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System.out.format(”Pi is approximately %d.”, Math.PI);  What is the result?()

 Compilation fails.


 Pi is approximately 3.


 Pi is approximately 3.141593.


 An exception is thrown at runtime.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题System.out.format(”Pi is approximately %d.”, Math.PI);  What is the result?()A  Compilation fails.B  Pi is approximately 3.C  Pi is approximately 3.141593.D  An exception is thrown at runtime.” 相关考题
考题 According to Figure 3, clasts and matrix particles having diameters greater than or equal to 0.5 mm made up approximately what percent of the total mass of the combined samples?A.13%B.33%C.63%D.83%

考题 If Trial 4 had been extended, at approximately what time would 0.45 mL of 0 2 have reacted?A.70 secB.140 secC.240 secD.270 sec

考题 importjava.io.PrintWriter;classDoFormat{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){intx=42;inty=12345;floatz=7;System.out.format(-%4d-,x);System.out.format(-%4d-,y);System.out.format(-%4.1d-,z);}}结果为:()A.编译失败B.-42--1234--7.0-C.-42--1234--7.0-D.运行时异常被抛出

考题 现有importjava.io.PrintWriter;classDoFormat{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){intx=42;inty=12345;floatZ-7;System.out.format(一%4d-,X);System.out.format(-%4d-,y);System.out.format(-%4.ld-,z);}}结果为:()A.编译失败B.-42--1234--7.0-C.-42--1234--7.0-D.-42--12345--7.0-E.运行时异常被抛出

考题 System.out.format(”Piisapproximately%d.”,Math.PI);Whatistheresult?() A.Compilationfails.B.Piisapproximately3.C.Piisapproximately3.141593.D.Anexceptionisthrownatruntime.

考题 [说明] 下面是一段java代码,运行结果如图11-8所示。程序代码如下:(1)Java.awt.Graphics;(2)Java.applet.Applet;// ////////////////////////////////////////////// Display y=sin(x)public class J_DrawSin (2) Applet{public void paint(Graphics g){double d, tx;int x, y, x0, y0;d=Math.PI/100; // Set step(Set the unit in x direction)x0=y0=0;(3)(tx=0, x=20; tx<2*Math.PI; tx+=d,x++){y=120-(int)(Math.sin(tx)*50+60);if(x>20)g.drawLine(x0, y0, x, y);x0=x;y0=y;}g.drawstring("y=sin(x)", 10, 70);} //End of method: paint} //End of class: J_HelloApplet<!-----------------------AppletExample.html-------------------><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>An applet Example ---- Hello Applet!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><(4)CODE="J_DrawSin.class" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=120></APPLET></BODY></HTML>把所缺代码补充完整。

考题 Given:12.System.out.format(Piisapproximately%d.,Math.PI);Whatistheresult?() A.Anexceptionisthrownatruntime.B.Piisapproximately3.C.Piisapproximately3.141593.D.Compilationfails.

考题 在JavaScript中,下面哪一条语句在页面上显示圆周率π。()A.document.write(Math.Pi)B.document.write(Math.pi)C.document.write(Math.PI)x

考题 A(73)is a value that never changes, for example: the value of Pi(approximately 3.14).A.variableB.stringC.BooleanD.constant

考题 Travelling by train to Tokyo takes approximately one hour less _____ travelling by car. A. for B. with C. as D. than

考题 关于空气污染指数的分级标准,下列说法错误的是 ①一级A.PI<50 ②二级50≤A.PI≤100 ③三级101≤A.PI≤200 ④四级201≤A.PI≤300 ⑤五级A.PI>400( ) A. ①③ B. ①③④ C. ② D. ⑤

考题 A customer needs approximately 15 to 20 wireless APs for RF coverage. Given that the customer is going to use the 1010 light weight AP with the advanced feature set, what other product is required to complete this operational functionality? () A、 2700B、 WLSEC、 4124D、 2006E、 4112

考题 运行Java语句System.out.println(Math.sin(Math.PI/2));得到的结果为()。A、0.0B、0.5C、1.0D、以上答案均错误

考题 Float pi = new Float(3.14f);  if(pi3) {  System.out.print(”pi is bigger than 3. “);  }  else {  System.out.print(”pi is not bigger than 3. “); }  finally {  System.out.println(”Have a nice day.”);  }  What is the result?() A、 Compilation fails.B、 pi is bigger than 3.C、 An exception occurs at runtime.D、 pi is bigger than 3. Have a nice day.E、 pi is not bigger than 3. Have a nice day.

考题 进程Pi请求资源Rj的数目可表示为()A、〡(Rj,Pi)〡B、〡(Pi,Rj)〡C、(Pi,Rj)D、(Rj,Pi)

考题 在PDSN上,PI接口需划分多个VLAN接口,PI-0、PI-1和PI-2,而R-P接口不用划分PI-0、PI-1和PI-2接口。

考题 A customer has requested an IBM System Storage DS8700 solution to meet the following requirements: - 20% yearly growth - 29,000 IOPS  - approximately 50/50 mix of read/write operations - small (4 KB) data transfers  The storage specialist has created a Disk Magic model in which each port is capable of approximately 2,900 to 3,100 IOPS.  What is the minimum number of ports that should be configured on the DS8700 to handle the projected workload for the first year()A、8B、10C、12D、16

考题 System.out.format(”Pi is approximately %d.”, Math.PI);  What is the result?() A、 Compilation fails.B、 Pi is approximately 3.C、 Pi is approximately 3.141593.D、 An exception is thrown at runtime.

考题 import java.io.PrintWriter;  class DoFormat {  public static void main(String [] args) { int x = 42; int y = 12345;  float z = 7; System.out.format("-%4d- ", x);  System.out.format("-%4d- ", y);  System.out.format("-%4.1d- ", z); } }  结果为:() A、编译失败B、-42- -1234- -7.0-C、- 42- -1234- - 7.0-D、运行时异常被抛出

考题 当需要在Flash中计算圆形面积的时候,假设变量d的值为圆的直径,下列选项中正确的计算表达式为()。A、Math.PI*d*d/4B、Math.E*d*dC、3*d*d/2D、Math.SQRT2*(d/2)*(d/2)

考题 单选题Float pi = new Float(3.14f);  if(pi3) {  System.out.print(”pi is bigger than 3. “);  }  else {  System.out.print(”pi is not bigger than 3. “); }  finally {  System.out.println(”Have a nice day.”);  }  What is the result?()A  Compilation fails.B  pi is bigger than 3.C  An exception occurs at runtime.D  pi is bigger than 3. Have a nice day.E  pi is not bigger than 3. Have a nice day.

考题 单选题Given:   12. System.out.format("Pi is approximately %d.", Math.PI);   What is the result?()A  An exception is thrown at runtime.B  Pi is approximately 3.C  Pi is approximately 3.141593.D  Compilation fails.

考题 单选题import java.io.PrintWriter;  class DoFormat {  public static void main(String [] args) { int x = 42; int y = 12345;  float z = 7; System.out.format("-%4d- ", x);  System.out.format("-%4d- ", y);  System.out.format("-%4.1d- ", z); } }  结果为:()A 编译失败B -42- -1234- -7.0-C - 42- -1234- - 7.0-D 运行时异常被抛出

考题 单选题运行Java语句System.out.println(Math.sin(Math.PI/2));得到的结果为()。A 0.0B 0.5C 1.0D 以上答案均错误

考题 单选题Approximately what percent of tank space should be left for expansion of oil due to possible temperature increase?()A 1% to 3%B 1% to 2%C 4%D 2% to 4%

考题 单选题A customer needs approximately 15 to 20 wireless APs for RF coverage. Given that the customer is going to use the 1010 light weight AP with the advanced feature set, what other product is required to complete this operational functionality? ()A  2700B  WLSEC  4124D  2006E  4112

考题 多选题What are two design considerations for a WLAN to support voice?()APacket loss is less than one percent.BSignal strength at cell edge is approximately -67 dBm.CEnd-to-end delay is less than 200 ms.DCell overlap between APs is 50 percent.

考题 单选题System.out.format(”Pi is approximately %d.”, Math.PI);  What is the result?()A  Compilation fails.B  Pi is approximately 3.C  Pi is approximately 3.141593.D  An exception is thrown at runtime.