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Any damage to a book resulting _____ negligence must be paid for by the borrower.









result from由……造成,因……产生。result in引起结果,导致。
更多 “单选题Any damage to a book resulting _____ negligence must be paid for by the borrower.A withB fromC againstD in” 相关考题
考题 Had the damage been worse, the insurance company ____ more. A、payB、paidC、had paidD、would have paid

考题 For a current liability to exist, the following two tests must be met. The liability must be due usually within a year and must be paid out of current assets.()

考题 What must be paid attention when watchkeeping in the engine room?

考题 A clause in a bill of lading stating that the carrier would not be liable for any damage unless the shipper proved negligence or lack of due diligence on the carrier's part was held to be void because ________A.it shifted the burden of proof from the carrier to the shipperB.it shifted the burden of proof from the shipper to the carrierC.it denied the burden of proofD.it did not specify the burden of proof

考题 I must hold ______ for any damage which may result from the accidents you have caused.A.your responsibleB.you responsibleC.you are responsibleD.your are responsible

考题 No damage of any kind ______ aids to navigation or navigation facilities.A.should be done toB.should not be done toC.must be done withD.must not be done with

考题 If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ______ any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen's enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.A.byB.toC.atD.for

考题 Damage caused by lighting,a storm,or a sudden gust of wind may be within the exception of ______.A.act of GodB.the Queen's enemiesC.inherent vice in the goodsD.the negligence of the owner of the goods

考题 A Certificate of Financial Responsibility attests that the vessel ______.A.has financial backing to meet any liability resulting from the discharge of oilB.has the minimum required amount of P & I and hull insuranceC.will assume the responsibility for any damage or loss to the shipperD.has financial reserves to meet reasonable expected crew costs of an intended voyage

考题 The carrier shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods occurred during the period of carrier's responsibility arising or resulting from any of the following causes except ______.A.Fire,unless caused by the actual fault of the carrierB.Force majeure and perils,dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable watersC.War or armed conflictD.Intentional misconducts by the crew members on board the ship against the carrier

考题 Neither the carrier nor the ship be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from following causes except ______.A.Act of public enemiesB.Arrest or restraint of princes,rulers or people,or seizure under legal processC.Quarantine restrictionsD.any personal misconduct with or without carrier's privity

考题 The ______ shall bear the burden of proof with respect to the loss,damage or delay in delivery resulting from the other cause.A.carrierB.shipperC.consignerD.consignee

考题 材料:Some older decisions have held that the carrier,in order to rebut the presumption of liability resulting from the arrival in damaged condition of GOODs shipped undamaged,must prove not only that the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perils,but also that the harm did not result from any negligence on the carriers part.Most more recent decisions and authors,however,uphold the view that,in general,the carrier may rebut the claimants prima facie case simply by proving that the loss was caused by an excepted peril.At that point,the onus switches to the cargo claimant to prove that the true cause of the loss was the carriers negligence.Nevertheless certain Hague and Hague/Visby Rules exceptions,expressly or implicitly,also require the carrier to negative its own negligence in proving the exception itself.For example,a clause in the said rules expressly imposes on the carrier the burden of proving that the loss or damage occurred without its actual fault or privity and without any fault or neglect on the part of its servants or agents.The carrier,however,must truly prove the existence of one or more of the exceptions and their causative role in respect of the loss or damage.Conjectures and speculation do not take the place of hard evidence.A court has held:“Mere speculation will not overcome the prima facie evidence of a clean bill of lading”.问题:The carrier will be held liable for the loss or damage if _______.A.it is proved that he has privity to the loss or damageB.it is proved that the fault or neglect on his part is not the true cause of the loss or damageC.it is too onerous for him to demonstrate that the loss or damage is caused by what is beyond his controlD.if there are conjectures and speculationIn accordance with old decisions,the carrier will not be excused unless he has proved that _______.A.not only the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perils,but also that the harm did not result from any negligence on the his partB.the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perilsC.the harm did not result from any negligence on his partD.there are conjectures and speculationIn accordance with most more recent decisions and authors,the carrier will not be excused unless he has proved that _______.A.not only the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perils,but also that the harm did not result from any negligence on the his partB.the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perilsC.the harm did not result from any negligence on his partD.there are conjectures and speculationIt is concluded that _______.A.The carrier is not in a position to prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perilsB.It can not be decided that whether the carrier has to prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perils because there are some differences between the decisions and authors and requirements of Hague and Hague/Visby RulesC.The carrier does not have to prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perils due to the fact that there are some differences between the decisions and authors and requirements of Hague and Hague/Visby RulesD.The carrier must truly prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perils even there are some differences between the decisions and authors and requirements of Hague and Hague/Visby Rules请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 Damage to ship’s fittings caused by stevedore’s negligence often happens. Therefore, the stevedores ______ the cost of the damage repaired afterwards.A.should hold responsible forB.should be held responsible forC.should be free ofD.should be bearable of

考题 The book raised a storm of controversy.A:damage B:voice C:argument D:doubt

考题 The book raised a storm of controversy.A:damage B:voice C:argument D:doubt

考题 —I‘ve been told to pay the rent. —But it‘s already been paiD.It______by someone else.A.must be B.may be C.must be paid D.must have been paid

考题 I paid()for the new book.Ahalf poundBone pound and halfCone and a half poundsDone and half a pound

考题 Which of the following coverage usually covers partial loss or damage resulting from natural calamities?()A、ICC(B)B、All risksC、WAD、FPA

考题 单选题Which of the following operations aboard a tanker must be recorded in the Oil Record Book ()A Any internal transfer of oil cargo during a voyageB The discharge overboard in port or at sea of any bilge water accumulated in machinery spacesC The loading or unloading of any or all oil cargoD All of the above

考题 单选题I must hold()for any damage which may result from the accidents you have caused.A your responsibleB you responsibleC you are responsibleD your are responsible

考题 单选题Damage to ship’s fittings caused by stevedore’s negligence often happens.Therefore,the stevedores()the cost of repairs effected.A should hold responsible forB should hear in mindC should be held responsible forD should bear no compensation for

考题 单选题If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.A byB toC atD for

考题 单选题With reference to rules governing steering gear, which one of the following rules is incorrect? ()A It is required that all ships are provided with two independent steering gear systems that is one main and one auxiliaryB The auxiliary gear could be power operated in passenger shipsC The auxiliary gear must be of adequate strength and sufficient to steer a ship at navigable speedD All moving parts of the steering gear must be guarded against any possible damage

考题 单选题A clause in a bill of lading stating that the carrier would not be liable for any damage unless the shipper proved negligence or lack of due diligence on the carrier’s part()to be void because it shifted the burden of proof from the carrier to the shipper.A was heldB was carried outC was encounteredD was detained

考题 单选题A Certificate of Financial Responsibility attests that the vessel().A has financial backing to meet any liability resulting from the discharge of oilB has the minimum required amount of P I and hull insuranceC will assume the responsibility for any damage or loss to the shipperD has financial reserves to meet reasonable expected crew costs of an intended voyage

考题 单选题Damage caused by lighting,a storm,or a sudden gust of wind may be within the exception of ().A act of GodB the Queen's enemiesC inherent vice in the goodsD the negligence of the owner of the goods