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考题 单选题Not only he but also we _____ right. He, as well as we, _____ right.A are; areB are; isC is; isD is; are

考题 单选题_____A MoreoverB HoweverC ThereforeD Thus

考题 单选题The president, accompanied by his assistants, _____.A have arrivedB are arrivingC had arrivedD has arrived

考题 单选题I know things are hard with you, but you _____ try to get over the difficulties.A canB mayC mustD ought

考题 单选题It was Einstein _____ wrote and published his famous theory relativity.A whichB whomC whatD who

考题 单选题Not only he but also we _____ right. He, as well as we, _____ right.A are; areB are; isC is; isD is; are

考题 单选题_____A excitingB disappointingC surprisingD frightening

考题 单选题It was from the earliest time _____ men began to study the natural phenomena and heavenly bodies.A whenB whereC thatD how

考题 单选题_____A humanB lifeC societyD world

考题 单选题They have done things they ought _____.A not to doB not to be doneC not to have doneD not having done

考题 单选题It’s the second time that Dick has been late, _____?A hasn’t heB isn’t itC isn’t heD hasn’t

考题 单选题The poet has _____ fame all his life, but has never experienced it.A pursuedB followedC chasedD traced

考题 单选题According to the context we can guess that a genius is _____ while an idiot is _____.A a normal person ... a funny personB a strong person ... a weak personC a highly intelligent person ... a foolish or weak-minded personD a famous person ... an ordinary person

考题 单选题_____A realB rearC frontD hind

考题 单选题He is a man of great experience, _____ much can be learned.A whoB thatC from whichD from whom

考题 单选题_____A atB withC byD in

考题 单选题_____A importantB mysteriousC specialD clear

考题 单选题Please be sure to telephone me the next time you _____.A will comeB would comeC shall comeD come

考题 单选题The chemistry class _____ for five minutes when we hurried there.A had been onB was onC has been onD would be on

考题 单选题_____ Spring Festival is _____ most important traditional festival for Chinese people.A The; aB The; theC /; aD /; the

考题 单选题Which of the following is TRUE?A We use all the words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare’s writings.B Shakespeare’s writings have become the property of those who are learning to speak English.C It is likely to be true that people often do not know the origin of the words they use.D All the words people use are taken from Shakespeare’s writings.

考题 单选题China is _____ in natural resources.A excessiveB adequateC richD enough

考题 单选题_____A rememberB argueC discussD keep

考题 单选题The building suffered _____ damage as a result of the big fire.A moderateB considerableC considerateD concrete

考题 单选题It’s getting rather late. It’s time we _____.A are goingB wentC goD must go

考题 单选题According to the context we can guess that a genius is _____ while an idiot is _____.A a normal person ... a funny personB a strong person ... a weak personC a highly intelligent person ... a foolish or weak-minded personD a famous person ... an ordinary person

考题 单选题The rescue team must have searched for the missing visitors two days ago, _____?A mustn’t theyB haven’t theyC didn’t theyD hadn’t they