest among all racial and ethnic groupsDinequality and subtle discrimination still exist

考题 TCP实现拥塞控制的方法有()。A、slow start(慢启动)B、congestion avoidance(拥塞避免)C、fast retransmit(快速重传)D、fast recovery(快速恢复)

考题 Which of the following is not a characteristic of fast switching?()A、Fast switching reducesa routers CPU utilization, compared to process switchingB、All packets of a flow, except for the first packet, use the information in the fast cacheC、It can be enabled with the interface command ip route-cacheD、Fast switching uses a fast cache maintained in a router’s control planeE、The fast cache contains information about how traffic from different data flows should beforwardedF、Even though the fast switching is enabled, the first packet of a flow is still process switched

考题 Which of the following is TRUE about the ping  -f command?()A、 It is useful for diagnosing data dependent problems by filling the packet with the byte pattern following the "f" in the command line. B、 It is useful for flooding from slow character based terminals since it only displays a dot "." for each packet sent in fast mode. C、 It is useful for flooding from slow character based terminals since it only displays a dot "."       for each packet sent and a backspace on returned in fast mode. D、 The command can only be run by root.

考题 由于地形起伏或高大障碍物引起的衰落为:()A、slow fadingB、fast fadingC、Rician fading

考题 单选题Although legal, official discrimination has been abolished, _____.A discrimination in university admission still existsB discrimination in employment still existsC poverty rate of the blacks is the highest among all racial and ethnic groupsD inequality and subtle discrimination still exist

考题 单选题The power developed by a large slow-speed main propulsion diesel engine is dependent upon the ()A quantity of air it takes in and retains in the cylinders during a given time periodB proportion of trapped air that is utilized in the combustion processC thermodynamic efficiency of the engine cycleD all of the above

考题 单选题If the engine does start on air, but combustion does not immediately begin, the cause may not be ().A low compressionB failure of the fuel pump to discharge fuelC incorrect timing of fuel pumpD turning gear being still on

考题 单选题Which of the following is TRUE about the ping  -f command?()A  It is useful for diagnosing data dependent problems by filling the packet with the byte pattern following the f in the command line. B  It is useful for flooding from slow character based terminals since it only displays a dot . for each packet sent in fast mode. C  It is useful for flooding from slow character based terminals since it only displays a dot .       for each packet sent and a backspace on returned in fast mode. D  The command can only be run by root.

考题 单选题The rate of fuel injection in a diesel engine cylinder depends primarily on ().A the size of the holes in the fuel nozzleB timing of the pumpC supply pressure to the pumpD shape of the combustion chamber

考题 单选题If the engine does start on air, but combustion does not immediately begin, the cause may be ().A failure of the fuel pumpsB starting air pressure too lowC stop valve in air line closedD the turning gear still engaged

考题 单选题Which of the following is not a characteristic of fast switching?()A Fast switching reducesa routers CPU utilization, compared to process switchingB All packets of a flow, except for the first packet, use the information in the fast cacheC It can be enabled with the interface command ip route-cacheD Fast switching uses a fast cache maintained in a router’s control planeE The fast cache contains information about how traffic from different data flows should beforwardedF Even though the fast switching is enabled, the first packet of a flow is still process switched

考题 单选题What do campaigners who lobby to preserve languages do to save endangered languages?A Take measures to slow down languages’ vanishing rate.B Try to make known languages’ accelerating vanishing rate.C Try all their out to record and reconstruct the vanishing languages.D Slow down languages’ vanishing rate and meanwhile make it known.