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Which of the following is the mysterious area of music and brain facing scientists?

The difference between people with musical ancestors and tin-eared people in evolution.


The working mechanics of music and musical instrument.


The function of music in the area of neurology and biology.


The difference between people with mental illness and people with deaf ear to music.


细节题。第五段首句指出“这些研究并不能解答音乐和大脑之间的奥秘”,接下来提到的第二个问题是“Did our musical ancestors have an evolutionary edge over their tin-eared fellow?”,因此选项A符合题意。
更多 “单选题Which of the following is the mysterious area of music and brain facing scientists?A The difference between people with musical ancestors and tin-eared people in evolution.B The working mechanics of music and musical instrument.C The function of music in the area of neurology and biology.D The difference between people with mental illness and people with deaf ear to music.” 相关考题
考题 Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.The Muses invented music.B.Music can bring people some feelings.C.Music was from a Greek village.D.Everyone is interested in pop music.

考题 It has been thought and said that Africans are born with musical talent.Because music is so important in the lives of many Africans and because so much music is performed in Africa, we are inclined to think that all Africans are musicians.The impression is strengthened when we look at ourselves and find that we have become largely a society of musical spectators (旁观).Music is important to us, but most of us can be considered consumers rather than producers of music.We have records, televisions, concerts, and radios to fulfil many of our musical needs.In most situations where music is performed in our culture it is not difficult to distinguish the audience from the performers, but such is often not the case in Africa.Alban Ayipaga, a Kasena semiprofessional musician from northern Ghana, says that when his flute (长笛) and drum ensemble (歌舞团) is performing, "Anybody can take part".This is true, but Kasena musicians recognize that not all people are equally capable of taking part in the music.Some can sing along with the drummers, but relatively few can drum and even fewer can play the flute along with the ensemble.It is fairly common in Africa for there to be an ensemble of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping, singing, or somehow adding to the totality of musical sound.Performances often take place in an open area (that is, not on a stage) and so the lines between the performing nucleus and the additional performers, active spectators, and passive spectators may be difficult to draw from our point of view.1、The difference between us and Africans, as far as music is concerned, is that().A、most of us are consumers while most of them are producers of musicB、we are musical performers and they are semiprofessional musiciansC、most of us are passive spectators while they are active spectatorsD、we are the audience and they are the additional performers2、The author of the passage implies that().A、all Africans are musical and therefore much music is performed in AfricaB、not all Africans are born with musical talent although music is important in their livesC、most Africans are capable of joining in the music by playing musical instrumentsD、most Africans perform. as well as professional musicians3、The word "nucleus" probably refers to().A、musicians famous in AfricaB、musicians at the centre of attentionC、musicians acting as the core in a performanceD、active participants in a musical performance4、The best title for this passage would be().A、The Importance of Music to African PeopleB、Differences Between African Music and Music of Other CountriesC、The Relationship Between Musicians and Their AudienceD、A Characteristic Feature of African Musical Performances

考题 Today, many cultures divide music into art music and music of the people.

考题 Which of the following is NOT an advantage of printed music?[A] Reading of music notation has a great impact on musicians.[B] People may draw imspiration from it.[C] The music culture will be influenced by it in the end.[D] Songs tend to be standardized by it.

考题 In Paragraph 2, the author uses jazz an example toA. compare it with rock musicB. show music identifies a societyC. introduce American musical traditionsD. prove music influences people’s lifestyles

考题 共用题干 Musical ChairsDo you know how to play a game called"Musical Chairs"?It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs,some people and some way of making music.You may use a piano or any other musical instrument,if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.Put the chairs in a row.The chairs may be put in twos,back to back.A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.The game is easy.When the music starts,the players walk round the chairs.Everyone goes in the same direction,of course,they should walk in time to the music .If the music is fast they should walk quickly .If the music is slow,they should walk slowly.The person playing music cannot see the people in the game.When the music stops,the play-ers try to sit on the chairs.If a person cannot find a chair to sit on,he drops out. Then,before the music starts again,one chair must be taken away.When the music stops again,one more player will be out.At last,there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner. The chairs should be put______.A: with the desksB: before the winnerC: all over the roomD: in a line

考题 共用题干 Musical ChairsDo you know how to play a game called"Musical Chairs"?It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs,some people and some way of making music.You may use a piano or any other musical instrument,if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.Put the chairs in a row.The chairs may be put in twos,back to back.A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.The game is easy.When the music starts,the players walk round the chairs.Everyone goes in the same direction,of course,they should walk in time to the music .If the music is fast they should walk quickly .If the music is slow,they should walk slowly.The person playing music cannot see the people in the game.When the music stops,the play-ers try to sit on the chairs.If a person cannot find a chair to sit on,he drops out. Then,before the music starts again,one chair must be taken away.When the music stops again,one more player will be out.At last,there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner. When the music starts,the players must_____.A: run about the roomB: get downC: walk around the chairsD: sit on the chairs

考题 共用题干 Musical ChairsDo you know how to play a game called"Musical Chairs"?It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs,some people and some way of making music.You may use a piano or any other musical instrument,if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.Put the chairs in a row.The chairs may be put in twos,back to back.A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.The game is easy.When the music starts,the players walk round the chairs.Everyone goes in the same direction,of course,they should walk in time to the music .If the music is fast they should walk quickly .If the music is slow,they should walk slowly.The person playing music cannot see the people in the game.When the music stops,the play-ers try to sit on the chairs.If a person cannot find a chair to sit on,he drops out. Then,before the music starts again,one chair must be taken away.When the music stops again,one more player will be out.At last,there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner. If ten people are playing musical chairs,you must begin with______.A: nine chairsB: ten chairsC: eleven chairsD: one chair

考题 共用题干 Musical ChairsDo you know how to play a game called"Musical Chairs"?It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs,some people and some way of making music.You may use a piano or any other musical instrument,if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.Put the chairs in a row.The chairs may be put in twos,back to back.A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.The game is easy.When the music starts,the players walk round the chairs.Everyone goes in the same direction,of course,they should walk in time to the music .If the music is fast they should walk quickly .If the music is slow,they should walk slowly.The person playing music cannot see the people in the game.When the music stops,the play-ers try to sit on the chairs.If a person cannot find a chair to sit on,he drops out. Then,before the music starts again,one chair must be taken away.When the music stops again,one more player will be out.At last,there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A: The game"Musical Chairs"is not difficult to learn.B: The last one can sit on the last chair.C: The winner can sit on the chair.D: If the person plays music,he cannot be the winner.

考题 共用题干 Musical ChairsDo you know how to play a game called"Musical Chairs"?It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs,some people and some way of making music.You may use a piano or any other musical instrument,if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.Put the chairs in a row.The chairs may be put in twos,back to back.A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.The game is easy.When the music starts,the players walk round the chairs.Everyone goes in the same direction,of course,they should walk in time to the music .If the music is fast they should walk quickly .If the music is slow,they should walk slowly.The person playing music cannot see the people in the game.When the music stops,the play-ers try to sit on the chairs.If a person cannot find a chair to sit on,he drops out. Then,before the music starts again,one chair must be taken away.When the music stops again,one more player will be out.At last,there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner. Which of the following is not suitable for playing musical chairs?A: A piano.B: A radio.C: A tape recorder.D: A telephone.

考题 共用题干 Music Used as a Healing Therapy1 .Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems.In 400 BC,its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently,in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy(疗法)with people suf-fering from trauma(外伤).Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer,and it has also been used with patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities.2 .There is growing evidence that music can caused physical changes to the body which can im-prove our health. In the Welcome Trust study,which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London,patients were asked to listen to musical perform-ances. As a result,it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced,recovery times were improved,and fewer drugs were needed.3. These very positive results are partly due to general well-being(良好的健康状况).It is already accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach to life,they are more likely to feel better and recover from disease quickly. Music increases this feeling of joy and adds to the recovery process.4 .However,not all these benefits can be attributed to an increase in general well-being. Music has other effects which have not yet been understood. According to Professor Robert-son,a scientist and musician,some effects of music are mysterious and are,therefore,being investigated further. It has been suggested that the sounds and rhythms of music help stimu-late the brain and send electrical messages to the muscles.5 .Science,however,demands facts and hard evidence. Many in the medical profession have not yet recognized the healing benefits of music,since reports have been based mainly on various stories of evidence. These new studies could provide proof to doctors that music is a suitable treatment for many conditions. One day doctors may even “prescribe”(开处方) music,but that could be a long time in the future.Paragraph 3______A: Potential Dangers of Music TherapyB: Increase in General WellBeingC: History of Music TherapyD: Other Mysterious Effects of MusicE: Positive Physical Changes Caused by MusicF: Music and Your Body

考题 共用题干 Music Used as a Healing Therapy1 .Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems.In 400 BC,its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently,in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy(疗法)with people suf-fering from trauma(外伤).Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer,and it has also been used with patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities.2 .There is growing evidence that music can caused physical changes to the body which can im-prove our health. In the Welcome Trust study,which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London,patients were asked to listen to musical perform-ances. As a result,it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced,recovery times were improved,and fewer drugs were needed.3. These very positive results are partly due to general well-being(良好的健康状况).It is already accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach to life,they are more likely to feel better and recover from disease quickly. Music increases this feeling of joy and adds to the recovery process.4 .However,not all these benefits can be attributed to an increase in general well-being. Music has other effects which have not yet been understood. According to Professor Robert-son,a scientist and musician,some effects of music are mysterious and are,therefore,being investigated further. It has been suggested that the sounds and rhythms of music help stimu-late the brain and send electrical messages to the muscles.5 .Science,however,demands facts and hard evidence. Many in the medical profession have not yet recognized the healing benefits of music,since reports have been based mainly on various stories of evidence. These new studies could provide proof to doctors that music is a suitable treatment for many conditions. One day doctors may even “prescribe”(开处方) music,but that could be a long time in the future.Those who always look on the bright side of life are more likely to______.A: recover from disease quicklyB: there is not enough hard evidenceC: use their minds activelyD: it improves general well-beingE: listen to musical performancesF: it brings many other benefits

考题 共用题干 Music Used as a Healing Therapy1 .Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems.In 400 BC,its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently,in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy(疗法)with people suf-fering from trauma(外伤).Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer,and it has also been used with patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities.2 .There is growing evidence that music can caused physical changes to the body which can im-prove our health. In the Welcome Trust study,which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London,patients were asked to listen to musical perform-ances. As a result,it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced,recovery times were improved,and fewer drugs were needed.3. These very positive results are partly due to general well-being(良好的健康状况).It is already accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach to life,they are more likely to feel better and recover from disease quickly. Music increases this feeling of joy and adds to the recovery process.4 .However,not all these benefits can be attributed to an increase in general well-being. Music has other effects which have not yet been understood. According to Professor Robert-son,a scientist and musician,some effects of music are mysterious and are,therefore,being investigated further. It has been suggested that the sounds and rhythms of music help stimu-late the brain and send electrical messages to the muscles.5 .Science,however,demands facts and hard evidence. Many in the medical profession have not yet recognized the healing benefits of music,since reports have been based mainly on various stories of evidence. These new studies could provide proof to doctors that music is a suitable treatment for many conditions. One day doctors may even “prescribe”(开处方) music,but that could be a long time in the future.Many doctors don't believe that music can treat diseases because______.A: recover from disease quicklyB: there is not enough hard evidenceC: use their minds activelyD: it improves general well-beingE: listen to musical performancesF: it brings many other benefits

考题 共用题干 Musical Training Can Improve Communication SkillsAmerican scientists say musical training seems to improve communication skills and language retardation (延迟).They found that developing musical skill involves the______(51)process in the brain as learning how to speak.The scientists believe that could______(52)children with learning disabilities.Nina Krauss is a neurobiologist at Northwestern University in Illinois.She says musical training______(53)putting together different kinds of information,such as hearing music,looking at musical notes,touching an instrument and watching other musicians.This______(54)is not much different from learning how to speak.Both involve different senses.She further explains musical training and learning to______(55)each make us think about what we are doing.She says speech and music______(56)through a structure of the nervous system called the brain stem.The brain stem______(57)our ability to hear.Until recently,experts have thought the brain stem could not be developed or changed.______(58)Professor Krauss and her team found that musical training can improve a person's brain stem activity.The study involved individuals with different levels of musical______(59).They were asked to wear an electrical device that measures______(60)activity.The individuals wore the electrode while they watched a video of someone speaking and a person playing a musical instrument-the cello(大提琴).Professor Krauss says cellos have sound qualities similar______(61)some of the sounds that are impor-tant with speech.The study found that the more years of training people had,the more______(62)they were to the sound and rhythm of the music.Those who were involved in musical activities were the same people in whom the______(63)of sensory events was the strongest.It shows the importance of musical training to children with learning______(64).She says using music to improve listening skills could mean they______(65)sentences and understand facial expressions better._________65A:read B:write C:hearD:change

考题 共用题干 The Biology of MusicHumans use music as a powerful way to communicate.It may also play an important role in love.But what is music,and how does it work its magic?Science does not yet have all the answers.What are two things that make humans different from animals?One is language,and the other is music.It is true that some animals can sing(and many birds sing better than a lot of people).However,the songs of animals,such as birds and whales,are very limited.It is also true that humans,not animals,have developed musical instruments.Music is strange stuff.It is clearly different from language.However,people can use music to communicate things-especially their emotions.When music is combined with speech in a song,it is a very powerful form of communication.But,biologically speaking,what is music?If music is truly different from speech,then we should process music and language in different parts of the brain.The scientific evidence suggests that this is true.Sometimes people who , suffer brain damage lose their ability to process language.However,they don't automatically(自动地)lose their musical abilities.For example , Vissarion Shebalin , a Russian composer , had a stroke(中风)in 1953.It injured the left side of his brain.He could no longer speak or understand speech.He could,however,still compose music until his death ten years later.On the other hand,sometimes strokes cause people to lose their musical ability,but they can still speak and understand speech.This shows that the brain processes music and language separately.By studying the physical effects of music on the body,scientists have also learned a lot about how music influences the emotions.But why does music have such a strong effect on us?That is a harder question to answer.Geoffrey Miller,a researcher at University College,London,thinks that music and love have a strong connection.Music requires special talent,practice,and physical ability.That's why it may be a way of showing your fitness to be someone's mate.For example,singing in tune or playing a musical instrument requires fine muscular control.You also need a good memory to remember the notes(音符).And playing or singing those notes correctly suggests that your hearing is in excellent condition.Finally,when a man sings to the woman he loves(or vice versa),it may be a way of showing off.However,Miller's theory still doesn't explain why certain combinations of sounds influence our emotions so deeply.For scientists,this is clearly an area that needs further research.Music can NOT be used______.A:as an efficient way to communicateB:as an effective tool to perform magic tricksC:to successfully seek after a loverD:to influence the emotions of humans

考题 共用题干 Musical Training Can Improve Communication SkillsAmerican scientists say musical training seems to improve communication skills and language retardation (延迟).They found that developing musical skill involves the______(51)process in the brain as learning how to speak.The scientists believe that could______(52)children with learning disabilities.Nina Krauss is a neurobiologist at Northwestern University in Illinois.She says musical training______(53)putting together different kinds of information,such as hearing music,looking at musical notes,touching an instrument and watching other musicians.This______(54)is not much different from learning how to speak.Both involve different senses.She further explains musical training and learning to______(55)each make us think about what we are doing.She says speech and music______(56)through a structure of the nervous system called the brain stem.The brain stem______(57)our ability to hear.Until recently,experts have thought the brain stem could not be developed or changed.______(58)Professor Krauss and her team found that musical training can improve a person's brain stem activity.The study involved individuals with different levels of musical______(59).They were asked to wear an electrical device that measures______(60)activity.The individuals wore the electrode while they watched a video of someone speaking and a person playing a musical instrument-the cello(大提琴).Professor Krauss says cellos have sound qualities similar______(61)some of the sounds that are impor-tant with speech.The study found that the more years of training people had,the more______(62)they were to the sound and rhythm of the music.Those who were involved in musical activities were the same people in whom the______(63)of sensory events was the strongest.It shows the importance of musical training to children with learning______(64).She says using music to improve listening skills could mean they______(65)sentences and understand facial expressions better._________60A:physical B:musical C:speech D:brain

考题 共用题干 The Biology of MusicHumans use music as a powerful way to communicate.It may also play an important role in love.But what is music,and how does it work its magic?Science does not yet have all the answers.What are two things that make humans different from animals?One is language,and the other is music.It is true that some animals can sing(and many birds sing better than a lot of people).However,the songs of animals,such as birds and whales,are very limited.It is also true that humans,not animals,have developed musical instruments.Music is strange stuff.It is clearly different from language.However,people can use music to communicate things-especially their emotions.When music is combined with speech in a song,it is a very powerful form of communication.But,biologically speaking,what is music?If music is truly different from speech,then we should process music and language in different parts of the brain.The scientific evidence suggests that this is true.Sometimes people who , suffer brain damage lose their ability to process language.However,they don't automatically(自动地)lose their musical abilities.For example , Vissarion Shebalin , a Russian composer , had a stroke(中风)in 1953.It injured the left side of his brain.He could no longer speak or understand speech.He could,however,still compose music until his death ten years later.On the other hand,sometimes strokes cause people to lose their musical ability,but they can still speak and understand speech.This shows that the brain processes music and language separately.By studying the physical effects of music on the body,scientists have also learned a lot about how music influences the emotions.But why does music have such a strong effect on us?That is a harder question to answer.Geoffrey Miller,a researcher at University College,London,thinks that music and love have a strong connection.Music requires special talent,practice,and physical ability.That's why it may be a way of showing your fitness to be someone's mate.For example,singing in tune or playing a musical instrument requires fine muscular control.You also need a good memory to remember the notes(音符).And playing or singing those notes correctly suggests that your hearing is in excellent condition.Finally,when a man sings to the woman he loves(or vice versa),it may be a way of showing off.However,Miller's theory still doesn't explain why certain combinations of sounds influence our emotions so deeply.For scientists,this is clearly an area that needs further research.What is the main idea of the passage?A:What are the differences of human music and animal music.B:What are the differences of human language and animal language.C:What is music in the aspect of biology.D:What is music in the aspect of zoology.

考题 共用题干 Musical Training Can Improve Communication SkillsAmerican scientists say musical training seems to improve communication skills and language retardation (延迟).They found that developing musical skill involves the______(51)process in the brain as learning how to speak.The scientists believe that could______(52)children with learning disabilities.Nina Krauss is a neurobiologist at Northwestern University in Illinois.She says musical training______(53)putting together different kinds of information,such as hearing music,looking at musical notes,touching an instrument and watching other musicians.This______(54)is not much different from learning how to speak.Both involve different senses.She further explains musical training and learning to______(55)each make us think about what we are doing.She says speech and music______(56)through a structure of the nervous system called the brain stem.The brain stem______(57)our ability to hear.Until recently,experts have thought the brain stem could not be developed or changed.______(58)Professor Krauss and her team found that musical training can improve a person's brain stem activity.The study involved individuals with different levels of musical______(59).They were asked to wear an electrical device that measures______(60)activity.The individuals wore the electrode while they watched a video of someone speaking and a person playing a musical instrument-the cello(大提琴).Professor Krauss says cellos have sound qualities similar______(61)some of the sounds that are impor-tant with speech.The study found that the more years of training people had,the more______(62)they were to the sound and rhythm of the music.Those who were involved in musical activities were the same people in whom the______(63)of sensory events was the strongest.It shows the importance of musical training to children with learning______(64).She says using music to improve listening skills could mean they______(65)sentences and understand facial expressions better._________61A:as B:ofC:toD:at

考题 共用题干 The Biology of MusicHumans use music as a powerful way to communicate.It may also play an important role in love.But what is music,and how does it work its magic?Science does not yet have all the answers.What are two things that make humans different from animals?One is language,and the other is music.It is true that some animals can sing(and many birds sing better than a lot of people).However,the songs of animals,such as birds and whales,are very limited.It is also true that humans,not animals,have developed musical instruments.Music is strange stuff.It is clearly different from language.However,people can use music to communicate things-especially their emotions.When music is combined with speech in a song,it is a very powerful form of communication.But,biologically speaking,what is music?If music is truly different from speech,then we should process music and language in different parts of the brain.The scientific evidence suggests that this is true.Sometimes people who , suffer brain damage lose their ability to process language.However,they don't automatically(自动地)lose their musical abilities.For example , Vissarion Shebalin , a Russian composer , had a stroke(中风)in 1953.It injured the left side of his brain.He could no longer speak or understand speech.He could,however,still compose music until his death ten years later.On the other hand,sometimes strokes cause people to lose their musical ability,but they can still speak and understand speech.This shows that the brain processes music and language separately.By studying the physical effects of music on the body,scientists have also learned a lot about how music influences the emotions.But why does music have such a strong effect on us?That is a harder question to answer.Geoffrey Miller,a researcher at University College,London,thinks that music and love have a strong connection.Music requires special talent,practice,and physical ability.That's why it may be a way of showing your fitness to be someone's mate.For example,singing in tune or playing a musical instrument requires fine muscular control.You also need a good memory to remember the notes(音符).And playing or singing those notes correctly suggests that your hearing is in excellent condition.Finally,when a man sings to the woman he loves(or vice versa),it may be a way of showing off.However,Miller's theory still doesn't explain why certain combinations of sounds influence our emotions so deeply.For scientists,this is clearly an area that needs further research.Which of the following statements is true?A:People who lose their ability to process language also lose their musical abilities.B:People who injure the left sides of their brains can speak and understand music.C:People who injure the left sides of their brains can't compose music.D:People use different parts of their brains to process music and language.

考题 Life gets noisier every day and very few people can free from noise of some sort or another.It doesn′t matter where you live--in the middle of a modem city,or a faraway village--the chances that you will be disturbed by jet aero planes,transistor radios,oil powered engines,etc.,are almost everywhere.We seem to be getting used to noise,too.Some people feel quite lonely without background music while they are working. Scientific tests have shown that total silence can be very frightening experience for human beings.However,some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud,and this can do harm to their eardrums(耳鼓).The noise level in some disco is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas. One recent report about noise and concentration(专心)suggested that although a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their concentration,what really affects their ability to concentrate is a change in the level of noise.It goes on to say that a background noise,which doesn′t change too much(music,for example)may even help people to concentrate. "Background music"in the passage meansA.music played in the concert B.a kind of noise coming into your ears C.music which helps people to concentrate D.music played while people are working

考题 问答题For a very long period of historical development, mankind could only pass on music through performance and oral instruction. When mankind invented musical scores, music started to break away from the boundaries of being merely a performing art, and develop into a system of “written symbols” that can be recorded and spread. Undoubtedly, however, it was the scientists who should be crowned as the founders of the real revolutionary milestone of human musical communication. Scientists invented marvelous means of music transmission, beginning from the earliest mechanical “record turntable” to today’s many kinds of “electronic media”.

考题 单选题Specific brain disorders can ______.A affect the understanding of music in almost every possible wayB stimulate the memorizing of music he/she knew beforeC hinder musical understanding of the brain in some special waysD restrain the memorizing of music he/she knew before

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A Some people with mental illness can become musical masters.B Some parts of the brain are closely related to music.C Some people are born with disability of music.D Some parts of the brain are closely related to disease.

考题 单选题Obviously, “John in the Morning” is a broadcasting program that can be described by any of the following EXCEPT.A mixing musical works of various typesB having a variety of musical productionsC airing different styles of songs and musicD being independent with only mainstream music

考题 单选题Today, many cultures divide music()art music and music of the people.A fromB intoC overD beneath

考题 单选题The Recording Industry Association of AmericaA persuaded people to download its music from the Internet.B is trying to stop people stealing their music stored in the computer.C started suing people playing their music to the public.D has taken effective measures to dissuade people downloading music from the Internet.

考题 问答题In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. For Answers 1 to 5, please read the passage carefully and complete each space in the summary, using a maximum of three words from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Answers 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.  Around the world, music therapy is being used to treat different medical conditions and illnesses. Some of the ways people use music therapy are to reduce pain, such as childbirth or during cancer treatments, or to stimulate brain activity after an injury or memory loss. Music therapy has also been successful in aiding children to overcome disabilities.  Classical music is most typically used for therapies due to its complex sounds and patterns. Although rap or pop might be fun to listen to, it’s unlikely that such styles of music would produce the same kind of therapeutic effect. Playing a musical instrument rather than simply listening to music can also be therapeutic for some people, helping relieve stress and anxiety.  Have scientists been able to prove that music can heal diseases? Music has been shown to reduce pain in cancer patients by increasing the release of endorphins. Endor-plains are the body’s natural painkillers, and when we listen to music, our brains respond by releasing these natural painkillers. It has also been known to contribute to the brain development of new born babies and even babies still in the mother’s womb. Currently, music therapy is used in a variety of settings such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, day care centers, and schools.Summary:  There appears to be some evidence that music is helpful  1 some medical conditions. Therefore, doctors and patients are turning to music to treat various  2 and disabilities. Doctors believe that music with  3 and patterns is more effective. This kind of music seems to  4 more activity in the brain. Although it may be fun to listen to rap or pop or dance music, doctors prefer to use  5 to treat patients.