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Charted depths()by 2 meters due to state of the winds.

is decreased






are decreased


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更多 “单选题Charted depths()by 2 meters due to state of the winds.A is decreasedB decreasedC decreasesD are decreased” 相关考题
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考题 Charted depths ________by 2 meters due to state of the winds.A.is decreasedB.decreasedC.decreasesD.are decreasd

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考题 From 1800 to 1968 Admiralty charts were published with fathoms and feet as the units for depths,and feet as the units for height.Since 1968 Admiralty charts ________ to meters,thus conforming with charts of most other countries.A.gradually convertedB.have been gradually convertedC.has been gradually convertedD.is gradually converted

考题 Attention is called to the fact that in many cases charted depths may be decreased by up to ______.A.one nautical mileB.two kilometersC.5 cables onlyD.one fathom

考题 Charted depths are decreased ______ 2 meters.A.inB.onC.withD.by

考题 To predict the actual depth of water using the Tide Tables,the number obtained from the Tide Tables is ______.A.the actual depthB.added to or subtracted from the charted depthC.multiplied by the charted depthD.divided by the charted depth

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考题 1000BaseT has a MAXIMUM run distance of:()A、25 meters (82 feet)B、100 meters (328 feet)C、500 meters (1640 feet)D、1000 meters (3280 feet)

考题 What is the recommended distance between controller-based access points for support ofroaming?()A、50 feet [15 meters]B、200 feet [60 meters]C、150 feet [45 meters]D、100 feet [30 meters]

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考题 问答题Practice 2  Until recently, scientists knew little about life in the deep sea, nor had they reason to believe that it was being threatened. Now, with the benefit of technology that allows for deeper exploration, researchers have uncovered a remarkable array of species inhabiting the ocean floor at depths of more than 660 feet, or about 200 meters. At the same time, however, technology has also enabled fishermen to reach far deeper than ever before, into areas where bottom trawls can destroy in minutes what has taken nature hundreds and in some cases thousands of years to build.  Many of the world's coral species, for example, are found at depths of more than 200 meters. It is also estimated that roughly half of the world's highest seamounts - areas that rise from the ocean floor and are particularly rich in marine life - are also found in the deep ocean.  These deep sea ecosystems provide shelter, spawning and breeding areas for fish and other creatures, as well as protection from strong currents and predators. Moreover, they are believed to harbor some of the most extensive reservoirs of life on earth, with estimates ranging from 500,000 to 100 million species inhabiting these largely unexplored and highly fragile ecosystems.

考题 单选题()the head line down to 2 meters above water.A SendB PutC LetD Heave

考题 单选题Attention is called to the fact that in many cases pipelines are not () and charted depths may be decreased by up to 2 meters.A concealedB buriedC existedD built

考题 单选题Attention is called to the fact in many cases pipelines are not buried and charted depth may be decreased()up to teo meters.A withB byC onD in

考题 单选题Air gap is the vertical distance between the bottom of the hull and the().A still water levelB wave crestC wave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal correctionsD wave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal correction and storm surge

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考题 单选题To predict the actual depth of water using the Tide Tables,the number obtained from the Tide Tables is().A the actual depthB added to or subtracted from the charted depthC multiplied by the charted depthD divided by the charted depth

考题 单选题1000BaseT has a MAXIMUM run distance of:()A 25 meters (82 feet)B 100 meters (328 feet)C 500 meters (1640 feet)D 1000 meters (3280 feet)

考题 问答题Two cyclists are racing up a mountain at different constant rates. Cyclist A is now 50 meters ahead of cyclist B. How many minutes from now will cyclist A be 150 meters ahead of cyclist B?  (1) 5 minutes ago, cyclist A was 200 meters behind cyclist B.  (2) Cyclist A is moving 25% faster than cyclist B.

考题 单选题What is the recommended distance between controller-based access points for support of roaming?()A 50 feet [15 meters]B 200 feet [60 meters]C 150 feet [45 meters]D 100 feet [30 meters]

考题 单选题Attention is called to the fact that in many cases charted depths may be decreased by up to ().A one nautical mileB two kilometersC 5 cables onlyD one fathom

考题 单选题Charted depths are decreased()2 meters.A inB onC withD by

考题 单选题Attention is called to the fact that in many cases charted depths may be decreased by up to().A one natutical mileB 2 kilometersC 5 cables onlyD one fathom