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particularly独特地;显著地。barely仅仅,刚刚;几乎不能。definitely明确地;当然。rarely很少地,罕见地。barely visible意为“几乎看不见”。
更多 “单选题____A particularlyB barelyC definitelyD rarely” 相关考题
考题 单选题Which()teacher()lessons to you every day?A /;givesB does;giveC do;give

考题 单选题()in the leg, the soldier was sent to hospital at once.A Seriously injuredB To be seriouslyC Being injured seriouslyD Having injured

考题 单选题What()of blood does Tom have?A kindB typeC sortD category

考题 单选题____A theirB the sameC oneD slave

考题 问答题中庸

考题 单选题Charlie thinks money will()all his problems.A scoreB solveC forceD perform

考题 单选题Sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger()to an old friend or a relative.A thatB more thanC asD than

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题You look() What()you()?A tire;did;doB tiring;have;doneC tired;do;doD tired;have;been doing

考题 单选题____A thoughtB ideaC opinionD advice

考题 问答题罗马天主教

考题 单选题Which of the following word can best describe anthropology?A Passionate.B Realistic.C Tolerant.D Creative.

考题 单选题The case of identical twins from Germany shows that _____.A environment can help determine people’s body shapeB genes are the decisive factors for people’s body shapeC identical twins are likely to enjoy different sportsD identical twins may have different genes for different sports

考题 单选题—() — Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.A How long have your parents been in Paris?B When did your parents arrive at Paris?C Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday?D When will your parents go to Paris?

考题 问答题请用所报考语种就所给题目写出一篇400~600字的导游解说词。要求语言规范,表达得体,内容切题,条理清楚,有一定的思想深度,符合导游语言要求,能反映中国悠久的饮食文化以及不同地域的饮食特色。  题目:中国菜

考题 单选题The tourist is forbidden to enter a country if he does not have a (an) _____ passport.A operativeB validC effectiveD efficient

考题 问答题计划经济

考题 单选题I shall be surprised if he does this the same way()I do.A asB whichC likeD what

考题 单选题The volunteers started looking after other children()parents died of AIDS last yearA whoseB thatC whichD who

考题 单选题By next year he()in New York for five years.A has workedB has been workingC worksD will have worked

考题 单选题What do you think about this story? ()A Thank you for telling me the story.B Yes, it‘s a real story.C I like it very much.D So do I.

考题 单选题We are looking forward to()the Beijing Olympics.A hostB hostingC be hostedD be hosting

考题 单选题There are many things whose misuse is dangerous, but it is hard to think of anything that can be compared _____ tobacco products.A inB withC amongD by

考题 单选题He expressed his great()for the girl he loved.A passionB feelingC senseD feelings

考题 单选题Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? --()A Excuse me,my friend sent me a flowerB Fine,I never go to birthday partiesC Well,I don’t like birthday partiesD Sorry,but my wife had a car accident

考题 单选题The case of Continental Illinois Bank Trusted Company of Chicago can best show that _____.A private sectors have inefficient capitals to supportB short term borrowings are unreliableC long term and lager amount of loan is too riskyD it is necessary for government to intervene with the banking system sometimes

考题 单选题The Chinese are determined to overcome all the difficulties to _____ the shuttle project.A affectB effortC effectD influence

考题 单选题She works in()school near my office.A /B AC the