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综合性货场 general freight yard


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更多 “名词解释题综合性货场 general freight yard” 相关考题
考题 综合性货场按作业量大小可分为()。 A.特大型货场B.大型货场C.中型货场D.小型货场

考题 Which statement about general average is TRUE ________.A.Damage to a ship must have been incurred while the ship and/or its machinery was being used for its intended purposeB.Property must have been sacrificed or an expenditure of money incurredC.The loss or damage to deck cargo due to heavy weather constitutes general averageD.Of the ship,the freight,and the cargo interests,only one need be involved

考题 混合式货场 mixed-type freight yard

考题 综合性货场按作业量大小可分为()。A、特大型货场B、大型货场C、中型货场D、小型货场

考题 划分货区,主要考虑下列因素:()。A、综合性货场B、集装箱货场C、专业性货场D、散堆装货场

考题 综合性货场各货区的相互配置原则是什么?

考题 货场按办理货物的种类可分为()。A、综合性货场B、散堆装货场C、专业性货场D、集装箱货场E、成件包装货场

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考题 综合性货场 general freight yard

考题 尽头式货场 stub-type freight yard

考题 水铁联运货场 combined freight yard of rail and water

考题 客货纵列式区段站 passenger train and freight train yard longitudinal arrangement

考题 危险货物货场 dangerous freight yard

考题 综合性货运站 general freight station

考题 零担中转货场 part-load transit freight yard

考题 牲畜货场 livestock freight yard

考题 多选题综合性货场按作业量大小可分为()。A特大型货场B大型货场C中型货场D小型货场E货区

考题 多选题货场按办理货物的种类可分为()。A综合性货场B散堆装货场C专业性货场D集装箱货场E成件包装货场

考题 问答题综合性货场各货区的相互配置原则是什么?

考题 多选题综合性货场按作业量大小可分为()。A特大型货场B大型货场C中型货场D小型货场

考题 名词解释题综合性货运站 general freight station

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考题 名词解释题客货纵列式区段站 passenger train and freight train yard longitudinal arrangement

考题 名词解释题水铁联运货场 combined freight yard of rail and water

考题 名词解释题尽头式货场 stub-type freight yard

考题 多选题划分货区,主要考虑下列因素:()。A综合性货场B集装箱货场C专业性货场D散堆装货场

考题 名词解释题零担中转货场 part-load transit freight yard