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David's younger brother is()engineer.







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更多 “单选题David's younger brother is()engineer.A aB anC the” 相关考题
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考题 His younger brother is still ( ) school. A、onB、inC、fromD、at

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考题 – – Take it easy.He‘ll do well.() A.I just can‘t help worrying about my brother.B.What‘s the matter with your brother?.C.How about your brother?D.My brother will succeed, I believe.

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考题 David's younger brother is()engineerA、aB、anC、the

考题 单选题She__________it very well when she described her younger brother as brilliant but lazy.A putB madeC assumedD interpreted

考题 单选题David's younger brother is()engineerA aB anC the

考题 单选题David's younger brother is()engineer.A aB anC the

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考题 单选题Ray: Have you met the new boss yet? David: No, tell me—what’s he like? Ray: Well, I met him this morning and my first impression was very positive. _______, and I hear he’s got a great sense of humor. David: That’s great!A He came across as very pleasant B He has a large officeC He seems very unfriendly D He’s not very sharp