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WHR stands for ().

Water Head Register


Water Heater Re-circulating


Waste Heat Recovery


Waste Handle Reference


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更多 “单选题WHR stands for ().A Water Head RegisterB Water Heater Re-circulatingC Waste Heat RecoveryD Waste Handle Reference” 相关考题
考题 By the side of the new teaching hall _________ , built in the 1930s. A.there stands a libraryB.stands a libraryC.a library standsD.does a library stand

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考题 Their house stands at a hilltop, _____ the Hudson River down below. A.seeingB.viewingC.looking atD.overlooking

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考题 腰臀比(WHR)男性>0.8.女性>0.9,可诊断为中心性肥胖。( )

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考题 Mt. Seafell stands in()

考题 D/D stands for Demand Draft。

考题 腰臀比(WHR)大于0.85的女性可判断为中心性肥胖。

考题 当女性腰臀比(WHR)大于(),可诊断为中心性肥胖。A、0.9B、0.8C、1

考题 腰臀比超过多少为中心性肥胖或为腹部型肥胖()。A、男WHR>0.9,女WHR>0.8B、男WHR>0.8,女WHR>0.7C、男WHR>0.7,女WHR>0.6D、男WHR>1.0,女WHR>0.9E、男WHR>0.6,女WHR>0.5

考题 Which of the following is true about rmss?()A、 rmss is a part of performance toolbox and stands for Reduced Memory System SimulatorB、 rmss is a part of perfpmr and stands for Real Memory System SimulatorC、 rmss is part of the standard bos.perf filesets and stands for Redundant Memory System SimulatorD、 rmss is part of  WLM and stands for Real Memory System Simulator

考题 多选题腰臀比值(WHR)的参考标准是(  )。A成年男性<0.9,成年女性<0.85属于正常,B成年男性WHR≥0.9,成年女性WHR≥0.85则属腹型肥胖C成年男性<0.85,成年女性<0.80D成年男性WHR≥0.85,成年女性WHR≥0.8则属腹型肥胖

考题 单选题Which of the following is true about rmss?()A  rmss is a part of performance toolbox and stands for Reduced Memory System SimulatorB  rmss is a part of perfpmr and stands for Real Memory System SimulatorC  rmss is part of the standard bos.perf filesets and stands for Redundant Memory System SimulatorD  rmss is part of  WLM and stands for Real Memory System Simulator

考题 填空题Mt. Seafell stands in()

考题 单选题WHR stands for ().A Water Head RegisterB Water Heater Re-circulatingC Waste Heat RecoveryD Waste Handle Reference

考题 单选题Their house stands at a hilltop, ______ the Hudson River down below.A seeingB viewingC looking atD overlooking

考题 判断题判断肥胖病的常用指标是BMI,WC,WHR等。(  )A 对B 错

考题 判断题D/D stands for Demand Draft.A 对B 错

考题 多选题成人超重和肥胖的判断工作程序是(  )。A询问基本情况,体格测量,计算BMI,计算WHR,判断B观察,体格测量,计算BMI,判断C体格测量,计算WHR,填表,判断D询问记录,体格测量,计算WHR,计算BMI,判断E观察,询问填表,体格测量,计算BMI,判断

考题 单选题Alto stands for().A rainB highC layerD cirrus

考题 判断题腰臀比(WHR)男性>0.8.女性>0.9,可诊断为中心性肥胖。A 对B 错

考题 单选题关于脂肪分布标准的描述错误的是()A 腰围(waist circumference,WC)是反映脂肪总量和脂肪分布的综合指标,最近亚太地区对肥胖腰围的定义为男性大于或等于90cm,女性大于或等于80cmB 腰围/臀围(waist to hip ratio,WHR),男性WHR0.92,女性WHR0.81为中心性肥胖;男性WHR0.92,女性WHR0.81为周围型肥胖C 内脏脂肪/皮下脂肪面积(V/S)V/S0.4为内脏脂肪型肥胖,V/S0.4为皮下脂肪型肥胖D 腰围/臀围(waist to hip ratio,WHR),男性WHR0.92,女性WHR0.81为周围型肥胖;男性WHR0.92,女性WHR0.81为中心性肥胖

考题 单选题当女性腰臀比(WHR)大于(),可诊断为中心性肥胖。A 0.9B 0.8C 1

考题 单选题腰臀比超过多少为中心性肥胖或为腹部型肥胖()。A 男WHR>0.9,女WHR>0.8B 男WHR>0.8,女WHR>0.7C 男WHR>0.7,女WHR>0.6D 男WHR>1.0,女WHR>0.9E 男WHR>0.6,女WHR>0.5

考题 判断题腰臀比(WHR)是腰围和臀围的比值,是判定中心性肥胖的重要指标。其比值越大说明越健康。A 对B 错